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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Bookkeeping Basics by Intuit

5,753 ratings

About the Course

This is the first course in a series of four that will give you the skills needed to start your career in bookkeeping. If you have a passion for helping clients solve problems, this course is for you. In this course, you will be introduced to the role of a bookkeeper and learn what bookkeeping professionals do every day. You will dive into the accounting concepts and terms that will provide the foundation for the next three courses. You will learn how to work your way through the accounting cycle and be able to read and produce key financial statements. By the end of this course, you will be able to: -Define accounting and the concepts of accounting measurement -Explain the role of a bookkeeper and common bookkeeping tasks and responsibilities -Summarize the double entry accounting method -Explain the ethical and social responsibilities of bookkeepers in ensuring the integrity of financial information. No previous bookkeeping or accounting experience required....

Top reviews


Jul 20, 2022

T​his course was well put together. I used to feel so intimidated by finances. The interactive videos and practice exercises do a fantastic job of explaining concepts learned throughout this course.


Nov 28, 2022

Wow! I was really impressed with the videos and information that was presented in this course. I learned alot and I have been doing bookkeeping for awhile. It was a great refresher course for me.

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1 - 25 of 1,546 Reviews for Bookkeeping Basics

By Tia C S

Jul 20, 2021

Well, at this point there are too many mistakes in this material and I would not even give this course one start but i had to in order to submit this message. This could be a problem down the road if someone fails the final test after paying 149.00 I plan to continue this course but these problem must be fixed.

By Leah P

Jul 5, 2021

I loved this course right through to the final project. However, once I got to the quiz at the end (that used the information from my final project) I found that several of the quiz answers seemed to require a different data set than the one I had been provided for the final project. Starting with the first question, the correct answer was not an option. Since answering the first question was a crap shoot and not based on the same data I had access to, at least 2 other questions would be nearly impossible to get correct since they rely on the answer to the first question. This was frustrating and disappointing and made me question the quality of the entire course. I see that another reviewer commented on the same experience. I hope that it gets reviewed and revised.

By Paula L

Jul 2, 2021

The Case Study was extremely difficult. The data given seemed incorrect!

By Ahmad B S

Jun 26, 2021

This course is not for beginners .If you have complete knowledge of Accounting then this course is for you

By Cheryl H

Nov 28, 2022

Wow! I was really impressed with the videos and information that was presented in this course. I learned alot and I have been doing bookkeeping for awhile. It was a great refresher course for me.

By Joshua L

Jun 17, 2021

This was a great refresher on the basics of Bookkeeping. The only reason I would not give it a 5 star rating, is that some of the practice modules did not work properly and some of the videos did not cover the topic it stated.

By Marie R

Jul 13, 2021

I thought the course would have had more hands on practice. It was a lot of relevant theory, just wished there was more hands on practice.

By Jennifer H

Jan 25, 2022

The final quiz was very difficult to pass. It's ridiculous that we have to fill out a mock Excel spreadsheet data when all the practice has been with Quickbooks. There was too little practice in identifying types of accounts, which also made filling out the mock Excel sheet difficult. I would recommend this course for understanding basic concepts, but it was pretty useless for real-world type practice.

By Lisa J M

Jul 28, 2021

Disappointing. Misspellings galore in the text and headers. Narrator was condescending and annoying.

By Elena K

Jul 14, 2021

Bianka is very annoying

By Bradley G

Jul 24, 2021

I don't want commericials or a cartoon teaching me.

By Jamie B

Aug 1, 2021

Overall it's a good course. I feel there should be more than a very short video on explaining debits and credits. I am still confused on that part, but understand everything else.

By Janet M

Jul 15, 2021

Too juvenile -

By Jacqueline H S

Jun 3, 2022

This course is so GOOD! I needed to brush up on my Bookkeeping Skills, and I am glad that I chose Coursera to help me do this. I love the Step by Step Lessons and the videos are AWESOME! Thank you!

By Kay S

Jul 31, 2021

I really appreciate how affordable this course is; however, it does have some disadvantages. The material presented is pretty basic; I'm not really learning anything except for some new vocabulary and ways to think about things. I really don't enjoy the animated characters and the time spent listening to them. I do enjoy the experts sharing, but wish there were graphics to go with what they are saying since it's a lot of information to take in verbally and I was constantly stopping and starting the video in order to take good notes. Some of the practice sessions are pretty glitchy, and I often felt like I was beta testing them. The quizzes and exams are fair for the most part, but there were some glitches with those as well.

By Hannah A

Mar 7, 2022

There was very little real content, and the presentation was confusing a lot of the time. I would have liked more straightforward explanations and a lot more hands-on practice.

By Timothy R

Jul 8, 2021

Overall, a good introductory or refresher course for entry bookkeeping. If I had to provide a critique, the final case study did not require the excel workbook to be formatted correctly but the ending quiz associated with it did. You should have formatting aligned for both test and case study to streamline the experience for students (don't flip flop formats).

By Keri G

Jul 21, 2022

This course was well put together. I used to feel so intimidated by finances. The interactive videos and practice exercises do a fantastic job of explaining concepts learned throughout this course.

By Marquetta L B

Sep 19, 2021

The course covered exactly the bookkeeping basics and it gets to the point where you can do bookkeeping for potential clients or get hired as a bookkeeper with no experience. Thank!

By Gyöngyi P

Jul 28, 2022

The narrator is extremely irritating and there is too little information given. They don't explain basically any of the terms and concepts properly. Wouldn't recommend, not even for free.

By Don S

Jul 30, 2021

I felt like there was potential for good learning, but no real depth of topic

By John W T J

Aug 22, 2022

The whole series of Bianca and Lou videos are just silly/childish. Seems overly dumbed down to the point of being obnoxious. On the flip side, the field experts being interviewed are bland and are frequently confusing (talking at the CPA level for a basic bookkeeping class). I skipped these parts. Not impressed so far.

By Layth E

Jun 11, 2023

I'm giving the same review for all 4 courses. Most the problems start small in the first course and get worse and worse as you get to the later courses. If this "course" was available for free on Youtube I would thank the creator but still tell them that there are too many problems to be able to recommend it to anybody. But this isn't a free bookkeeping course on Youtube, it's a paid course created by a company that runs the largest and most profitable bookkeeping software in existence - QuickBooks. This company is to bookkeeping what Disney is to animation and I can't call this "course" anything other than a scam.

First off it is clearly not a cohesive course. The info is taught in a jumbled order with lots of information repeated and lots of other information omitted entirely. There are 2 main components. First is the weird black AI teacher with a Jewish accent who has wonderful graphics full of information but no actual knowledge and is reading off a script. Second are the actual qualified bookkeepers whose videos are clearly old training videos repurposed for this "course". The location they are in changes and I swear one lady's hair color changes 3 times. This is info from years apart and has been loosely aggregated together. And of course the people that actually know what they are talking about hardly ever have any graphics or information along side them to actually show you what they are talking about. About 80% of their screen time literally takes the form of, "That thing the AI teacher was talking about is important because if it's wrong then the accounts are wrong and people might make bad decisions based on the wrong info. They talk about examples and never actually show any.

There are typo's and errors and misinformation all over this course. It's astounding. And even though there are places to report errors and the forums are full of people complaining they never fix it. They continue to take people's money for a broken course and refuse to fix it. The debt to equity ratio slide says to divide debt by equity then shows them divide equity by debt. Plus the answer they show is 4.1 when the answer (to their already wrong equation) is .41. The real actual answer is something like 2.5. They literally divided the wrong numbers got the answer .41 (which would not make sense in context) and instead of double checking their work decided to just move the decimal point over because 4.1 would be a reasonable value. This is only one of probably 25-30 errors in the course and those are only the ones I caught. These are not small missable mistakes. They are large egregious errors that any qualified bookkeeper should be able to see immediately leading me to believe that this course has never been reviewed by one. They teach a whole course about how to enter and double check everything twice and they didn't even check the course once. And again even after we complain they do nothing to help us or fix the problem.

The exams are total bullshit. They spend the whole course showing you how to do stuff in quickbooks and all the exams are in HORRIBLY formatted excel sheets. The excel sheets have to be fully completed and filled in before you take the exam and the excel sheet is never submitted or checked for accuracy and they never, even after completing it, tell you the correct answers. Due to the nature of bookkeeping your answers depend on previous answers so you could mess up on one of the first entries and do the other 90% of the excel sheet right and still get only 10% of the exam right. It's total bullshit and there is never any way to know where you messed up and you just have to start all over. Exams 3 and 4 have major errors in them. Exam 3 straight up calculates profit as taking value away from the business. A ****ing toddler could tell you that isn't true. And it's not like these errors are reflected in the answers. If you do everything right you will get the wrong answer unless you manually edit the prefilled parts of the excel sheet yourself.

Even the final exam on Intuit's website that you are supposed to take after this whole course had an error where it asked me what account type something would fall under and all the answers were descriptions of entire journal entries none of which included the account the question would fall under. Completely asinine.

If you got the Couresa 7 day free trial and want to blow through all 4 courses in a week for free there would be some value to it. It teaches you "OF everything you need to know". Meaning it gives you all the relevant terms. But if you want to pass a real exam I would take the list of terms and verify what they mean and how to use them with independent sources to verify you learned it correctly and/or that the course didn't define it poorly or outright wrong. I completed all 4 courses in a little less than 20 total hours (not 40-64) so you could complete it in under a week for sure but I also did fast forward through quite a bit of the actual bookkeepers talking if they didn't pull up QuickBooks and actually show you how to do something. Sometimes they teach you but if their segment starts with "This is important because" you might as well just skip it especially if you are a visual learner like me.

By Morgan B

Nov 6, 2024

Whoever wrote this course and designed the characters and integration of real people needs a RAISE. I loved every second of this material, in spite of its occasional dryness. Bianca is hysterical!

By Christopher M

Jul 2, 2021

Overall, I enjoyed this course. It was a good refresher/introduction for the beginning of an Accounting 1 class from an undergraduate degree in business. There were some mistakes that included questions with right answeres marked wrong, mistatements and some typos. In addition, some material was not covered in videos or readings but appeared on tests. Some of the material and jargon used was out of the scope of the course and other material was talked about in such a way that it was introduced already, but was not included until later sections of the course. The Excel workbook for the final project was a mess with formatting issues that took extra time to sort out. I would still recommend this course to anyone wanting to learn the basics of accounting, because it has an easy going entertaining presentation style without fluff. It's definately worth the time spent and the knowledge can be applied drectly to a bookkeeping job.