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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Tricky American English Pronunciation by University of California, Irvine

2,326 ratings

About the Course

In this course, you’ll practice the sounds of American English that might sometimes be confusing. You'll practice both consonant and vowel sounds. You’ll also learn about the things that give English its special “music,” such as how to stress the right syllable in a word, how to make your voice go up and down in a natural-sounding melody, and how to naturally connect sounds and words. Learning these things will help you speak more clearly and make sure that others can understand what you're saying. This course is useful for English language learners who want to improve pronunciation of American English for better communication. Note that access to all of the lectures and handouts are free to anyone, but the graded assignments and quizzes are only available in the paid version of the course. You will need to submit recordings of your own pronunciation for graded assignments....

Top reviews


Apr 26, 2020

the tutors were explained all subject clearly to us, non boring and easily understood. thankyou for helping us, i'm gonna practice more so i could improve my english pronounciation in the future.


Apr 21, 2020

They helped and taught me about American Englsih Pronunciation correctly which made me improves myself and encourage to speak out much more.Thank you so much for a good course from Coursera.

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51 - 75 of 790 Reviews for Tricky American English Pronunciation

By Dr B P S

Apr 26, 2020

It's an amazing course for those who aren't English Native Speakers.

After completing this course, I started feeling more confident and enthusiastic to learn more and more.

My Special Thanks to the team UCI making me so confident.

My sincere thanks to COURSERA for providing me such a wonderful platform.


Dr Brij Pal Suthar


By Irvin E Z R

Sep 23, 2020

Soy hablante del idioma español y este curso me sirvió bastante, si nunca haz tenido una referencia de que tan buena es tu pronunciación o hablado con hablantes de ingles nativos, te recomiendo tomar este curso. Si hablas bien se te hará fácil y te certificarás, sino, vas a aprender tips muy útiles y de igual manera te certificarás.

By S. S

Apr 24, 2020

It's a great course. It's more focused on learning and practice rather than making someone to be eligible for the course. This is unique and compulsory course for the ones who wish to speak and to understand American English. The teachers are really talented and made the program based on the learners requirement. Thank you teachers.

By Thuy T

May 26, 2020

The course is pretty interesting and practical. It provided useful tips from American English native speakers. My classmates have shown me some common pronunciacion mistakes. Then I am improving and speaking American English better and better. After the class, you may recognize your linked words, intonation and natural speech.


Apr 8, 2020

Hello dear teachers,

I would like to take the advantage of such opportunity and send my thanks to all of the teachers and Coursera community for their efforts. The course was extremely interesting to me and I have learnt much of skills about English language and particularly the part related to American English Pronunciation.

By Prince A A

Jun 14, 2020

This course is really helpful and well organized. I also love the fact that each student's work is reviewed and vetted by any random student. This adds another level of fun to the learning process and, makes one put in more effort to succeed. Thanks for putting together, such an eye-opening course and making it free.

By Chadapa S

May 16, 2020

I am interested in American English pronunciation and this course helps me a lot to improve my listening and speaking English skills. I have gained the beneficial knowledge from it. Moreover, your course is very useful for me and other people who would like to study English because it is necessary for daily life.

By Hanna I

May 6, 2020

Wonderful course! My pronunciation wasn't bad, but I learnt smth new and had practise which is always helpful. Thanks for the clear presented information and wonderful tutors! I especially loved the section with English teachers tips. Thanks for your work!

And this is my first certificate from Coursera! Yay!

By rubina a

Jun 9, 2020

I had fun during the course and it cleared some of the confusions about how to speak in a flow. I would suggest to involve native American speakers in Shadowing assignment videos. Although, it is motivating to see non native speak so well but I think listening to first hand American Accent is more helping.

By Sophia R

Apr 30, 2020

I liked this course so much! But the main thing I get is, you won't be sounded like a native speaker unless you wil be in the area where you will hear natives' speech and try to cope it, it won't be enough practice in your non-English country, but as the theory about pnounciation, this course is the best!

By Mr. M

Mar 30, 2020

Очень полезный курс, как для начинающих (заложить базу) так и для имеющих определенный уровень (есть тонкости). Всем к изучению, ОБЯЗАТЕЛЬНО !!!

A very useful course, both for beginners (to lay the foundation) and for those having a certain level (there are subtleties). Everyone to study, MANDATORY !!!

By Janella R

Sep 11, 2020

What a perfect course! It's very easy to follow, complete with videos, pictures, and lots of examples. As an English teacher and student, this is a great refresher in pronunciation. I definitely enjoyed each practice, shadowing, and quiz. Surely, I can apply it in my ESL classes. Thank you very much!

By Mouadh S

Aug 19, 2020

The best pronouciation course, so proud to get my certificate finally after hours and hours of work, honestly it is one of the best course to speak like native speakers, simply this what I need to jump up to the next level ... thanks a lot for all team members here wish you all the best :)

By Daffa L O

Oct 9, 2020

Good course especially if you want to know how theoritically pronounce a certain english letter, well explained and clear. the best from this course is the shadowing a conversation part, its nice to get feedback from our nice peer. Thank you for all the team, hope gooodness come to you :)

By Azajul I N

Apr 1, 2020

I've learnt actual native American accent, directly from the Professors of UCI. Thank you so much for upgrading by American pronunciation. This course is highly recommended for the non-native English speakers who really wants to master the American accent. I'm really satisfied. Thank you.

By Ha T T

Sep 2, 2020

It's about the way that UCI's teachers allocate every section in this course is so clear to understand and make you go with the flow easily. Highly recommend this course if you need to improve your spoken English more naturally. Many thanks for an exciting course to the teachers of UCI.

By Melanya H

Jun 19, 2020

You wanna sound more fluent and clear? Then this course is definitely for you. The course has as been of a great help to me and I appreciate that a lot. I learnt more with this course than at my university. It's worth spending 3-4 hours a week as you will obtain much precious knowledge.

By Santiago H T

Dec 10, 2018

Es un curso práctico y fácil de realizar, te proporciona útiles herramientas lingüísticas para hablar de forma natural. Este curso también te ayudará a entender algunos sonidos característicos del inglés americano, lo cual también te ayudará a mejorar tu nivel de comprensión oral.

By Josmar F

Jun 1, 2020

Great course! It is well thought and taught. I liked the fact that it helped me with my personal pronunciation issues, but I could at the same time notice it was intended to help correct some of the most common pronunciation issues of many nationalities in the world. Recommended!

By Umathevy B

Aug 11, 2020

This is a such a wonderful course. This is really helped to increase my pronunciation skills. I'm really glad to learn this course. In the lockdown this is a good way to earn knowledge. I miss you lecturers and my glass mates who giving me their feed pack to correct my skills.

By erick a n

Feb 8, 2020

The course is excellent. It has opened my eyes to pronunciation patterns that at times seemed impossible to achieve and made them achievable. I'll share the course knowledge with my students and recommend they take it themselves, in order to improve their own pronunciation.

By Marcia B

Feb 5, 2018

Although I did not upgrade to the paid version, the course has helped me identifying and pronouncing different sounds and clusters. In addition, I learned that recording my voice while speaking in English and shadowing conversations are very useful and effective exercises.

By Paula A M A

Sep 24, 2020

A very easy coursse to take. I learned a lot about how to link the words, intonation, stress of words, pronunciation tips, consonants and vowels sounds, connected speech. It was really helpful for me to learn about American English pronunciation! Thank you very much!

By Deleted A

Apr 19, 2020

teachers were very helpful.

i am a student and this course helped me to improve my english

i passed.

i got 88.8%

thank you.

my favourite instructor , no offense to other instructors was Tamy Chapman Maam.

I have great respect for her in me.

i am a student of high school.

By M. M R

May 28, 2020

I love this course! This helped me a lot in how to pronounce American accent and English properly, and assignments made me to practice English and I got to listen to fellow peers and learned too, bonus if English is your second language this will help u a lot!!