Jul 18, 2020
Thank you for offering this course (The Sustainable Development Goals-A global transdisciplinary vision for the future). I have passed it but I am not sure how can i get the certificate at this stage.
Jul 15, 2020
I loved it, ver interesting and relevant information to the situation we face nowadays! Everyone should take this course to understand that we must evolve as a society to have a better world for all.
By Richard V
•Jun 14, 2022
The course was definitely useful to identify the problems that we currently have, although one believes that they are problems that have always occurred, the course trains us to be able to identify these problems, in addition to that it teaches us that it is a joint effort that involves governments, society and what influences within.
By Rosa H
•Feb 12, 2025
Me parece Excelente los Objetivos, si realmente deben cumplirse. Pero deben tomar en cuenta que hay cambios constantemente en cualquier proyecto que se realice a nivel local, nacional, internacional y mundial sobre todo en el caso de la sobrevivencia humana con respecto a los avances tecnologicos que tanto ha dañado a la naturaleza
By Maryann S
•Mar 30, 2020
The course was very helpful in offering a crisp understanding of SDGs and how we need to rebuild our world to sustain our environment. Also giving us the entire scenario with a single example made it even easier for us to understand how severe it is. The content of this course is apt for me to utilize in the future for my industry.
By Lilian M
•Sep 11, 2022
A very clear understanding and essential view of the Sustainable Development Goals. This course definitely helped me to see critical points to consider when working with the SDGs, for example, the dynamics between them. I have now much more grounded knowledge to collaborate in building what we collectively want for the future.
By Shivani T
•Jun 20, 2020
I had an interesting time attending the course. As a responible world citizen I consider this as my utmost responsibility to gain knowledge and work towards Climate change. This course is designed in a manner to give you a full picture. Now I understand about how economy affects gap and how economy plays a major role for SDGs.
By Dough O O
•Sep 6, 2019
I have heard a lot about the SDGs but never like this.
This has given me so much insight into the workings of the SDGs and help me understand how to go about contributing/addressing the SDGs as they play out in my country and community.
Thank you (Cousera team, Katherine Richards and all the other resource persons) for this
By Agustin M C
•Apr 18, 2020
The course is spot on an introduction to the SDG logic and provides very good insight and food for thought. Excelent videos and very well chosen readings. have found it accesible, interesting and inspirational to dig a bit more on pressing issues like inequality and climate change. Thank you very much and congratulations!
By jamie l
•Jul 13, 2020
An excellent review of SDGs with thoughtful interviews by the world leaders to help the viewer gain a wider world perspective. I was especially hopeful after lesson three as I thought of the business, community and personal contributions we can make outside our government policy to make a difference on a global level.
By Archit J
•Jul 7, 2018
a very good surface brief knowledge on SDG. The difficulty level is very easy. i would like to suggest to increase the difficulty level for the next parallel course. also are there courses which studies these 17 sdg's in more detail. very relevant course for the beginners and should be attempted by every individual
By Yolisa S
•Mar 3, 2023
Excellent material. Great tutors, readings and lectures on economy, bussiness and the remarkable importance of citizens to achieve SDGs and a genuine interest in promoting better living condition for all of us. This course surpassed my expectations.
Congrats for such an achievment and thanks for the support given.
By Kseniya K
•Mar 21, 2019
The course offers a comprehensive first overview of the SDGs, including history, interrelation of different goals, challenges in reaching them etc. The course includes interviews with experts in different fields which is helpful for gaining insights from different points of views and different fields of expertise.
By Jeffrin J R
•Nov 12, 2019
It has been a very informative course, would like to work on the ideologies at grass root level as I am part of the Green Cell in the Church i.e. at St. Michael's Church, Mahim (West), Mumbai 400 016, India
How can I be a part of this, as this important for sustaining Life on Earth for all Humanity and creation.
By Soe M N
•Mar 13, 2020
I would like to appreciate Coursera and University of Copenhagen for organizing this precious course. I had learned a lots from this course and it was quiet challenging doing the quiz and enjoyed.
I am quiet sure, I will referenced to the SDG and it's guidance from the sessions I have learned from this. Thanks
By Prof G S
•May 18, 2020
"Thank you for a great course. Great presentation style with lots of opportunities to ask questions and talk about real life examples which all made for a really enjoyable and informative course." "This has more than met my expectations." "A wonderfully practical course - both personally and professionally.
By Nur E F
•Oct 6, 2020
I am motivated and inspired by doing this course. All video's were very simple to understand and full of information. All guest lecturer's were amazing. I have learnt so many things about sustainable development goals as a new learner. Thank you Coursera to create such type of platform for beginners.
By Arinze E
•Nov 3, 2022
Thank You, Dr. Katherine R. for this thoughtful and well-organized course. Your attempt to properly inform people on these highly important issues was quite refreshing and compassionate of you. We all need to be proactive on the issue of sustainability and climate change.
Thank You & God Bless You!
By nargas g
•Apr 7, 2020
It is effective and less time consuming.In a very short time we can gather a lot from thos course.I think all should consider it if they really want to know about the synergy among SDGs . This course will help them to understand how our agriculture sector is adding to climate change. Appreciated👍
By Laura L
•Dec 21, 2019
Ce cours est enrichissant car il permet de réfléchir en auto-critique à des actions positives et à une échelle mondiale d'imaginer d'autres solutions parfois anti-cléricales.
Le déroulement des séances et vidéos est fluide. Concernant les travaux individuels, il y a eu un souci dans la semaine 3.
•Aug 21, 2019
My view is that this is a great way to help people understand SDGs in a more better way. Remember SDGs are anchored on very ambitious target and unless there is working together it may end up just another thing altogether
How do I get certificate out of this ad I'm not able to buy for now please
By Martine B
•Mar 11, 2021
The course provides a good overview of the global challenges around Sustainable developments goals. I would say that it is an essential stepping stone for anyone wishing to implement a sustainable approach to business development, economic development and even our personal impact on the world.
By Abel L A
•Jan 5, 2019
It's an amazing and incredible course. I found what I was looking foto, and even beyond. This course, to me, is life changing. Is a tremendous tool for all the areas of the life, and feel stronger and more confident. This will help me to achieve all the goals that I have to my life. Thank you!
By Nabanita S
•May 6, 2019
Wonderful course for having a comprehensive understanding of Sustainable Development. Specially involving specialists and researchers from different academic domains has provided an opportunity to look at the issues from trans-disciplinary perspective, and this is what has really enriched me.
By Andrea D
•Jan 20, 2025
This course is fantastic, offering a wealth of valuable information on a variety of important topics and the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). It encourages open-mindedness, helping participants explore the interconnections of social, environmental, and economic challenges. Brilliant!
By Isabel H G
•Oct 25, 2020
I have loved do this course. In this course I have learned many concepts that are very interesting. Mainly I have taken conscious that we should change our behaviour to protect the environment, because it’s nice continuing to see forests and fauna. Also, I wouldn’t like to see a grey planet.
By Diego G
•Aug 14, 2020
Extremely interesting course for anyone interested in the topic. The focus on less discussed aspects such as agriculture or the role of the private sector gives interesting space for personal considerations. Strongly recommended to anyone who wants to acquire a basic knowledge of the SDGs.