Oct 6, 2018
This course is much simpler and easier to understand for those who wanna get and set their goals towards the image engineering field. Really enjoy much doing this course. THank you everyone !!!
Jul 17, 2018
Very informative and comprehensive course in image processing. Many examples are presented throughout the course, which make the content tangible and help to better sink-in the material.
By Achindra Y W
•Jul 26, 2020
What an amazing course to learn about everything about image processing.
•Sep 19, 2023
You can know much about image and video processing & it is very useful
By Faraz H
•Aug 6, 2021
Wonderful course. Well structured and well explained. Thanks a million
By Munkhsukh E
•Nov 6, 2016
I would like to study this course. So, It is giving me more knowledge.
By Prabakaran V
•Oct 23, 2021
Very good course for strong fundamnetals in Image & Video Processing
•Oct 22, 2019
Outstanding course for beginners willing to learn image processing
By Pandya N
•Dec 10, 2017
long but informative and complete course. thank you course era.
By S.pavankumar
•Mar 10, 2017
super course Fundamentals of Digital Image and Video Processing
By Sayantan R
•Mar 20, 2019
Great course! Relevant to the current progress in tech fields!
By Besh P D
•Jan 17, 2018
Most exciting & informative course to image & video processing
By Muhammad R u R
•Dec 9, 2016
gives full understanding of digital image and video processing
•Mar 9, 2019
very good and easy to understand about Images and its process
By vishalsingh 2
•Oct 11, 2022
One of the best and easiest course available anywhere!!!
By Surendra M
•Mar 13, 2018
It was one of the best course I have ever studied online.
•Apr 20, 2020
Awesome work ! Thank you so much Pr.Katsaggelos and Team
By Deleted A
•Aug 15, 2016
Course lessons are good,informative and easy-to-follow.
By Mayank k
•Jun 24, 2019
This course really helped me a lot and improved my CV
By Shahriar A S
•Jul 21, 2020
Very informative course of Digital image processing.
By Er s
•Jun 8, 2020
Very good course to learn image and video processing
•Jun 13, 2018
course material is good and understandable. thankyou
By Isuru K
•Nov 14, 2020
Great course to learn image processing. Thank you
By Manjusri R
•Jun 13, 2018
The concept explained by the professor was clear.
•Sep 14, 2017
Speechles, it's unbelievable course and i love it
By Madhu O P S
•Jun 5, 2020
I am really happy with the teacher's explanation
By Ritika L
•Feb 6, 2017
Self explanatory, good assignments, very helpful