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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Tricky American English Pronunciation by University of California, Irvine

2,326 ratings

About the Course

In this course, you’ll practice the sounds of American English that might sometimes be confusing. You'll practice both consonant and vowel sounds. You’ll also learn about the things that give English its special “music,” such as how to stress the right syllable in a word, how to make your voice go up and down in a natural-sounding melody, and how to naturally connect sounds and words. Learning these things will help you speak more clearly and make sure that others can understand what you're saying. This course is useful for English language learners who want to improve pronunciation of American English for better communication. Note that access to all of the lectures and handouts are free to anyone, but the graded assignments and quizzes are only available in the paid version of the course. You will need to submit recordings of your own pronunciation for graded assignments....

Top reviews


Apr 26, 2020

the tutors were explained all subject clearly to us, non boring and easily understood. thankyou for helping us, i'm gonna practice more so i could improve my english pronounciation in the future.


Apr 21, 2020

They helped and taught me about American Englsih Pronunciation correctly which made me improves myself and encourage to speak out much more.Thank you so much for a good course from Coursera.

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1 - 25 of 790 Reviews for Tricky American English Pronunciation

By Carlos D

Nov 5, 2017

If English is not you native language, you can benefit enormously from this course, specially if you have been speaking English for a long time.

By Mahmoud S K

Mar 2, 2019

very good course. It helped me improve my pronunciation with clear tips.

I recommend it for everyone who wants to learn the English language

By Deleted A

Apr 21, 2020

If you already speak English at a fairly basic level, then this program is not for you. This program caters to people interested in learning English with a little to no fundamental knowledge of the language. While the course is called "Tricky American English Pronunciation," the content does not cover words that are written in a manner that a non-speaker would mistaken during their pronunciation. As a reader, there are times where I comprehend a particular word but would not link the word to a particular pronunciation due to a lack of verbal communication. Words such as 'epitome,' or 'colonel,' would be better categorized as "tricky," as opposed to introducing colloquial terms such as 'gotta,' or 'wantsa.' The main complaint I have with this course is the actual pronunciation of the lessons. I am uncertain whether it is the sound quality of the audio files or whether the person recording is unable to pronounce the words they're supposed to be demonstrating. The sound bits are often nasally and contains an accent different to what a native speaker would sound like. The program does not appear to have an unenroll feature either, but that may be due to the ongoing promotion for the price of the program.

By Punnapop Y

Apr 22, 2020

They helped and taught me about American Englsih Pronunciation correctly which made me improves myself and encourage to speak out much more.

Thank you so much for a good course from Coursera.

By Bdioui S

May 7, 2020

the course is wonderful it makes you aware why does the American English sound the way it does

the course will improve your pronunciation skills and enhance them

Take it, it's worth it


Apr 21, 2020

Dear Sirs,

Thank you for the opportunity to learn the American English Pronunciation. To Coursera thank you for this opportunity.



By Nayara S

Mar 24, 2019

Muito proveitoso! Nunca pensei que entenderia professores nativos falando tudo em inglês, são bastante didáticos, o curso é maravilhoso. indiquei para muitos amigos, pena não poder, no momento, poder pagar para ter um certificado e participar dos testes. maravilhoso! Quem puder faça que não se arrependerá.

By Wimonrat P

Jun 5, 2020

I like this course! The teachers have taught me a lot about pronunciation. You need to try this. Moreover, I think it would be great if we also got the score from the teachers or AI.

By Mayar

Aug 24, 2017

I really recommend this course for all who want to improve their English skills.

it was exciting.I am really enjoyed this course.

Coursera is the best.

By Fatma F

Apr 27, 2020

the tutors were explained all subject clearly to us, non boring and easily understood. thankyou for helping us, i'm gonna practice more so i could improve my english pronounciation in the future.

By Fernando H U

Apr 27, 2017

Just finished the free mode course. This course is really great. I was expecting a lot from it, and I am very surprised it exceeded my expectations.

By Deleted A

Nov 29, 2021

I learned aload from this wanderfull course. My English pronouciation skills got improved.

I am very grateful.

Thanks to all instructors and those in part of the development of this course.

By Anupama S

Dec 3, 2019

I'm so glad that you designed this course. Very Very much helpful. Thanks

I love studying on Coursera Community and recommend this to all.

By Am A

Jan 13, 2018

it is very helpful, i usfuled very much for this course and i liked the way to explain. i advice any one to take this course.

By Jael T

Jun 21, 2017

I really liked all the information presented, but I wished the "Q and A" sessions with the Irving profs had been longer. They were so short and I never felt like they completely expanded on anything. A full quarter of each video was spent introducing the profs, who I had met in the other videos! I thought they had fantastic tips and advice, and I wished you had made them longer. :-)

By Letícia M S

May 10, 2020

This course was beyond my expectations! It definitely ain't easy for you to finish. The practice parts take patience and resilience but it totally worths it! Also, it helped me a lot in this quarantine due COVID-19. I can totally see myself after all this pandemic seeking for a better job, with my certificate. Thank you so much to the teachers and UCI for approving my financial aid. I don't take this for granted! Much love for this course, teachers and university!

By Juliane S

Jun 21, 2020

For me, I think this is the best course for ESL students because the instructors here are not boring and they explained every topic very well. Although, I already knew some topics and tips discussed here. I still like this course, because it helped me to practice my pronunciation.

By Lan Đ

Jun 21, 2020

I got very good experience improving my English with this course. Very excited to take more! Btw its my first certificate from Coursera, very happy now. So many thanks!

By Hussam Z

Jul 12, 2018

I like this course because it helps you with the speaking skill, which needs practical practicing in the real learning but it worked online!. I also liked that I had to record my self and that give my an overview on my pronunciation problems. I wish the course had focused on more topics and had other ways in the activities.

By Swaminathan K

Aug 9, 2020

I am a Retired Professor who taught Physics for more than 36 years in India. My knowledge and proficiency in English is outstanding but my confidence with my pronunciation, used to be a bit low. I came here to reduce my accent and learn to speak English the way natives do. I have had a great learning experience during this course and learnt a lot about pronunciation. In my view, young foreign students could have had a bit of difficulty in that there is no scope of one-on-one interaction with teachers or peers. If somehow, this could be provided for in the future, I am sure, this course would be very useful and productive, even for students with little or limited exposure to English as second language. Loved the course materials and assignments, meticulously designed and crafted. Great experience and great course. Salutes.

By punitkumar p

Apr 14, 2020

I liked the course very much because it mainly focusses on improving your pronunciation through the word stress and where to give more stress while speaking a word, how many syllables in a word and which syllable should be stressed more, the up-down rhythm of intonation and the sounds and linking of the words and consonants.

The faculty is very helpful in this their tips of improving sounds and for improving the sound of TH words that are very helpful. so I am very lucky that I had an opportunity to learn from the best faculty and to enroll in this course.



Aug 16, 2020

This is an amazing course! Finallly I get it the sounds in english and I just learn some tricks for pronunciation. I'm very happy for can understand more english. I strongly recommennd this course!

By Jose J D T A

May 2, 2020

It is a really great course, even if you consider yourself fluent in English it is pretty good for reinforcing some pronunciation rules. Although, i would have loved to get some feedback by an instructor and not only my peers (which was great tho). Maybe the instructors would have given conciser advices over the assignments. Overall, I think this course is a YES for every English student, regardless the expertise.

By Akram T B

Apr 26, 2020

I think this is a good class for beginners or people with pronunciation difficulties. not that helpful for more advanced learners though. so it depends on your level of mastery of the language.

By Luisa O

Oct 24, 2020

I didn't see any coment on my Conversation assignments.. I don't know if I did okay or not. I actually learn a lot !!
