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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Business Writing by University of Colorado Boulder

4,774 ratings

About the Course

Writing well is one of the most important skills you can develop to be successful in the business world. Over seventy companies and thirty thousand students--from professional writers to new employees to non-native English speakers to seasoned executives--have used the techniques in Business Writing to power their ability to communicate and launch their ideas. This course will teach you how to apply the top ten principles of good business writing to your work, how to deploy simple tools to dramatically improve your writing, and how to execute organization, structure, and revision to communicate more masterfully than ever. From the very first lesson, you'll be able to apply your new learning immediately to your work and improve your writing today. Your ideas are powerful. Learn how to deliver them with the clarity and impact they deserve. "Thank you for giving me the knowledge I need in life. [Business Writing] was helpful, life changing, and has made a huge impact in my writing." -- Message from a Business Writing student The principles you'll learn in this course enable you to become a great business writer. They also provide the foundation for moving into Graphic Design and Successful Presentation, so that you can unleash your best professional self whenever--and however--you present your ideas in the workplace. This course can be taken for academic credit as part of CU Boulder’s Master of Science in Data Science (MS-DS) degree offered on the Coursera platform. The MS-DS is an interdisciplinary degree that brings together faculty from CU Boulder’s departments of Applied Mathematics, Computer Science, Information Science, and others. With performance-based admissions and no application process, the MS-DS is ideal for individuals with a broad range of undergraduate education and/or professional experience in computer science, information science, mathematics, and statistics. Learn more about the MS-DS program at

Top reviews


Jun 29, 2020

Yes, I came to know about my mistakes in the means of writing a business letter. I have also rectified several times. I intend not to make mistakes any further. This course has been very helpful.


Jan 9, 2018

Even if English is your first language, this course was a great refresher of how to apply writing skills to email and business documents. I would recommend to anyone looking to sharpen their skills.

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1201 - 1225 of 1,379 Reviews for Business Writing

By Ірина Ш

Jun 9, 2024

Thank you for this course on business writing!I learnt to put my main ideas in a few paragraphs omitting unnecessary words and phrases. Revising and rewriting is an essential point to make the text clear and transparent.

By Shahana B

Apr 28, 2021

Amazing teachers. Effective content. well, designed course. but I thought it is free but after two days of classes they are asking for a subscription I don't know will I be able to continue it or not because I can't pay.

By Cynthia S S

Feb 11, 2021

Helpful. Learned a lot and now have a better structure for my reports. The grammar section could have been a larger component of the lessons. I wish there was more information on different types of business writing.

By Benjamin P

May 26, 2024

The course content itself is excellent. Issues with either Coursera or the course material prevented access to a significant portion of the content. Most week 3 videos are only accessible through transcripts.

By Namrata S

Apr 3, 2017

This course on Business Writing is very helpful. It has helped me to gain basic knowledge on Business writing. This has also made a good impact on my work and produce better results with positive outcomes.

By Divya S

Dec 30, 2022

The course mainly touches upon getting the foundations right through various writing principles. It provides basic yet powerful editing techniques that can significantly improve your business writing.

By Yasaman D

Dec 8, 2019

The course is a great outline of business writing and more importantly communication in general. It would have been nice to have some additional tips on emails as they are a big part of communication.

By Alwaleed K M D

Aug 2, 2017

A very interesting course that has changed my way of writing in general to more concise, easy-to-read and organized texts. Where writing is all about Quality not Quantity.

Big thanks to Dr. McAndrew,

By Samkumar P

Dec 23, 2024

The every business people must have lean this course because they make more beautiful memo after get job or explain to our clients to get the business . Thanks for giving me the opportunity .

By Cora E

Oct 17, 2022

Extremely helpful! I'm looking forward to the next courses in this specialization. Some of the videos were wordy, but all the information and quizzes were gratifying and will lead to success.

By onkar t

Oct 16, 2017

This is very good specialization course on effective business writing got to know many insights on how important is the business writing is our day-to-day life.Enroll for it...worth learning

By Antonio L N

Aug 8, 2017

Very useful business writing techniques. I would have wanted the course to provide more specific advice on how to effectively translate complex ideas into clean, simple paragraphs.

By Casheera B

Jun 4, 2019

It was a great and interactive course. I love how the tutor made the concepts concise and comprehensive. I started the course a bit wary and intimidated but now I am confident.


Sep 24, 2021

Well designed course...We know all the points but we did not try to incorporate these during writing. 10 points rule for better writing will remind me to be effective writer.

By a G

Dec 2, 2022

very effective, well explained,perfectly organized in the capstone style course grouping! Intelligently done. Thank you very much! Appreciate this and you instructors.

By Sahanya V M

Oct 8, 2020

This course was really useful. Everyone should participate in this course to develop writing skills. you will need those skills, especially when you are working at a place.

By Jazmin H

Nov 23, 2021

This is a wonderful course to improve writing and editing skills. Some questions and writing samples included mispellings, which distracted from the learning material.

By Akkari W

Sep 5, 2019

I liked the course, it contain a lot of usefull tips, and it makes me aware of mistakes that I used to do, it helped me to be more effective and to write more clearly.

By Jake Z

Aug 29, 2018

I really liked the course but after completing week three and the "honor" part of the course I received no peer reviews (I did not wait until the last day).

By Abegail T

Aug 25, 2019

Has definitely changed my presence in work environment. Has improved my confidence in writing . There has been a noticeable change in my work contribution

By Margaret “ B

Jan 14, 2021

This course has been very helpful in teaching me how to write clearly and concisely so as to keep my reader/manager engaged with what I have to say.

By Benjamin P

Dec 17, 2019

I found the course very clear, punctual and beneficial. Explanations and examples were interesting and provided great insight into better writing.

By Divya S

Apr 6, 2021

The course provides simple and effective measures to hone our writing. Excellent work by Dr. Quentin McAndrew. Glad to be a part of this session.

By Christabell O

Jan 20, 2021

Fun to follow and practical. But in-lessons (lessons/questions within each video) will help ensure students follow the course and understand it.

By Pavan S

Apr 3, 2020

A must do training for the business professional. It helped to highlight the lower focused errors from the emails, proposals and collateral.