Jun 21, 2018
It was an amazing course that allowed for me to be much more conscious of what I was eating and pushed me to strive to achieve a healthier lifestyle. Overall, it was very entertaining and informative!
Feb 24, 2019
It was very informative course. It could have more quizzes and assignments. The way things were explained in the course was quiet interesting. Keep it up!! course. I really like this way of education.
By Eunice R
•Jun 18, 2021
I enjoyed this course. I am pre-diabetic and have been told by my physician that losing weight will help me control my blood sugar. This course is informational and very easy to follow. I have gained a lot of valuable insight into what I can do to improve my nutritional health. I am not a big fan of using medicine for all of our ills. Therefore, I am happy to have taken this course and I know it will be a useful catalyst in helping me improve my journey into improving my health as well as my families health.
By Mauro G M
•Oct 31, 2021
El curso es muy buena, se aprende a valorar a las comidas por su valor nutricional.
Lo más importante en la alimentación es aprender a balancear los nutrientes de las comidas,
En cada plato debe predominar el 50% comidas vivas (frutas y vegetales, el 25% de carbohidratos y el otro 25% de proteínas. La nutrición es según el trabajo desempeñado, Un deportista debe consumir nutrientes con mucha energía, Un profesional de la salud más comida viva y un obrero de la construcción civil, más carbohidratos.
By Deleted A
•Jan 24, 2017
Should be required for everyone, even if you think you already eat healthily! Essential and up-to-date information about food and health is presented in an extremely clear and engaging manner. The quizzes are exceptional and you'll know you learned a lot when you are not only able to find the right answer, but correct the wrong answers in your head. Thank you so much for creating this course, I truly hope it helps change the world's eating behaviors and eliminates our population's chronic health crisis.
By Julian M
•Oct 22, 2023
The course and the didactics used are excellent, I believe that the path of nutrition already goes beyond the mere implementation of a nutritional plan, but rather calls us to begin teaching people how to eat, what foods to choose, how to think about the food. . . Not only in quantity but in its quality. This is no longer an objective, it is a necessity. It really helps a lot to continue training so we can give the best to our students and patients! Greetings to all Stanford colleagues. Thank you all.
By Samar A A M
•Sep 28, 2020
I have completely enjoyed that course .. that seems to be very beneficial to me and overall to my country's culture about nutrition facts and health issues ,, that encourages me greatly to change our thinking of food and eating habits ,, moreover it helps me to focus and learn more about nutrition and health with your online courses ,, thank you so much 😍
Finally I wished if you let me to move on and finish that course and will be very grateful if you could allow me to certification.. thanks overall
By Any C
•Jul 25, 2019
Sou muito grata por ter recebido a bolsa e ter conseguido concluir esse curso que já me engrandece e que certamente me ajudará em breve levar tal conhecimento para os meus pacientes e conhecidos. Obrigada equipe! Continuem proporcionando aprendizado e enriquecendo ainda mais essa plataforma. Gostaria de sugerir mais cursos de especialização na área da nutrição, acho que seria muito bom se tivesse pós graduação e mestrado com assuntos mais específicos para essa área. Obrigada mais uma vez, até breve.
By Desiree N B
•May 13, 2020
Great class. Videos were great and I like that there is a visual (video) provided along side the notes.
I am a vegetarian and have learned a lot about nutrition and healthy eating in my personal quest to overcome some health conditions. In this course, I learned a little more about nutrition, macro nutrients, nutrient density, quality of foods, portion sizes and practical tips when food shopping, etc. "Eat food (real food). Not too much. Mostly Plants" is simple and sound guidance for anyone.
By Anu A
•Dec 19, 2018
This is a wonderful intro to healthy eating, including the science behind foods and the psychology behind food advertising. I would highly recommend this to any teenager going off to college or really anyone who is learning how to cook or lose weight. I appreciate the nice graphics and the clear explanations. Even though I've taken other food and health courses before, I still learned some things with this class and it was so short/concise that it was worth it. Thank you, Dr. Adam and Mr. Pollan!
By Candice V
•Jul 17, 2019
I really enjoyed this course and the supplemental videos, recipes, and resources at the end (Week 5). A lot of it was a refresher for me, but a helpful motivator to get back on track in certain areas of my family's nutritional life such as breakfast. My husband handles breakfast with boxed cereals, boxed pancakes, and bacon. I now have some motivation to make tweaks and implement new recipes (such as the blender pancakes) to help steer this meal in a healthier direction. Thank you Dr. Adam!
By Ana P
•May 2, 2018
Hello, i am a nanny and i loved this course, because makes me understand how much important cooking could be in our lives. I would love to know more. Unfortunately i have finished my weeks in few days because i was too interested in it and i didn't have time to take notes . I would love to have the possibility to have the text regarding all of the videos so that i can keep them and review them whenever i feel like i need a motivation because i can say it LOUD: this course motivated me soo much!
•Feb 28, 2021
We need to be Focussing Moderation and Focus on PLANT PROTEIN DIET and Focus on Home Made Food for Long Term Health and WEIGHT MANAGEMENT.
Very Effective Course for CREATING AWARENESS related to OBESITY PANDEMIC .
Dinesh Suresh Shetye
By Beáta K
•Oct 11, 2018
I think this is a very useful and well-structured course, but the target group maybe wasn't me. As a European, who actually almost never eat prepared food, and cook reguralry there wasn't any new information for me, but the videos was very entertaining and again, well-structured. I think this course is recommend for everybody, because it's short, not too deep, but really complex. I'm really graetful, that it's scientifically correct, and neutral, and don't want to force us some new "diet".
By Jaider S
•Jun 18, 2022
La verdad me pareció un curso muy bueno, sencillo y específico, porque explica en cortos videos la importancia de una dieta balanceada y saludable, sobre cosas que no sabiamos o no creiamos que eran importantes, ayuda a solucionar esos problemas, muestra recetas saludables en casa que cualquiera puede hacer, también que la cocina puede disfrutarse, que no debemos tener tantas restricciones, sino ser moderados, saber comer y disfrutar la comida, ya que ayuda a nuestro cuerpo a largo plazo.
By S A
•Nov 16, 2017
An easy to understand course with practical tips everyone can adapt. It starts on a basic level and doesn't require you to drastically change your diet, such as eliminate entire food groups or grow your own produce. A follow-up course will be helpful. These type of courses are needed since there is a lot of misinformation about diet. Many documentaries telling you to basically avoid everything that leave you dismal, hopeless, and more likely to give up on improving your diet altogether.
By Larry S
•May 3, 2023
This is an exceptional course. It teaches the basics of nutrition as well as practical, real-world skills for creating a path to a healthy relationship with food. I'm impressed with the fact that the professor takes into account that people have stressful lives, work too much, etc. and often take the path of least resistance. Her approach -- to take steps rather than to dive in 100% and decide to be vegan -- is sensible and promotes sustainable change. Thank you, professor.
By Bartłomiej T
•Feb 25, 2021
I think its a great and quick tool for learning the basics/fundamentals of nutrition. Great to see professionals pushing towards following the best up to date scientific literature and evidence of plant based substitution, especially seeing the detrimental effects the current food system has brought upon us and the lack of common knowledge in the general public. Thank you for providing everyone with an opportunity to learn and take the first step in their journey to health.
By Tawfiq A
•Sep 11, 2019
Fantastic insights on nutrition, perfect illustration and clear audio explanation, being passionate about nutrition and food and currently working on my F&B sustainable food start-up my team and I found this course really beneficial and being a home chef I can now illustrate and inform on defining healthy conscious eating. Currently I am also enrolled on Stanford's child nutrition and cooking. Thanks to Coursera, and Maya Adams and the entire supporting team of this course.
By Liezel K
•Feb 23, 2021
I thoroughly enjoyed this course and will most definitely join another one. It so easy to follow and you can watch the videos as many times as you like if you want to update your notes. I also like the fact that when you start the next week, you can go back and watch the video clips again to recap. I enjoyed the course material and learned a lot. It certainly inspires you to start cooking healthier and to plan nutritious meals for your family. Thank you for a great course.
By Adeen K
•Dec 1, 2019
an informative course that acknowledge us about basic food components and human body needs. taught about the importance of home cooking, nutritional value of processed and home cooked food and how we can improve our health by taking simple changes in our routine and can connect with our family members. most importantly this course helps to learn the skill of good shopping, how we can know about the quality of food by looking at its ingredients and nutritional value chart.
By Katia N
•Jul 4, 2020
I could not have found a better course considering what I was looking for. I learned so much about healthy habits, how the food industry works, how with a few essential ingredients you can make a diverse menu and how to buy my products. I am very satisfied with the way this course has been made, loved that parts of it is Maya Adams talking, others interviewing Michael Pollan and others have pictures which are super easy to follow. Thank you so much for all I have learned!
By Diana M C L
•Sep 7, 2016
This has been an excellent Course. The content itself is very clear and gives you an enormous background about food and eating habits, although is focused mostly in the western diet in USA I think that at least in America continent an other parts of the globe eating habits are similar, Public health is a great concern and I think that in this way we should change completely our habits and stop eating processed food. Congrats Stanford University more courses like this one.
By Atiqullah z
•Jan 21, 2023
It was a very great journey with you guys.
I have learned lots of new things,a great experience and i am so proud that i was accepted as a student for this
short course. I will share my knowledge with those that they do not know the value of Healthy food.
Food and Health has very strong and a life time connection. Good food will keep you alive and non healthy food will make you a member of the graveyard in your early age.
love and respect from Afghanistan.
Atiqullah Zadran
By pavan k
•Jun 15, 2017
This course guides us how to think while buying products in grocery store. I learnt that we should look at food as mixture of Colorful vegetables, healthy fats, whole grains.....not as mixture of Nutrients (I always get baffled with their chemical names). Maya Mam explained it in so easy way, she made me look the other side of products which they (some companies) claim as "Nutritional foods". This course helped me to get rid of some doubts I had about Supplement foods.
By Harshit B
•Mar 6, 2018
Maya Adams, MD and Michael Pollan have explained the rules of healthy food in such a simple and non-scientific way so that every one can understand the fundamentals. These basics if followed consistently can change our lifestyle from the growing obesity to a modern healthy and fit person. The efforts of the course contributors needs to be appreciated for not only the concept but also the presentation. This is a much recommended course on food, health and fitness!!
By Supriyo D
•Jul 4, 2021
I had signed up to gain some insights that would help me in one of my projects. What I ended up is gathering priceless information about Food, Health and Nutrition that goes much beyond and touches my own health. Ms Adam and Prof. Pollan had been simly extra-ordinary in expressing and explaining their view points and narrate the course content. I must say this course is a "must" for everyone. If you miss this, you have missed something you should not have missed.