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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Bookkeeping Basics by Intuit

5,753 ratings

About the Course

This is the first course in a series of four that will give you the skills needed to start your career in bookkeeping. If you have a passion for helping clients solve problems, this course is for you. In this course, you will be introduced to the role of a bookkeeper and learn what bookkeeping professionals do every day. You will dive into the accounting concepts and terms that will provide the foundation for the next three courses. You will learn how to work your way through the accounting cycle and be able to read and produce key financial statements. By the end of this course, you will be able to: -Define accounting and the concepts of accounting measurement -Explain the role of a bookkeeper and common bookkeeping tasks and responsibilities -Summarize the double entry accounting method -Explain the ethical and social responsibilities of bookkeepers in ensuring the integrity of financial information. No previous bookkeeping or accounting experience required....

Top reviews


Jul 20, 2022

T​his course was well put together. I used to feel so intimidated by finances. The interactive videos and practice exercises do a fantastic job of explaining concepts learned throughout this course.


Nov 28, 2022

Wow! I was really impressed with the videos and information that was presented in this course. I learned alot and I have been doing bookkeeping for awhile. It was a great refresher course for me.

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26 - 50 of 1,547 Reviews for Bookkeeping Basics

By Danielle A

Feb 9, 2023

Not recommended for those returning to accounting or bookkeeping to refresh skills. The platform may not be Intuit's problem, but the maybe-sorta answers are. The terminology is not what you will get on the job, in fact you'd do better getting a "Bookkeeping For Dummies" book or watch a YouTube video. Either would be more helpful.

The only reason I gave it 1 star is because it was a healthy reminder that I paid for this garbage run and might as well finish the 4 months as there's not a refund.

By Anesia B

Nov 28, 2021

Thank You Coursera and Thank You Intuit for this opportunity of new learnings. All were great . I am hoping for the best. Looking forward for the next steps. God bless Team.

By Dian N S

Dec 16, 2021

It's really like its name. You will learn about basic of bookkeeping. Recommended for people who never had experience in bookkeeping. The explanation is really good though


Oct 26, 2021

Im satisfied. Very good course, well structured, contains specific information, great examples, clear tests. Intuit should build course for CPA preparation. Well done.

By Berenice S

Sep 15, 2021

Broken down concepts clearly and loved the examples in Quickbooks on how to apply concepts. Need a few more hands on activities like the final test.

By luanna G

Jun 22, 2021

A great introduction to Bookkeeping Basics

By niko l (

Sep 6, 2021

all the animation part is a waste time. the expert advise is quite usefull, practice is good, but still, half of your time will waste on the animate and no way to mute it ( I hate that animate sound btw)

By christine S

Jul 8, 2021

Not what I thought it was

By Sarah S

Mar 27, 2023

I am a complete bookkeeping beginner, and I found myself googling quite a lot throughout the course. They definitely need to go into more detail with certain topics and give more practice questions.. At one point they said "this is a difficult concept that still trips up senior accountants, the more you do, the easier it will become" and then they didn't provide any practice questions lol. The guided activities either seemed to not work correctly, or legit spoon-fed me the answers. So when it came time for the case study and I had to do everything 100% on my own, I was a little stressed. Also, Bianca got on my nerves by the end.

Edit: I am now 2 weeks into Course 2 and I 110% DO NOT recommend if you are planning to complete all 4 courses. So far course 2 has many mistakes which makes me question if the information I have been taught is even correct. I will finish Course 2 because I paid (waste of money IMO) and I will not complete Course 3 & 4 like I had originally intended.

By M N

Apr 23, 2024

teacher as a cartoon character? terrible voice for the cartoon character? rock music on the background? Really??? It was extremely annoying approach to teach a very interesting subject. I quit this course after like 2 min of watching. Not possible to listen to this.

By Laura V

Jul 7, 2021

Excellent basic course in the general accounting principles needed to perform as a bookkeeper for small business. Explains complicated concepts in an easy to understand way, broken up into small chunks of time. Engaging videos and examples combined with hands-on practice make this a worthwhile course!

By Christina R S

Jul 31, 2023

After taking this course, I can see where & how I can apply my skills and love for numbers. I am confident in my decision and cant wait to put all the pieces together.

Thank you, Coursera & Intuit!

By Star O

Jun 19, 2022

This is a great course, it explains all concepts in a very easy to understand language. I suggest adding more practice/examples on journal entries and ledgers, how to transfer from JE to GL.

By Faisal

Sep 24, 2021

After learning this course I am quite confident to work and handle the quick book accounting software with great accuracy with bundle of reporting advantages :)

By Kari C

Jun 28, 2021

Could provide more hands on practice and better explanation about which accounts to choose, but a good comprehensive tool to learn the bookkeeping basics fairly quickly.

By Annadel H

Jun 3, 2024

Each module was explained in a short, clear, and easy-to-understand way. I also appreciated the practice exercises and quizzes, and I enjoyed doing the case study. I believe that the discussion portion could be reduced unless the inquiries contribute significantly to the learning process beyond simply assessing one's level of comfort with a given topic. All in all, I think the course was great.  The final specialization certificate is a disappointment, however, as it is not something you can attach to your resume. The reason I say this is that the description of the course in the certificate is written like this: [Name] has successfully completed the online, non-credit Proffesional Certificate Intuit Academy Bookkeeping. Whether you are starting out or looking for a career change, the Intuit bookkeeping program prepares you for a variety of jobs in public accounting, private industry, government, and non-profit organizations. You've gained a foundational understanding of accounting principles and an introduction to QuickBooks Online through hands-on practice working with real world accounting scenarions. Upon completion, you'll be ready to take the Bookkeeping exam [...] The description provided in the certificate conveyed a low-quality and unprofessional impression. It looks more like an advertisement than a certification.

By Newman S

Sep 5, 2021

The course itself is fine. The most annoying thing is the accent that is being used with the cartoon instructor. Some kind of east coast/New York accent that is very insulting and annoying to the ear. Since it is now obvious that the text of the videos was not spell checked and was done voice to text the accent makes for some very interesting spelling errors. The character of "LOU" is spelled 3 different ways. Some sentences don't make sense because the word she is actually saying was transcribed as garbled up nonsense. I like to read the text and take notes from it and that is hard to do when no one spell or grammar checked the accompanying text.

When you do the assignments that you have to "mark as complete", they don't stay marked and you have to go back and remark them.

The one where you have to create an Adjusted Trial Balance doesn't work. You do one thing and then it freezes up and says mark as complete before you've actually created the ATB.

But please get rid of the accent! It is very rude and she comes off like she's making fun of people with accents. Just use a normal speaking voice.

More print outs would be nice, too

By Anna H

Oct 18, 2022

I'm giving this a 3 becuase it is adequately challenging/educational for me. However, I have worked in an office/bookkeeping environment for several years, self-taught. I think for someone with absolutely no bookkeeping experience, the materials would be easy to zip through but the exams (not quizzes) by comparison would be difficult. There are some gaps between the educational material and the quiz/test content, for exmaple-some terminology introduced in quizzes before it's covered in materials and a few oddly worded questions that were subjective. There's room for improvement.

By Lauren G

Jul 6, 2022

For anyone who has never had ANY experience with bookkeeping, this course is NOT for you! There is so much missing in regards to understanding the concept of bookkeeping. There should be way more detail and if Quickbooks is the platform you are using to give demonstrations then students should have access to it to be able to fully understand how bookkeeping works in the digital sense and not just rely on a person's ability to function within a computer program. The videos are great but I don't feel they would adequately prepare you for the certification.

By Craig T

Jul 29, 2022

The course was ok. It covers all of the basics. The woman's New Jersey accent and sass is way too much, it was hard to listen to. Also, some of the topics are essentially out of order. They often made reference to topics and concepts that had not yet been presented. The section on cash basis vs accural basis should have come before the 3 sections before it.

By Faith N

Jun 26, 2022

I was not fond of the scenarios used, the accent and tone of speach seemed forced and was very off putting to me. I found I sped through those portions and it wasn't a benefit for me. I would have much preferred straightforward teaching, with the real life examples that was provided by the guest speakers.

By Katie K

Apr 19, 2023

I do not feel like the course adequately prepared us for the case study at the end of the module. I think more time needs to be spent on General Journal, General Ledger and Trial Balances.

By Robert B

Sep 14, 2024

not being able to take an exam that's offered for free at the end of the course is a bit disappointing. Should be known at the start that if not a US resident you cannot enrol.

By Kris L

Oct 16, 2022

Case study was hard to complete w/o assistance. There are still components I don't understand with no one to ask for help

By Jeffrey R

Sep 12, 2022

I am too angry with this curriculum to write anything constructive at this time. The lack of quality/accuracy/usefulness of this material is scary since so many people use Intuit products to support their livelihoods. Instructors, your job is not to evade questions or answer with corporate responses like "We are looking into it", we know it is not happening. It does not take six months to fix a typo - I know, I wrote training material for a living, but it doesn't take six months. As an instructor, your job is to educate, to guide the learner through the subject. That means actively engaging in discussion and providing more definitive answers to questions. If there is an issue with a question in a quiz or lab, don't just browbeat the learner with some obscure platitude. Instead, since questions are tied to specific sections of the course, suggest to the student they go back to the supporting section for review.

Actually create a workbook that has the student apply the concepts taught in all the courses to doing the books for the same company. You kind of did it in the course presentations. This way, the student would have a consistent enviroment to work with eg common set of accounts to be used.

Review your instructions. They are not clear. They read like somebody rushed through typing something in without thinking about it. if your intending to have something broken in a worksheet, it is best to clearly indicate it, because it is clear that what is presented does not reflect real world. And for learners just starting, that isn't needed. I was shocked at the number of people tagged as unenrolled!

Drop the talking heads. It got so tiresome listening to people who I had no idea of who they were and their signficance the program. This is a subject that requires a lot of hands on practice to master. A workbook with lots of problems would have been a lot better. Also a talking animated character teaching/guiding through all these modules really dropped the credability of this material. Honestly what was presented by these people was no different than what I was reading in "Bookkeeping for Dummies".