Nov 13, 2017
A very interesting course and it has given a great knowleddge to me about the concept of science and religion . just amazed and the professors taught this in a very impressive way . very nyccc .
May 13, 2017
Fine course, nice references for further reading, clear and nice instructors. Only two where a little odd: Statis Psillos, talking too fast, and Conor Cunningham, a bit too theatrical.
By Julian E
•Jan 26, 2021
I was disappointed by the summary, which gave me the feeling that this course is only there to defame Young Earth Creationism. I, as European citizen, do not feel any relevance of Young Earth Creationism in my social, professional life at all. So why investing time in defending something that is only attacked by a minority mostly in the US? Why not looking at the positives how Philosophy, Science and Religion share the same view, how it works together in a symbiosis?
By Daniel S R
•Sep 26, 2017
I was looking forward to an objective course in which the intersection of philosophy, science and religion was explained properly from an academic standpoint of view. However, when I saw that the John Templeton Foundation was involved in the production of the course, my expectations lowered exponentially.
They rocketed to the ground, however, when I saw how several lectures were biased towards treating scientific rigor as “fundamentalism” and when their religious ideas merged in an obscene and weird mixture with post modernism and critical theories to treat the scientific inquiry and knowledge with a relativistic approach. Only an ignorant religious fundamentalist would mistake the scientific inquiry with “naturalist fundamentalism” and misunderstand scientific discovery as an equal in a pseudo-intellectual war with religion, which the latter lost long time ago, rendering it obsolete.
I have no problem with considering the religious hypothesis and to examine them under the unbiased and objective glass of the scientific method. However once said hypothesis they are the subject of the scientific method they lose miserably, simply because they are based on faith and dogma.
This course is a shame. The only thing it misses for being an absolute joke is to have Ken Ham as a guest “scientist” guest. It is nothing more but a pathetic, uncovered attempt from creationist frauds to promote their ill-bred epistemologies.
By Ralph s
•Jul 7, 2017
This is a course about Christianity and Science, not religion and Science. The basis of all the evidence given for religion is from a christian point of view and conducted from a defensive angle against science. I would not recommend this as a course that is honest or transparent in its approach, and is instead a defence of christianity and to some degree abrahamic religions. It completely neglects and schools of though regarding Hinduism, Buddhism or the vast swath of pagan, local and tribal religions. I fact there is not mention of religions own challenge to "Creationism" for example. Extreamlly disappointing course, I would not recommend this to anyone seeking truth with an open mind.
By Douglas R A d O
•May 16, 2017
The course misrepresents the scientific knowledge and makes religious proselytism.
By Henri B
•Jan 27, 2025
Review of Philosophy, Science and Religion: Science and Philosophy Philosophy, Science and Religion: Science and Philosophy is an insightful exploration of the intricate relationship between science, philosophy, and religion, addressing how these domains intersect, diverge, and influence human understanding of the world. The book delves into timeless questions that have been a subject of contemplation for centuries—questions about existence, the nature of knowledge, and the search for meaning in the cosmos. The first part of the book focuses on Science and Philosophy, offering an intellectually rigorous discussion about the nature of reality and the limits of human knowledge. It tackles key philosophical debates about empiricism, rationalism, and the scientific method. The authors argue that while science provides a robust framework for understanding the physical universe, philosophy asks the deeper, often unanswerable questions that lie beyond empirical data. The philosophical considerations of science are explored with a particular focus on ethics, the philosophy of mind, and the potential for scientific knowledge to coexist with, or even inform, metaphysical beliefs. One of the major strengths of the book is its thorough examination of the limits of scientific explanation. While science is a powerful tool for understanding the natural world, it cannot offer conclusive answers to existential questions. The book presents a nuanced perspective, acknowledging the contributions of science while recognizing that philosophy is necessary to navigate the complex moral and existential dilemmas that arise in human life. The section also gives careful attention to the impact of science on philosophy, discussing how scientific discoveries challenge or reinforce traditional philosophical ideas. For example, the theory of evolution and quantum mechanics are explored in their philosophical implications, questioning long-held beliefs about determinism, free will, and the nature of reality itself. A key insight of the book is its recognition of the interplay between science and religion. It refrains from reducing these two fields to mere adversaries, instead presenting them as distinct yet complementary. The book highlights how religious thought has historically shaped scientific inquiry, and conversely, how scientific discoveries have influenced religious beliefs. The authors delve into the dialogue between religion and science, questioning whether these realms can coexist harmoniously or if one inevitably undermines the other. In conclusion, Philosophy, Science and Religion: Science and Philosophy offers an intellectually stimulating and accessible exploration of the relationships between these fields. It invites readers to consider not only the limits and possibilities of scientific understanding but also the crucial role that philosophy and religion play in shaping the contours of human knowledge. Whether you're a student of philosophy, science, or religion, the book provides rich insights and challenges the reader to think critically about the connections between all three.
•Mar 16, 2025
السلام عليكم ، تحية طيبة... أنا طالبة بسلك الدكتوراه تخصص علم الإجتماع بكلية الآداب والعلوم الإنسانية بمدينة مراكش، التحقت بهذه الدورة لأنه تم ترشيحها من طرف جامعتي القاضي عياض، من جهة أخرى فأنا أجد انجذابا كبيرا للنقاشات والسجالات بين العلم والدين والفلسفة، والتباينات والتقاطعات واوجه التقارب والإختلاف بينها وكيفية تناول كل منها لمواضيع وقضايا وظواهر مختلفة ... ساعدتني الدورة التكوينية في التعرف على العديد من المفاهيم و الإطلاع على أنواع من الرؤى والنظريات للعديد من العلماء والباحثين والفلاسفة، وكذلك الخلفيات المعتمدة لكل واحد منهم سواء الأبحاث والتجارب والملاحظة أو الكتب الدينية... الدورة التدريبية مفيدة ومثرية. لفتني الجزء المتعلق بسوسيولوجيا العلوم ودور السياق الاجتماعي والثقافي في تشكيل معرفتنا وتطور العلوم. مسألة أخرى : الأسئلة تأتي مباشرة بعد فديوهات المادة التعليمية، وهذا منهجيا أفضل.. شكرا جزيلا لكم جميعا، و مزيدا من التألق والتوفيق لخدمة المعرفة والإنسانية.
By André L
•Feb 25, 2024
Adorei o curso. Ele apresentou conceitos e categorias fundamentais para uma boa compreensão da problemática apresentada. Assistirei mais algumas vezes para absorver bem o conteúdo e poder realizar alguns artigos sobre o tema. Parabéns aos professores, parabéns à universidade de edimburgo, parabéns ao coursera.
By Paulo D S
•Jul 26, 2022
Overal, I consider it a very good and interesting course.
To be fair, I didn't like the last module on Creationism (Week 5), neither the topic nor the teacher (Prof. David de Pomerai) which was far from the quality standards of all other Professors.
Final note should be 4.5/5
By Panagiotis P
•Sep 16, 2024
I highly recommend the " Philosophy, Science and Religion: Science and Philosophy" course offered by the University of Edinburgh. It offers a balanced and thorough approach to understanding complex issues, supported by expert instruction and a well-structured curriculum.
By Sophia A
•Jan 16, 2018
It helps me to deeply understand what is science and the relationship between science and philosophy and religion. We need a scientific view regarding science, the philosophy of science is more important than science itself. Science is the tool for us to find the truth.
By Brian M
•Sep 28, 2022
material is well structured, easy to understand and progressively build the learners knowledge and understanding.
it presents arguments from all sides of the debate and prompts further study into the subject.
By Richard J
•Nov 1, 2024
Professors cover timely and complex questions in a very accessible and lucid manner. The quizzes are thought provoking and engaging. Highly recommend this course!
By Josias F d S
•Feb 26, 2023
This is an excellent course that updates our previous knowledge on the subject or introduces the fundamentals of the subject for those who did not already know it.
By imaloserdude
•Nov 30, 2021
Interesting and insightful lectures and questions by knowledgeable professors who encouraged me to think, not just regurgitate information.
By Tessa L
•Jul 8, 2020
I think this was a great course, in which a lot of parts of the Science and philosophy debat where explained. It was super interesting!
By George H
•Aug 8, 2023
This was an amazing course to have been part of and has helped me in my wider life as a Christian in my church life. Thank you.
By Luz M G F
•Nov 22, 2020
Fue una magnífica experiencia, logrando grandes aprendizajes con excelentes maestros y maestras. Saludo desde Cali, Colombia.
•Sep 20, 2021
Awesome course, indeed. Very well structured, and many different points of view from many disciplines. Higly recommended!!!
By Ivana P
•Feb 16, 2025
These courses are something I have been looking for for a very long time. Very grateful for this side of the internet.....
By Juan F V
•Nov 24, 2022
Very interesting course, I have learned a lot about philosophy of science, theology, evolution, I recomeded to everyone.
By Egor P
•Mar 7, 2021
Хороший набор аргументов чтобы раз и навсегда разобраться в том какое место занимает религия а какое наука в нашем мире.
By Tran N
•Oct 9, 2021
A great course ! I have learned a lot about free will, evolution and New Earth Creationism among the other things!
By maria b
•Jul 9, 2024
This courtyard made me develop savings, analysis and rational thinking skills. "I enjoyed every moment I learned.
By Maruf L
•Sep 26, 2019
Very Well package course. thanks for a lot of the knowledge and insight shared. I guess the learning continues.