Nov 13, 2017
A very interesting course and it has given a great knowleddge to me about the concept of science and religion . just amazed and the professors taught this in a very impressive way . very nyccc .
May 13, 2017
Fine course, nice references for further reading, clear and nice instructors. Only two where a little odd: Statis Psillos, talking too fast, and Conor Cunningham, a bit too theatrical.
By Vijay S
•Apr 7, 2020
as part of the 3 courses in philsophy, science and religion thisone is the shortest and eually interesting, the last week re creationism/evolution and the one before that on relativism etc are quite good. of course the first weekon free will sets the tone.
By Sara H
•Feb 21, 2017
The instructor during the last week was in general not very good, he always strayed from the point making it difficult to keep up. He gave examples that are mostly irrelevant, and he was too theatrical and not straight to the point.
By Senthil S P
•Sep 17, 2017
It's a pretty interesting course on the relationship between theology and science, which even has a neat session on the sociology of science. Apart from a bizarre session with theologian Conor Cunningham, it does everything well.
By Judd S
•Nov 3, 2017
The modules were presented in a very organized way and the explanations given were insightful. However, the lecture of Connor Cunningham were "messy" which failed to give a clear point even though his presentation was excellent.
By Aagash C
•Jan 18, 2018
This course was very enjoyable. However, there were a few concepts and terminologies that could have been explained more, such as natural law in week 4. Overall, it definitely gave a very good introduction to the topic
By Ivor C
•Sep 8, 2017
A good gereral overview of the current areas of discussion and argument. I felt that the need to provide 'balance' gave too much importance to religious ideas but I had to confront my own bias more that I expected.
By Joseph R M
•Feb 23, 2017
Overall, the content was excellent. However, week 4 taught by Professor Conor Cunningham was rambling at best and made very little sense. The readings for week 4 were the only informative part.
By akhil t
•Aug 12, 2019
I expected that his course would deal with current role of religion and philosophy in this scientific world. Well, the course was strayed from my expectation but still was very erudite one
By Sidney C
•Jun 12, 2017
I do think it was very interesting and informative. I gave it four out of five stars, only because it could evolve given some time and improve somewhat. I have suggested it to others.
By Park Y
•Oct 20, 2017
I think this lecture was really good. I can get basic knowledge related to science and religion, and furthermore, I could learn about the perspective related to soical science
By Suzanne C L
•Jan 6, 2022
Very intresting and well presented. However, sometimes it was difficult to exprapolate the quiz answers or essay answers from the material in the manner it was presented.
By Mariano C
•Jan 27, 2019
Great initial course to get a more profound insight on the subjects taken into account. Excellent explanation from all the teachers involved in each week's topic!
By Valéry B
•Jan 6, 2024
Really great. The last part about religion is a bit confusing - not so sure why this priest it talking about evolution. But otherwise really great. Thanks!
By Daniel J M
•Jan 16, 2018
I found some of the lecturers' hard to understand do to language accents. However, being able to follow along with the printed form solved any problems.
By Nathan B
•Apr 12, 2017
Very interesting course. I certainly learnt a lot about science and philosophy, especially relating it to religion, and the history behind each domain.
By Viviana L
•Mar 8, 2023
Gracias, amplio mucho mi capacidad de ver y analizar estos temas. También impulsó el deseo de seguir profundizándolo.
By Claudio C
•Nov 7, 2020
It is necessary to improve the subtitles. It seems to me that they are not correct in some situations.
Thank you!
By Victor B
•May 24, 2020
This course provides an interesting overview of the field. Serves very well as an introduction to the field.
By Susan H
•Feb 22, 2017
Have really enjoyed this course, very informative and fascinating. Opened my mind to many different ideas.
By Lisa F
•Aug 10, 2022
Some of the terminology got a bit heavy, but the presentation was concise and to the point.
By Guy I
•Oct 30, 2022
i liked this course very much.
straitforward and very interesting.
Thank you very much.
By In-Ho K
•Jul 10, 2022
Analysis of issues science has thrown to philosophy and its debates were well presented.
By Roselle E O
•Oct 30, 2020
Could have been fun to learn with more visual aids like video or animations.
By Sergio S
•Dec 5, 2020
Sometimes the lecture material were vague, but I really liked this course
By Aksah I
•Jan 24, 2022
It gave me a new perspective on things, for which I am forever grateful.