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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Viral Marketing and How to Craft Contagious Content by University of Pennsylvania

5,247 ratings

About the Course

Ever wondered why some things become popular, and other don't? Why some products become hits while others flop? Why some ideas take off while others languish? What are the key ideas behind viral marketing? This course explains how things catch on and helps you apply these ideas to be more effective at marketing your ideas, brands, or products. You'll learn how to make ideas stick, how to increase your influence, how to generate more word of mouth, and how to use the power of social networks to spread information and influence. Drawing on principles from his best-selling book, "Contagious: Why Things Catch On," Professor Jonah Berger illustrates successful strategies for you to use buzz to create virality so that your campaigns become more shareable on social media and elsewhere. By the end of this course, you'll have a better understanding of how to craft contagious content, build stickier messages, and get any product, idea, or behavior to catch on....

Top reviews


Dec 20, 2018

Pleasant tone, many tangible illustrations that bring the theory to life. Well-balanced pace. Could be complemented by a practical exercise - but perfect for working professionals who have less time.


Apr 4, 2020

The course is very helpful and informative. I enjoy all the examples and materials of it. Totally recommend this course to people who want to further improve their influence as an effective marketer!

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1426 - 1450 of 1,675 Reviews for Viral Marketing and How to Craft Contagious Content

By Crystal B


Dec 23, 2020

Really appreciated the presentation of information, from the explanation of concepts to the interesting examples used to illustrate them. Amount of information presented was manageable and many of the ideas seem immediately actionable. Thanks for the course!

By Stephanie S


Aug 13, 2020

This course had a ton of great information about marketing! There were a lot of relatable stories and tons of examples that really help the course content stick. It's a relatively short course which makes me wish it were free to complete and not just audit.

By Andrea G P


Jul 22, 2020

It has good information but I wish it would let you submit the quizzes without forcing you to upgrade. The grading is automatic and it's a good way of making sure you're understanding the content of the course even if you are not getting the certificate.

By Iva T


Sep 27, 2017

The course give you the main points to consider and think about while struggling to create influential and viral contents. However, I expected something more in-depth. Overall, for the little time you need to finish the course, it is worth enrolling.


By Don M


Sep 4, 2017

Very interesting and engaging. I think I finished the first three weeks in two evenings. Will definitely recommend this course to others. A lot of the material is common sense, psychology wise but not something most of us think to on a day to day basis.

By Shahan A L


Mar 22, 2020

The only downside of the course was that it seemed so short. The lectures could have been longer and further in-depth. I only say this is because i absolutely enjoyed myself and learnt a lot about the power of content and network creation. Much needed.

By Job E


Sep 29, 2016

This was really helpful for me to understand social behaviours and how they influence the spread of ideas. I hope to take another similar course in the future from Prof. Berger! He talks clearly and explains stuff in a way everyone can understand.

By Mujde O


Aug 27, 2017

Thank you for the up mood and positive attitude while teaching the class. It helped me finish it a lot earlier that I expected. However I thought the lessons and the assignments would be more in depth and would give me more news on the subject.

By Satria A


Jun 8, 2017

Simple and easy to understand, but I think if more tools tips (practical information) it will be better than this one. My expectation for this course is about the hack to make a viral marketing with knowledge and the tools. However, it is okay!

By Aaliyah D


Apr 20, 2016

The course itself is very good; Interesting, fun, and full of knowledge. Though the video sound is very low and they have a few test errors. I am sure the test errors and video sound will be fixed shortly. Other then than I love the course.



Feb 20, 2017

Very easy to understand and follow. No abundance of theories, but with several interesting case. However, the course still remains at a relatively theoretical level which doesn't bridge the gap between concepts and real life application.

By Oualid G


Aug 20, 2016

It was a great course for me, as a business student, to know more about viral marketing and how the viral content is made and shared on various social platforms.

It will also help people who are into blogging or any type of creative work.

By Natalia D


Apr 3, 2020

My only issues was the video - the sound isn't loud enough. Even when I put the sound on max on the webpage and on my laptop I struggled to hear what the professor was saying (some moderate noise in other rooms of my appartment).

By Evgeni K


Oct 30, 2017

The course is interesting and very informative and useful.

Professor Jonah does great work explaining and demonstrating the material.

For improvement - a little more assignments would help better assimilate the course material.

By Zack F


Jan 19, 2018

Lots of useful and interesting information. Moves VERY fast, and would be nice to tie EVERYTHING together in the end, and maybe have some peer graded assignments so we can try to put everything into perspective and practice.

By Tomás P


Jun 1, 2017

Very useful tips on how to generate contagious content. However, I would have liked to see more practical examples related to social media (Facebook, Instagram and Youtube specific hints to help something becoming viral...)

By Adrian M


Sep 6, 2017

It shows a new perspective on marketing, it is pretty superficial but enough to give you material on which to research new topics to continue your learning on a somewhat obscure marketing area, which is contagious content.

By Louis C


Mar 10, 2021

Very good content and reflection of how society act and react in our modern world, but also as a general trend of how we have always being influenced in our decisions. All things to keep in mind when wanting to influence.

By Deleted A


Mar 4, 2017

If you can 'explain' why certain pictures are great, you are a great photographer. This course will help you identify and understand the science why certain ideas/products go viral and guide you to create one yourself.

By Akihiro C


Aug 8, 2016

Fun, short and easily understood. I highly recommend anyone with an interest in psychology and business to take this course so that you can implement some of the strategies learned from this course into your workplace!

By 钱海韵


Mar 27, 2017

The professor is very humorous,and the cases that he mentioned are really vivid and useful. The concepts that I have learned from the subject could be applied to my future working career. Really recommend this course.

By Thene S


Aug 4, 2020

I did not like that, in order to score my quiz, I had to upgrade and pay.

The content was great... very useful.

And I can't see how to make the course complete even though I won't upgrade to finish the quizzes.

By Maria C


Sep 22, 2016

Very eye-opening and useful information that once can apply in practice. I enjoyed the course a lot. Just one thing, personally, I would also appreciate to have some assignment(s) in addition to the quizzes.

By Eleni G


Aug 9, 2017

Instructor was a great lecturer which kept me interested during the videos - something that I sometimes find online courses to be lacking. Material is interesting and useful. I very much enjoyed the course.

By Stefania S


Jul 26, 2016

Very interesting content, excellent real life examples and case-studies. The course could benefit from more interaction and project or problem solving aimed at applying the content one is learning about.