Jun 21, 2018
It was an amazing course that allowed for me to be much more conscious of what I was eating and pushed me to strive to achieve a healthier lifestyle. Overall, it was very entertaining and informative!
Feb 24, 2019
It was very informative course. It could have more quizzes and assignments. The way things were explained in the course was quiet interesting. Keep it up!! course. I really like this way of education.
By azaa o
•Sep 6, 2022
Thanks for the great course! I really enjoyed it a lot even though I couldn't get all of the theoretical background (chemistry stuff). However, it changed my mind about cooking and shopping especially. I used to beleive that those products which have rich ingridents on the labels are good for my health, but I found out that it's completely opposite. As a lazy person who cooks the same dish (usually pasta) every evening, now I am thinking of buying more vegetables and other products to make my dish cooler and look better (of course healthier). Thanks again. I will try the recipes given at the end of the course (Wish me luck not to make a fire in the kitchen).
By Andrea M A
•Oct 22, 2021
I would like to emphasize that it really is a beginner's course, since many things are kind of intuitive if you've already been in the food, nutrition, or health communities/industry for a while. However, there is still very valuable information provided. I especially appreciated learning about how to discern nutrition labels, habits of the average consumer behavior, and food marketing tactics to avoid falling into them. If you were expecting in-depth information about nutrition, macronutrients, etc. this course doesn't look too deeply into it, but it covers it. I do recommend it though, it's easy to follow and the explanations are very clear and concise.
By Marlene J K
•Feb 1, 2016
I signed up for this course because of health issues - my triglyceride level was a bit to high on my last blood analysis. Even though I felt, and still feel, that this course is more specifically aimed at people who are inexperienced in the kitchen and maybe even overweight, it has helped me and my family improve some of the aspects of our lives that could still be improved. Furthermore, i think this is a course that everyone should take for themselves and especially for their families, since the person who cooks is the one influencing everyone's diet and therefore their health.
Maya, thank you so much for sharing your wisdom (and your recipes) with us!
By Michelle G
•Feb 23, 2021
Loved learning how to eat even better. Start to shop the perimeter of grocery stores for the healthiest options. Avoid the middle aisles that have a lot of processed foods. Also, nutrition facts on foods are less healthy options. Look for foods with the least amount of ingredients. Buy organic fruits and vegetables if you can, but even if you can't its better to eat them then not at all. Also, the recipes at the end are easy to prep and cook. I am looking forward to making them myself and switching to gluten free flours etc. (I think I am sensitive to gluten) This course is worth exploring if you are interested in improving your health and diet!
By Barbara N G R
•Jan 25, 2021
Considero que fue un curso muy bueno, pudo brindarme conocimientos que no habÃa logrado adquirir anteriormente, fueron temas genéricos pero temas de gran importancia, temas que la mayorÃa de la gente deberÃa estar informada sobre esto , sobre todo, entender importancia de llevar una alimentación saludable, llevar a cabo una selección consiente/saludable de los alimentos que vamos a consumir , ya que necesitamos cubrir las necesidades nutricionales que nuestro organismo necesita para funcionar de una manera óptima y por su puesto tener un mejor estado de salud y prevenir el riesgo a padecer de enfermedades crónicas que dañan la salud de la persona.
By Jenelle H
•Dec 31, 2017
I really enjoyed this course. Dr. Adam was very informative. The illustrations were very helpful in helping to support the information that was given. I am an RN, and wanted supplemental information on nutrition for my own personal purposes-overall health. The only thing that I might add, is during the "Reading Nutrition Labels" section, is to perhaps provide more information on how much of each area is recommended. For example, if a food contains X amount of Calories, Y amount of Carbohydrates, and M of Fat, this is/is not a good choice for you to eat. Otherwise, wonderful course. I'm glad that I took it! I gained new knowledge that I can now use.
By Sachal S
•Feb 6, 2023
The Stanford course on Food and Health is a well-structured and comprehensive course that covers a wide range of topics related to the intersection of food and health. The course material is up-to-date and presented in an engaging and accessible manner, making it ideal for anyone with an interest in this area. The course includes lectures, interactive discussions, and hands-on activities that help to reinforce key concepts and provide a deeper understanding of the subject matter. Overall, I highly recommend this course for anyone looking to expand their knowledge and gain a better understanding of the complex relationship between food and health.
By å¼ æ™“èˆª
•Jun 19, 2017
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This course is not all about nutriology or simply introducing any knowledge as I expected in the first place. In fact, it changes my opinions towards healthy diet. After taking the course, I know which food to choose for health purpose and avoid those heavily processed foods that could lead to obesity. And the most important thing is that I become more positive towards everyday meals. I don't feel boring during the whole process of preparing food anymore even it is only for myself and begin to enjoy the pleasure that food brings to me.
By salil g
•Jun 18, 2020
This course is the best way to know about food. We get to learn a lot about calories and the food intake and how to control and bring gradual changes to our diet in order to progress and achieve our health related goals.
I have just one suggestion. I believe that many of the students are from Asian Countries like India, Vietnam, China Etc. So I feel that It will be great if you can include statistics from the Asian countries as well relating to Obesity, Dietary patterns etc. which are all mentioned in the videos.
In the end, A very big THANK YOU to Ms. Maya Adams and Mr. Michael Pollan for making the course easy and understandable for all of us.
By Aza .
•Oct 11, 2024
Taking Stanford University's "Food and Health" online course was an eye-opening experience. The course provided a solid foundation in understanding how nutrition impacts our health, covering topics like balanced diets, the role of macronutrients, and the science behind food choices. I appreciated the clear, evidence-based content, which debunked many common myths about dieting and food. The lectures were engaging, and the assignments allowed me to apply the knowledge practically. Overall, the course has changed how I view my own eating habits and has deepened my understanding of the relationship between food, health, and well-being.
By vivek d
•Sep 6, 2022
It has all the basic knowlade about what and what not to do when you are councious about your health and the food you eat and the rest of the lifestyle around it.
It explainns the basic but important nuances about cooking at home and the effects on our health.
It helps us to understand about fat, sugar, carbohydrates and the rest of the important energy sources as well as nutrients that are necessary to have a good health.
It clears the idea that how important it is to understand the Food science behind what we regularly eat, and answers all the questions about why the person should cook at home and eat healthy as much as possible.
By Rafaela P
•Aug 24, 2017
Even that I haven't paid for it and that I won't have any certificate showing that I took this course, I would spraid the knowledge that I've learnt. Everything that I listen to in this course has made an impact on me and I would like to share with eveyone I know all the tips and advices about healthy food. I got now a different point of view about food. Food isn't just a thing that we eat in order to get energy, it is a delightful way of enjoying life. I'm looking forward to cook one of the Maya's recipes. Finally, I just want to thank the Stanford Univertisty and Course for letting me takes this course from my own house, in Spain.
By Anne-Marie M
•Jan 28, 2022
This course helped motivate me to get back on track as my eating habits had slacked towards processed food quite a bit. Contending my family's dietary likes & dislikes makes it challenging to remain motivated in cooking healthy meals every day. As far as information goes, I'm fairly well versed in nutrition so I don't feel that I learned that much. However, the professor's positive attitude, sound advice and encouragements was worth the course in itself. Anyone who is a bit lost within the wide variety of nutritional claims and trends and wish to have a better sense of direction in their nutritional journey will enjoy this course.
By Devbir S V
•Mar 25, 2024
I really feel like I have gained good knowledge and which can be relied upon because the creators of the course were such established professionals in their field so I feel I can really trust the information and most of it made sense. I feed there was a lot of more technical statistics given in the first few lectures which I enjoyed and would have like that peppered in the next ones as well but I understand the purpose of the latter ones was different. Great experience overall, not being from the healthcare field myself but this is the first time I took a course which was not professionally linked to me and it was well worth it.
By Shradha R
•Jan 18, 2019
I think this is one course which is absolutely essential for everybody and even more so for people who intend to be more aware of the food that they are putting in their body. As a food blogger, I always share recipes and suggest to people what they should eat and therefore for me, this course has been so helpful and constructive. I love the fact that this course shares all the vital information in a very crisp, clear and simple way. The fact that they are empowering and encouraging people to cook at home and providing helpful guidelines and tips to help them is commendable. Maya and Micheal have done a great job. Thanks a lot!
By Kristin K
•Jul 31, 2024
Loved this course! I will definitely be taking more courses on Coursera! This course in particular was extremely concise, informational, and exciting to learn. I loved the overall school-like feel of this Coursera because it encourages you to focus. If you're not a total visual learner, I would recommend reading the transcript along with watching the video, as that is what I did. I think the topics and concepts brought up in this course (so far, I'm on Module 5) are pretty easy to retain since nutrition relates to all of us humans, but if you see fit, taking notes would be helpful for retention. Definitely would recommend!
By Chinmoy C
•Oct 22, 2019
it is a beautiful course, I stopped myself from buying a pack of kurkure (indian version of cheetos) and my wife will attest to what a great feat this is... but I expected something more in terms of chemistry and may be little equations and more medical terms that I needed to google at the end of the video. but then this was a beginner level course. However I am grateful to the team for setting up such an easy going course which is plenty in information and yet not too heavy to grasp. and kudos to Michael Pollan for writing food rules, apart from 'twinkle twinkle little star', my 2 year old is going to be reciting
By Stephen H
•Feb 27, 2016
Very well presented course.
To certain degree, the concepts are basic. If you're looking for a course that explains the physiological effects of sodium or the chemical reaction of glucose, this is not it. However, it gives sensible advice about how to eat well for a healthy life.
I took away a number of good ideas. Also, the course helped me put into a wider context some things I already knew in a disjointed manner, which helped me to understand them better.
Good structure, script, presentation (including interaction between the presenters), visuals...
In summary, I feel following this course was time well spent.
By Fabio L A
•May 4, 2020
Excelente curso que fue orientado de de una manera muy especial por MAYA ADAMS, quien inspira a sus estudiantes con su compromiso y su maravillosa forma de hablar, caracterizada por la claridad en la pronunciación, presentando ideas claras y concisas que permite una asimilación por parte del estudiante, de cada tema, muy bien planeado el curso en cuanto se puede desarrollar de una manera que no sea demasiado exigente en tiempo pero a su vez permite aprendizajes muy valiosos que nos permiten cambiar nuestros hábitos alimenticios y nos llevan a tomar medidas para lograr unos habitos nutriciones saludables.
By Soña B
•Oct 29, 2020
Dentro del programa que plantea,que parece sencillo,realmente destaca de forma brillante la relación entre la nutrición y la salud;sin dejar de ver los aspectos sociológicos,familiares y hasta emocionales del buen comer en todo su significado.
Ademas de lo maravilloso de las recetas que van a impulsar a mucha gente a realizarlas.
Yo ya hago muchas recetas y amo la cocina;aunque no es mi ocupación.
Y realmente tuvieron mucho que que ver mis padres y mis abuelos.
By Joris B
•Aug 9, 2020
Hello, Many thanks for this excellent course. I was already extremely health conscious and aged 66 I have the same weight as when I was 25. I knew most of the common sense approach -Martin’s mantra- and never use processed foods but have learned much about sugar and the different types of fats, notably about trans fats and also that, in limited quantities, some saturated fats are acceptable. More info on cheese, potatoes and alcohol would have been welcome. Perhaps also whether deep frozen vegetables are more /less healthy than fresh ones. In any case, I greatly enjoyed this course. Many thanks, Joris
By Elena B
•Mar 31, 2022
Buenas tardes.
Éste curso me ha ayudado a entender que la alimentación no solo es comer, sino lo que comemos, ahora pienso que nutrientes le daré a mi cuerpo y al de mi familia, para evitar enfermedades posteriores. Un punto importante es la maravillosa invitación que nos hacen al consinar en casa, con la familia, ver éste acto como un complemento importante como ser humano, son momentos de alegrÃa, responsabilidad, placer, tiempor de compartir para tener una mejor calidad de vida al mismo tiempo que enseñamos a nuestros hijo ésta cuidado escencial.
Gracias por su atención. Tomaré nuevamente el curso.
By Morgan H
•Feb 16, 2025
Great introduction into food and health. To all the reviews regarding it being an easy course. It says it is for beginners. To the reviews regarding the "Journalist" being interviewed, he has spend a large portion of his life learning and educating himself and others in food. He additionally has a masters degree (So sorry it's not a doctoral one). There are a bunch of great recipes in the 5th model along with additional food and health reading the 6th module. I plan on looking for a more advance course to further my understanding of how different foods can benefit our health. Great introduction.
By Deepank D
•Jan 12, 2021
Definitely made me switch to healthier alternatives of foods we generally consume. I have started eating an apple (without worrying about the sugar in it), a carrot (all that fibre really aids in maintaining my gut healthy), and a tomato every day. I'm no longer worried about overconsumption of healthy carbs (mainly homemade wheat chapati), which also keeps me satiated for a longer time. My food cravings have definitely reduced, and no kidding when I say I experience a little higher energy levels than before. A BIG thank you to Mike Pollans and Maya Adam for presenting this great course for us!!
By Tonya R
•Mar 18, 2020
Good basic course. Easy to understand.
Allowing us to self pace is critical for me. I started course before it was all opened and available so I had to stop and wait a week or two for subsequent sections to open. I'd rather have full course available from start and let me take it at my pace but within a specified period of time. Usually I can complete more in one setting and other times life means you have to start and stop and return a week later. For example the 2020 pandemic also impacted when I could finish this course. But as we isolate I will be able to take more courses Amen!