Oct 6, 2018
This course is much simpler and easier to understand for those who wanna get and set their goals towards the image engineering field. Really enjoy much doing this course. THank you everyone !!!
Jul 17, 2018
Very informative and comprehensive course in image processing. Many examples are presented throughout the course, which make the content tangible and help to better sink-in the material.
By Deleted A
•Oct 6, 2020
MATLAB assginements took many tries and was difficult, could include a sample question such as how this is applied in forensics, surveillance, image processing, medical image processing for HMI, and other practical ideas.
Good course for engineers
By avinash r
•Oct 27, 2016
The Course is very informative and definitely a good basic course to image and video processing. However, I felt that linking the course modules with python snippets for examples will help the people who work in the related fieds. Thank you.
By Dina B
•Apr 27, 2016
it's a good material and nice professor, but sometimes the material is rather theoretical. Some lessons are very heavy with details and very basic practice excercises. I was missing deeper excercises that cover more of the studied material
By Somil J
•Jul 4, 2019
This course is great for getting an overview of Digital Image Processing.
Some more homework coding practice assignment can be added for getting for intuitive learning experience.
Overall it is awesome for a starting point.
By Krithika S
•Mar 12, 2018
The course was very thorough and helped us understand various basics that are required for further application in various fields. Clear oration accompanied by the slides kept the course interesting and informative
By Peter G
•Jun 11, 2016
Quite allright for an introductory course to image processing! But to really understand the course, one needs to have experience in basic DSP and statistics. Otherwise, many of material won't be as clear.
By Shiraz S K
•Jan 30, 2019
Highly relevant and comprehensive, covering important information in the field. Can be improved however by incorporating code using other language libraries besides MATLAB (e.g. Python, etc).
By Harsh S
•Aug 31, 2019
Accent was a bit hard to understand for me, I used google to study separate topics and then gave assignments. Helpful as a guide to direct you what all to study in the space.
By Hari V
•Jul 24, 2017
Wonderful course....The mentor is knowledgable....the only drawback I find is it we dont find the answers to the assignment questions even after passing it.
By Altaf K
•Oct 22, 2018
A course which looks hard at first glance but they lecturers made it look so easy and inspired us students to teach us. Thank you for the course.
By Kaijun F
•Jun 28, 2019
A lot of materials and useful information, but some part gets a little overwhelming. Would also like to see image registration explained more.
By Haotian Z
•Sep 13, 2016
I think the teacher should speak more clearly, he has a strong accent, however, the materials and contents in this lessons are pretty good.
By Nawin S
•Oct 4, 2020
One or two lecture should be there for Optimization and Regularization. I enjoyed the course and it was useful and very informative.
By Majd W
•Nov 11, 2016
I cannot understand what the teacher says because of the accent, in the first time I thought it's not a problem but actually I was.
By Neil Y
•Jun 17, 2018
This course is rich in supplemental slides though the assignments are not very useful for understanding the materials.
By reza s
•May 29, 2016
that is awesome course . but , there is not any support from staffs (for example in answering in discussion )
By Maxwell T
•Oct 15, 2017
I felt that the course was rushed a bit too fast. Some parts are quite vague and hard to understand.
By Giorgio S
•Oct 5, 2016
Quite a good course. I just wished a free programming language being used in place of Matlab.
By Vipul K
•Jul 16, 2020
Prerequisties for this course: Digital Signal Processing fundamentals and on hand experience
By Luis S G
•Aug 24, 2020
Es un curso muy interesante, se requiere conocimientos de matemáticas y computación.
By Emir C
•Aug 20, 2016
Excellent but need more challenging questions both in theory and programming part.
By Jayanth S
•Oct 4, 2018
THE course is awesome.....it helps us a lot while doing our projects...Thnak you
By Joffre L V
•Dec 7, 2016
Good course, I only recommend to incorporate mini projects per week, ...
By nitin k
•Jun 7, 2016
It covers all the fundamental knowledge of digital image and video processing
By Daniel C
•Jun 5, 2019
Assignments were a little too easy. Solid analysis and content though.