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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Business Writing by University of Colorado Boulder

4,774 ratings

About the Course

Writing well is one of the most important skills you can develop to be successful in the business world. Over seventy companies and thirty thousand students--from professional writers to new employees to non-native English speakers to seasoned executives--have used the techniques in Business Writing to power their ability to communicate and launch their ideas. This course will teach you how to apply the top ten principles of good business writing to your work, how to deploy simple tools to dramatically improve your writing, and how to execute organization, structure, and revision to communicate more masterfully than ever. From the very first lesson, you'll be able to apply your new learning immediately to your work and improve your writing today. Your ideas are powerful. Learn how to deliver them with the clarity and impact they deserve. "Thank you for giving me the knowledge I need in life. [Business Writing] was helpful, life changing, and has made a huge impact in my writing." -- Message from a Business Writing student The principles you'll learn in this course enable you to become a great business writer. They also provide the foundation for moving into Graphic Design and Successful Presentation, so that you can unleash your best professional self whenever--and however--you present your ideas in the workplace. This course can be taken for academic credit as part of CU Boulder’s Master of Science in Data Science (MS-DS) degree offered on the Coursera platform. The MS-DS is an interdisciplinary degree that brings together faculty from CU Boulder’s departments of Applied Mathematics, Computer Science, Information Science, and others. With performance-based admissions and no application process, the MS-DS is ideal for individuals with a broad range of undergraduate education and/or professional experience in computer science, information science, mathematics, and statistics. Learn more about the MS-DS program at

Top reviews


Jun 29, 2020

Yes, I came to know about my mistakes in the means of writing a business letter. I have also rectified several times. I intend not to make mistakes any further. This course has been very helpful.


Jan 9, 2018

Even if English is your first language, this course was a great refresher of how to apply writing skills to email and business documents. I would recommend to anyone looking to sharpen their skills.

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1176 - 1200 of 1,379 Reviews for Business Writing

By lateefa a


Jun 1, 2020


By Ishara D W


May 28, 2020


By Zoqeen A


Jan 24, 2020


By Elmo M J


May 23, 2019


By Raushan K


Apr 18, 2019


By Fernando D


Oct 19, 2018


By Valeria A


Aug 2, 2018


By Wesley H


Jul 9, 2018


By Thomas B


Jan 24, 2018

The business writing course is very good. Learning paths are clear, Videos and the tutors in it are excellent and the knowledge transfer worked brilliantly for me. I appreciated the quizzes and peer reviews to test my learnings and reflect how my writing changed to the better. Even everyone must pass the guidance-quiz on how to rate others, the number of words should be measured electronically. It's the highest rate and receiving these points is relevant to pass. Wrong ratings and thereby failings could be minimized.

By Liane L


Nov 12, 2020

As a first-time online learner, I found it difficult to navigate until after a few sessions. I wanted to finish one more review to get honors, but the certificate was already made--I should have waiting to take the final exam.

A suggestion, also, is to explain acronyms used. I had to Google MOOC, and I still don't know what a "Panda" (used in the course) is.

I will definitely be taking additional courses and I enjoyed and learned a lot from this one. Thank you.

By Alexis L


Aug 19, 2020

Overall I found this course to be informative. There are some technical problems with the closed captions not matching on some of the videoes. So, if you need closed captions there will be two videos that you won't be able to watch. I liked the activities, I think they did a good job of reinforcing the lessons taught in the videos. I am only doing this class out of four so I cannot compare it to the others in the course, but I hope you find this review helpful.

By Michael K


Feb 10, 2020

I gave the overall course a 4 star rating due to the material presented. The content was laid out well, and presented at a good pace. I almost gave the course a 3 star based on constructive input on my writing. I was hoping there might have been a professional analysis of my writing at the beginning and end of the material. Also, I am not in favor of non-professionals evaluating my work.

Once again, I liked the course, but missed that personal feedback.

By Iman A


Aug 8, 2017

The course is great in terms of content and engaging lectures, but I wish some of the assignments weren't peer-graded only. It's always more useful to get feedback from a professional person, an expert at their field. However, I really appreciate the constructive critique I received from my peers. Other than that, The course is perfect! Thanks to Coursera and Dr. Quintin.

By Amy


Feb 17, 2020

Good techniques and tips. Weeks 1 and 4 helped me the most.

Videos needed more editing. Some lessons, especially the round table conversations, were too long and spent too much time advertising the other specialization courses. Watching at 1.25x/1.5x speed helped.

Would recommend - many people would benefit from following the course lessons.

By Joyce S


Oct 16, 2018

This course helped provide important, timeless principles for business writing. Quentin's teaching methods are so enjoyable, it felt like a breeze going through the material, until you come across the difficult assignments! Has just the nice amount of pre-quiz lessons and homework at appropriate difficulty levels.

By Nicole C


Nov 15, 2020

The course format made the lessons easy to comprehend and complete on time. The content is clear and actionable encouraging improvement in your writing immediately. The rubric training in the honors course was useful not just in the application of peer-review but also in improving editing skills.

By Sumit R K


May 14, 2020

This courses helped me to improve my formal writing to a great extent. This helped me to write and revise my own writing to the finest extent and spend my time to save my reader's time. I will be able to convey my thoughts to my reader with more clarity with the knowledge from this course.

By Megan C


May 28, 2017

Professor McAndrew is fantastic! She is very clear and informative as an instructor, but it wasn't a particularly challenging course for me personally. Needless to say, I appreciated being reintroduced to the fundamentals and learning a few things about the craft of business writing.

By Irangie N


Nov 19, 2019

It's a good course. I learnt quite a few techniques as well as relearned some areas of writing long forgotten. However if you are British educated you will notice in order to pass the tests/quiz within the course material you will have to follow the American english style.

By Juliane S


Jul 15, 2017

It was a good course. Very clear explanations and simple to follow. Many of the techniques taught were obvious, but once you actually consistently apply them to your writing they will undoubtedly make a big difference. It is a good foundation course for effective writing.

By sparsh j


Apr 19, 2020

the course provides every rule to write better. One thing I don't like was that the answer sentences we write in quizzes were not evaluated but were marked right and left for students to compare. This confuses the learner regarding the corrective-ness of their sentences.

By Aimie K


Oct 14, 2019

Finding a system to replicate when writing both business and academic papers was my greatest challenge. But through this course, that is a challenge I no longer have to deal with. Many thinks for all the great lessons herein, Dr. McAndrew!

By icsantanap


Jul 23, 2020

I enjoyed making this course. I consider that the activities helped me to improve my writing. Now I can understand the structure of my texts. I continue learning each day and this type of courses, is very rewarding. Thanks very much.

By Lauren B


Feb 28, 2018

It was really helpful how simply Quentin broke it all down. It was not at all challenging, however. I also found it to be overly scripted. It was a good refresher course that could use some actual writing practice opportunities.

By Sandeepthi G


May 6, 2020

It's a really great course to learn how to write a professional memo. The teaching is excellent. The only problem is with the tests. It would've been even better with more difficult questions.

Overall, wonderful experience!