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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Viral Marketing and How to Craft Contagious Content by University of Pennsylvania

5,247 ratings

About the Course

Ever wondered why some things become popular, and other don't? Why some products become hits while others flop? Why some ideas take off while others languish? What are the key ideas behind viral marketing? This course explains how things catch on and helps you apply these ideas to be more effective at marketing your ideas, brands, or products. You'll learn how to make ideas stick, how to increase your influence, how to generate more word of mouth, and how to use the power of social networks to spread information and influence. Drawing on principles from his best-selling book, "Contagious: Why Things Catch On," Professor Jonah Berger illustrates successful strategies for you to use buzz to create virality so that your campaigns become more shareable on social media and elsewhere. By the end of this course, you'll have a better understanding of how to craft contagious content, build stickier messages, and get any product, idea, or behavior to catch on....

Top reviews


Dec 20, 2018

Pleasant tone, many tangible illustrations that bring the theory to life. Well-balanced pace. Could be complemented by a practical exercise - but perfect for working professionals who have less time.


Apr 4, 2020

The course is very helpful and informative. I enjoy all the examples and materials of it. Totally recommend this course to people who want to further improve their influence as an effective marketer!

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1376 - 1400 of 1,675 Reviews for Viral Marketing and How to Craft Contagious Content

By Sudhanshu K


Jul 3, 2020


By Vinayak G N


Aug 3, 2017


By Châu Q V


May 5, 2017


By Deleted A


Mar 13, 2017


By Jason M


Jul 26, 2024


By Yunxi L


Jun 12, 2024


By Muhammad A


Dec 4, 2023


By Jeff W


Jan 14, 2020


By Prawira H S


Sep 29, 2019


By Mohamed H


Jan 30, 2016


By Jake S


Aug 20, 2017


By Kevin M


Aug 27, 2022

By Grishchenko N


Jul 18, 2020


By Rashid S


Aug 21, 2017


By Giuliano Y


Aug 20, 2017


By aymeline C


Jul 21, 2017


By Gianfranco M R


Mar 17, 2016


By Shailesh S


Dec 2, 2015

Very useful and practical information. Very nice (engaging) content and presentation. I wish it was a bit more long and more involved. Current format is too concise and quick (overview type), would love to have more deeper (depth) course in future. And, ideally, the quizzes should have different questions presented in each attempt with only maximum 3 attempts ever allowed. That's the only way to test us (students) to know how much we have grasped.

Thanks to all who put it together and gave us an opportunity to learn, that too free and on-demand. I have taken many courses in Coursera in last 2 years and ones from Wharton (Univ of Penn) are close to the best ones among all.

By Mike Y W


Sep 6, 2018

This is a fairly basic course about using psychology to influence others to take up your message, product, or service. I really liked the professor's use of visual aids during the lectures to help in communicating the topics being taught. I only wish the course was a little longer, and the professor could perhaps add something in about the possible ethical issues of using the two methods taught. The professor could add in a final peer-review written assignment - as there is no final - where students choose what message they want to convey given a choice of products or services, and how they would craft contagious content to communicate this message to others.

By Frederico F L B


Apr 18, 2020

Content taught by Professor Berger is really interesting. By explaining clearly the science behind the creation of contagious content, he is able to actually share some non-obvious and counter intuitive information about the matter, which is probably going to be very useful professionally. However, I would say that the information provided is more of a seminar rather than a course. Besides that, tests are too easy and I wish it would have analytical and discursive exercises that would require more effort of the students and therefore, a true understanding of the concepts.

By Marcy N


Sep 9, 2017

I enjoyed the content of this course, but I wish there was more to it - it was too brief. It would be nice to have more practical content with ideas about how to make these ideas work in one's company. Or to just tease out the strategies he discussed. Perhaps having reading assignments and other sorts of resources available would have made this course a richer experience. It feels much more like a taste rather than the whole meal.

By Chandrika B


Mar 16, 2023

The course was truly insightful, and it was exciting to learn about the different elements with the help of practical examples.

It would also be helpful to have a bit more detailed version of the course that delves deeper into the specifics of crafting contagious content; for instance, how to craft such content using different media formats - words, video, images, etc.

It was such an engaging course that leaves one wanting more!

By Lauriane G


Apr 4, 2020

Great course that will give you all the things to think about when crafting good content. The classes are the right length, they provide great examples that help you remember their content.

It could go a little further into strategies. I also felt that the tests could involve more practical exercises like redrafting of weak content, for example, to put things into practice rather than "simple" multiple choices tests.

By Moira R


Jan 14, 2018

There was a typo in the week 4 course, occasionally side topics were discussed to thoroughly, whilst more important topics, such as concrete strategies to approach potential clients were completely left out.

In week 3, there was also too much time dedicated to the examples in commercials. Week 2 lacked a lot of crucial studies and information that would have been paramount to this topic.

By Diana P P S


Aug 5, 2023

I am new in marketing, just getting importance of it at my new job. In my expirience, I found the course easy and facinating beacause, it allowed me to know the basics. I found the answer for that famous question; Why is my product not having the sales I want? If its that good, compered to the market. Why is that my information is that basic and other people get that more attention?