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Learner Reviews & Feedback for The Sustainable Development Goals – A global, transdisciplinary vision for the future by University of Copenhagen

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About the Course

In 2015, the UN launched the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Adopted by 193 member states, the goals represent an important international step in setting humanity on a trajectory towards sustainable development. Within this course, you will get a historical overview of how sustainability has been understood, as well as a thorough introduction to the SDGs – what they are, how progress can be measured, and how the SDGs are relevant for the management of the global systems supporting humanity. The course will examine how various societal actors are responding to and implementing the SDGs. While all of the SDGs are essential to sustainable development, SDG 13, Climate Action, is usually perceived as the most urgent in terms of the need for a swift implementation on a global scale. Therefore, particular focus is given to this SDG. Through the course, you will gain up-to-date knowledge of the current understanding of human impacts on the Earth at the planetary level. Progress towards establishing global management of human interactions with the climate system within the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) is also discussed. The course is designed and taught by Professor Katherine Richardson, who is a member of the 15-person panel appointed by the UN General Secretary in 2016 to write the 2019 Global Sustainable Development Report. In each lecture, Katherine interviews experts who provide insights relevant to the topic at hand....

Top reviews


Jul 18, 2020

Thank you for offering this course (The Sustainable Development Goals-A global transdisciplinary vision for the future). I have passed it but I am not sure how can i get the certificate at this stage.


Jul 15, 2020

I loved it, ver interesting and relevant information to the situation we face nowadays! Everyone should take this course to understand that we must evolve as a society to have a better world for all.

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51 - 75 of 1,134 Reviews for The Sustainable Development Goals – A global, transdisciplinary vision for the future


Aug 4, 2023

It is a very useful and relevant course for todays world and preservation of Mother Earth for future generations. It enlightens us about the 17 SDGs and the importance of cooperation and coordination among various stakeholders, including the Governments, Companies, NGOs, and Public-Private partnerships, to ensure Preservation of Biodiversity, Equitable distribution of limited or scarce resources and wealth of the world, and ultimately the sustenance of human race.

I feel that all leaders should undergo this course to understand the importance and implications of the 17 SDGs, and strive to contribute to the realization of their objectives. I congratulate the Course Director and her team for the excellent work, and wish them success in their endeavor and hard work.

By Rohit J

May 5, 2020

Very informative course..!! SDG should definitely be made a part of curriculum in schools as well as colleges, because when the students are getting ready and building up their sense of right or wrong in their young age, reading and understanding about sustainability in an interesting way will help them inculcate these values easily and without any additional efforts. That's the right age when their conditioning can be done in right direction and they can understand sustainability, living with nature instead of inclining towards capitalism, materialism. As after getting higher education, job and loans,no one can and would like to think about sustainability as they get stuck with their duties and responsibilities.

By Ahmed K R A K

May 9, 2020

This course offers a beautiful journey for the learner to review the bilateral or collective relations between the SDGs and the efforts made at various levels to reach them in 2030, and the special thing about this course is the conversations that the lecturer had with the guests from the various disciplines to show the impact of the different contributions on achieving these goals

In my opinion, this course is necessary for all interested people in sustainable development.

And by virtue of my work in the field of sustainable development, we all have roles we must play and give a “push” to the efforts of our governments to achieve the sustainable development goals.

By Mokshith V S B

Mar 30, 2021

My name is Mokshith, a learner from India. To say in a word, the course is perfectly "Informative". It helps every aspirant, especially beginners, who want to know about the "science behind Climate Change" and every aspect about the UNSDG's. From, my own perspective, I myself is a beginner in this concept of Climate Change mitigation, and I always wanted to learn about the "science behind climate change" and about UNSDG's; and this course has given me 100% what I wanted.

No suggestions or remarks from my side except acknowledging this course organisers for giving me such a wonderful course to learn. Thank You all for your wonderful efforts.🙏

By Tshangpa

Jun 2, 2020

I got a lot of knowledge about 17 SDGs, and what is mean by the word Sustainable Development. I learned how we can measure progress and how the goals are interconnected. How the human activities are influencing the Earth at the planetary level and learned the concepts of Anthropocene and Planetary Boundaries. How it really focuses on monitoring and managing human impacts on climate and biodiversity as well as the potential consequences of failing to meet the goals of the SDGs relating to climate and biodiversity. Moreover I enjoyed every reading materials and the clips of the course and thanks for the wonderful course.

By Shivakumar

Apr 11, 2020

This course on SDG helped me to systematically refresh my understanding of SDGs and how progress can be measures. My overall course experience has been quite enjoyable.

This is because, the instructor (Kathrine) delivered the course in a structured and professional manner. The reading and reference materials on SDGs further helped to support the lectures too. The fact that the course was divided into 3 modules helped to make step wise progress in learning too.

By the way, to what extent Covid19 virus will impact (or complicate) on the implementation and progress of SDGs? Any thoughts on this?

Thank you.

By Julia N

May 27, 2020

I come from a biological sciences background (Microbiology, Biochemistry and Biotechnology) and it was refreshing to see the nexus between all these three disciplines and the environmental as well as economic aspects of sustainable development being captured clearly. I appreciate that it was all very easy to absorb. The content was very well demystified and distilled to the core topics/issues. The discussions were engaging and the additional resources were of excellent quality. l also loved the creative videos and the discussions with Oxford and Novozymes counterparts. So, very well put together!


Apr 26, 2020

The lectures were delivered excellently by Prof Katherine Richardson. The questions posed to various experts were apt and to the point. I am very much impressed by this course and learnt a lot about the sustainable development goals, interactions among them, the obstacles in the path of achieving SDGs, the role of various organisations like government, companies, NGOs, Civic Societies, etc. are well explained with appropriate examples. I thank Prof Katherine Richardson personally for her mesmerising lectures and I thank Coursera for the opportunity given to undergo this course.

By Sanjiv K

Dec 22, 2020

The course is excellent. All modules, videos, documents are very informative. It gives a very good perspective on the SDGs, their current status and how they interact with each other. Quizzes are good and they make sure the topic is well understood.

This course gave me a Global perspective of how important it is to understand how humans impact different SDGs and where we are today. It also explains what measures need to be taken to make the environment sustainable not only to humans but to all living organisms and how it is essential for their survival.

By Tun Y

Oct 18, 2020

This course " the Sustainable Development Goals - A global, transdisciplinary vision for the future" is very good. Every one in the world must try to know these goals so that everyone will participate actively for the sustainability of beings in this planet. For me as a development worker, I feel so lucky getting a chance of studying this 17 sustainable development goals and how they relate to each others. I thank so much this Coursera University and the Professor Katherine Richardson, Leader of the Sustainability Science Center, University of Copenhagen.

By Marianne E

Jan 6, 2021

This was a fantastic course with an interesting and organized approach to Sustainable Development Goals 2015 and Agenda 2030. The instructor was exceptionally knowledgeable, articulate, and authentic in her presentations. She showed clear passion for her work and the hard work of all her colleagues that she interviewed. There was an excellent balance of research readings, video interviews, and didactic knowledge taught. The puppet videos on Donut Economics were also a nice touch to show family and kids! Wonderful! I enjoyed the course.

By Biswajyoti S

Jan 27, 2021

It has been a great learning and enriching experience while going through the course. I would be more focused on Application of improved decision science for sustainable operations management. United Nations SDG 9 : Build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialization and foster innovation, it is imperative to evolve Industry and Transport sectors to support achieving the targets set in this goal. Sustainable Operations Management would play an important role in this process.

By Beverly M D C

Oct 18, 2020

The course is excellent. It has a thorough discussion of the key concepts that encompasses the foundations of the Sustainable Development Goals. It provides highly contextualized examples for these foundational concepts. The readings and interview videos are very helpful in applying the concepts to real world setting. The quizzes are substantial enough to assess the understanding of the student. Overall, the course is highly recommended. Thank you University of Copenhagen and Coursera for this course.

By Chaithanya P

Aug 12, 2021

I think this course has been extremely informative and it gives a real-world picture of the current scenario, in terms of wealth, economy, pollution-i.e in the perspective of global development. It is pertinent for each and every one of us to be informed about these facts,to ensure that we realize our duties as a global citizen and we contribute to sustainable development for our future as well as the future generations. Thoroughly enjoyed the videos and the reading material. Highly recommended!

By Deepak B S

Jun 7, 2020

Well designed course that fulfills its objective of providing clear and concise overview of Sustainable Development Goals and its relevance for the management of the global systems supporting humanity. I believe this course will provide every learners with sense of shared responsibility toward achieving Sustainable development Goals.

Thanks to Professor Katherine Richardson and University of Copenhagen for the course & for easy accessibility of the same to every interested individual.

By Maria R

Apr 19, 2020

This course really made me think about how our actions interfere in the world in general. The teacher explains everything in a very dinamic and nice way, it's like a conversation, actually. Each week, there is a new subject related to sustainability and each video has an interview with someone from the field and it makes it more interesting. I really recommend the course. Congratulations and thank you to coursera and the University of Copenhagen for giving me this huge opportunity.

By Hussain M F

Jun 12, 2020

It’s an insightful and well structured course on Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).Engaging guests with various expertise has added a new dimension. It provides a critical overview on social, economical, environmental and political aspects and their interconnectivity to achieve sustainable development. Materials helped visualize the global scenarios nicely. Core challenges to implement SDGs has been extraordinarily dealt using real life examples in the course.

By Aarti v d

Apr 29, 2021

I really liked the way prof. Katherine Richardson, leader of the sustainability science center at the University of Copenhagen, explained each and every sustainable development goal effectively. interviewing several experts in the field of sustainable development helps us to understand more about the actual reality of a world in living.



By shivam g

May 14, 2020

A really important course for all parts of the society be it students or even CEOs of large multinational companies. There is an emergency going on in the world and action needs to be taken and with these SDG's a foundation has been laid with goals and objectives that have indicators which will keep on expanding as we go forward and all of us need to align with these goals for a sustainable future where there is complete equality and no one sleeps hungry.

By Giovanni F G

Jul 27, 2020

Um bom curso para entender os Objetivos de Desenvolvimento Sustentável (ODS) e sua relação com a sociedade. Possui bom material de apoio para aprofundamento sobre a relação dos Objetivos de Desenvolvimento Sustentável (ODS) com o planeta e a forma como exploram seus recursos. Abarca as ideias de progresso relacionadas aos danos causados ao planeta e a forma como os ODS contribuem para o arrefecimento da ação antrópica ao Planeta de forma extraordinária.

By Priyanjana B

Aug 13, 2023

Wonderful and informative course taught by Ms. Katherine Richardson. Diversified sessions by teachers and other organizations faculties on variety of topics related to sustainable development have taught me and enlightened me about several global environmental issues happening around the world and illuminate me how we can help our mother nature to survive in such difficult conditions. My sincere thanks to Coursera and the course instructor for this.

By Reyes L

Mar 30, 2023

I found this course very informative and well-structured. I think that it gives a nice global vision of the SDGs and the problems that we are currently facing as a society. It also gives great ideas on ways and strategies to fight against these problems. The lectures were interesting and not too long and the videos were really enjoyable, specially the interviews with professionals from diverse fields. Overall it is a very complete course.

By Alexis D

Mar 29, 2020

Very well-made and interesting course. To be honest, I did not have really high expectations about this class. I thought it was going to be about "green growth" and how can economies can grow infinitely within a more "sustainable" framework. And thanks to the amazing teacher it was not. It was very critical how our economic system, and gave very inspiring insights about how can Human society evolve differently. Thank you for this course

By Vikrant R W

Mar 23, 2023

This course is a must for anyone who wish to understand "Sustainable Development" and the buzz going around ESG. This course actually clarifies about each area where the policymakers need to look at. If you are part of SDG, business strategy group or stakeholder in any management, this course would give you the path to follow all 17 SDG's and guide how their interlinking can work. All the best for the fellow learners who are joining.

By Gonçalo M B

May 21, 2020

A very succinct and straight-forward approach of one of the most salient topics today and in the near future: sustainable development and the 2030 Agenda. Overall, the course is well structured and the materials very appropriate and balanced. Thank you to all the faculty and staff involved to deliver this course, through awareness and skill learning, this is an example of the collective action needed to achieve the SDGs.