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Advance in your career with recognized credentials across levels. Choose from 60 roles.

Career resources

  • A data analyst collects, cleans, and interprets data sets in order to answer a question or solve a problem. They work in many industries, including business, finance, criminal justice, science, medicine, and government.

  • A project manager is a professional who organizes, plans, and executes projects while working within restraints like budgets and schedules.

  • A web developer’s job is to create websites. While their primary role is to ensure the website is visually appealing and easy to navigate, many web developers are also responsible for the website’s performance and capacity.

  • Anytime you interact with a product or service, you have a user experience. This might entail navigating a mobile app, browsing a website, interacting with a physical product (like trying out a new running shoe), or taking advantage of a service (checking into a hotel or using public transportation for example).

Success stories

Rachel L.
Google UX Design Professional Certificate
"I loved the process of going through the UX research... it gave me an appreciation for the pre-work that goes into a product before you start putting pixels together."
Google UX Design Professional Certificate
"The Google UX Design Certificate has been extremely beneficial to my career. I landed a great job shortly after completion."
Daniel A.
Google IT Support Professional Certficate
"I love my new job. I think one of the most validating things in the world is recognizing that you've helped someone."
Google Project Management Professional Certificate
"This program did what I was hoping for...reentry into the workforce and a new career."

¹ Median salary and job opening data are sourced from Lightcast™ Job Postings Report. Content Creator, Machine Learning Engineer and Salesforce Development Representative (1/1/2024 - 12/31/2024) All other job roles (3/1/2024 - 3/1/2025)