Jul 10, 2021
Excellent course and highly recommended for anyone who enjoys space. Easily explained, although some lectures can be very abstract. Chris Impey does a brilliant job and is an outstanding lecturer.
Jun 26, 2019
Amazing introductory course and covers wide variety of topics ranging from history, to astronomy to astrobiology. Really great of amateur astronomers and for anyone who is remotely interested in it.
By Natasha J
•Jun 14, 2019
This course is a perfect beginners guide to astronomy. It's simple enough to follow yet detailed enough to give you a real sense of the field. The video lectures and readings are interesting and well organised in week by week topics. The assignments are challenging without being too time consuming. Professor Impey holds live YouTube question and answer sessions almost monthly, giving you direct access to him.
I found this course engaging, satisfying and truly educational.
By Anshul V
•Aug 16, 2020
This was a brilliant course to truly know about astronomy and to know about the secrets of space. The division of course into 11 weeks and these different categories provides a detailed approach to every topic included in the course. This course covers every topic related to astronomy. The photographic PDF files provided before every week is a very good thing to provide to a student as they change the point of view of the student to looks at the aspects of Sciences.
By Madalena W
•Nov 22, 2020
I really enjoyed taking this astronomy course. Although I always had a profound interest in astronomy, I haven't had the time or the resources to amplify it until I came up with this online course in coursera. The themes explored were vast but all of them were studied in the most detailed view possible. I particularly enjoyed week 10 and 11, since were confronted back then with the most profound questions of our existence. I thank you all who made this possible !
By Udbhav S
•Jun 30, 2020
This course was extremely interesting and informative, from the very first week till the very last. The insertion of relevant clips and images during video lectures, as well as the pace of course delivery was spot-on. The instructor is extremely knowledgeable and I learnt a lot about astronomy from the course. The difficulty was not high either, as very little prerequisite information was required in the course.
Highly recommended for all astronomy enthusiasts.
•Jun 8, 2020
It was an excellent course for full 11 weeks. Lot of information were fed to us continuously each week. I will definitely go through various articles and videos online. With basic knowledge on various fronts of astronomy, I will be able to comprehend as well as appreciate the difficulties astronomers go through each day. I have come to know what infinite space-time is.
Thank you Chris and your videos were amazing and the presentation could not have been better.
By Mateen A
•Jul 31, 2023
The astronomy course on Coursera was excellent, providing a comprehensive overview of the evolution of the universe, earth and galaxies, along with in-depth exploration of spacetime. It was a captivating and informative journey through the cosmos, leaving me with a deeper understanding and appreciation for the wonders of our universe. Thank you, Distinguished Professor Chris Impey for delivering an outstanding Astronomy Course on Coursera. Highly Recommended!
By Sathish V
•Jul 29, 2019
Wonderful course and Prof. Impey was articulate in his explanation with the right level of details to explain various phenomena and principles that govern astrophysics, space and time. The online interactions were really useful in understanding several new facets on the frontiers of modern study and investigation. Thank you Prof Impey for putting together this wonderful course, it helped me understanding few concepts that I was keen to understand and learn.
By Christian J M C A
•Aug 14, 2020
El Profesor Chris Impey es un educador extraordinario, cuya metodologÃa y didáctica hacen que cualquier alumno pueda aprender y luego aplicar lo que se enseña. Es inspirador. Se preocupa por el aprendizaje no solo desde el dÃa 1 del curso, mantiene comunicación con alumnos a través de sus sesiones en vivo en YouTube. Actualiza sus vÃdeos si se requiere y ejemplifica a todo nivel las teorÃas que pueden resultar complejas para quienes inician en AstronomÃa.
By Sheetal P
•Jul 6, 2020
"Really" learning the fundamentals of Astronomy has been something I'd wanted to do for many years but had never really made the time nor found the right level of learning material to make it happen. Professor Impey's course was incredibly digestible and truly fascinating, broken up with large doses of interspersed humor to wash it all down. Thank you University of Arizona Astronomy Department for making this subject so accessible. I'm truly grateful.
By Cullen P
•Apr 20, 2023
What a great course, well presented by Prof Chris, well structured and extremely interesting.
I enjoyed every module and learnt a great deal of all the new developments in Astronomy and Astrobiology.
Prof Chris has clearly spent a lot of time putting the course together and students should be very grateful.
I was staggered to see a few students graded the course 1 star, what on earth were they smoking?
Thank you Prof Chris and University of Arizona.
By Gwendoline D
•Apr 8, 2021
An excellent course delivered by Prof. Chris Impey, a passionate and engaging educator, through Coursera. Easy to work through week by week. Excellent material supplied, videos, online textbook, podcasts and youtube Q&A sessions. I enjoyed and learnt so much I have enrolled on the Astrobiology course offered by Prof. Chris Impey too! On a sidenote, it really helped me having something to focus on through the last lockdown over the colder months.
By Xenia P
•Jul 28, 2019
This course is very interesting and very informative! It is perfect for all people who would like to know more about the astronomy, but don't know where to start. This is a whole bunch of information all in all, but Chris Impey manages to teach so, that you don't feel overwhelmed, but only interested and hungry for more! There are also from time to time the opportunities to ask questions live. I highly recommend this course, it helped me a lot!
By Lauren P
•Oct 1, 2015
I am in LOVE with this course. No, seriously. I can't stop talking about it. With EVERYONE I MEET. I have a degree in Chemistry, and teach Earth Science and Chemistry to high school students, so my knowledge about science for this course is up to par, but I like that it adds a LITTLE more info, and it's going to give me a chance to bring stuff back to my students. The text book is amazing, and the videos are on point. Thanks for a great class!
By Novikov D S
•Jul 18, 2020
I haven't known absolutely nothing about this exciting theme, before I started this course, now I know everything, I've even changed my point of the world view. The material is on a high level, well prepeared and provided, every second is valuable. Thanks a lot, professor and the greatest astronomer, for your time and power that you gave to create this course, and for giving us this possibility to open a new amazing world of our universe!
By Siddharth S K
•Sep 15, 2020
A great course to get started on learning astronomy, at our comfortable pace, at the comfort of our own private space and most importantly, this course is well structured and very interesting for all age groups. Wonderful Course. Learnt a lot of essential, non-technical astronomy. Enough to ignite curiosity to take up formal studies in the subject. Now I'm a second year Physics Master's student. Loving the head start this course gave me.
By Adith R K
•May 17, 2020
I really loved this course. This was the course I was longing to pursue since chidhood. It gave me the answers to almost all of my questions. It provided me great insights to the UNIVERSE. Moreover the instructor Chris Impey has done a superb job in providing us with valuable information. The assignments, quizzes, lectures, and other resources were very informative and special. Thanks to all men behind this course for doing their best.
By Patrick W
•Mar 6, 2017
Dr. Impey is skilled at covering a very broad range of topics and sciences that are all a part of "astronomy". The slides were clear. The transcripts helped to reinforce the information, although probably done with vocalization software as there are many sentence fragments, homonyms for the actual word, etc. I did not see a date done but I would guess this course was constructed in 2013-2014, so the information is certainly current.
By Elayine J
•Jun 7, 2020
Professor Chris Impey is one of the best instructors I have come across in many of these courses. He is clear with his information, is very knowledgeable, and has a sense of humour. The mentors are very helpful too. Subject matter is exactly what is expected. A perfect course for the basic astronomer wanting to learn the basics of Astronomy. Including history, how to observe, and what is new. Love this course, would highly recommend.
By Leticia S M
•Nov 4, 2015
Amazing course! Chris Impey is a wonderful teacher. The lectures are captivating, but at a level that is appropriate for astronomy beginners. The quizzes are only easy if you were paying attention, and the writing assignments consolidate the material. This course has made me even more interested in the subject and since starting it I have even gone beyond the scope of this course and done my own investigations. Definitely recommended.
By Tom-Erik F
•Mar 10, 2022
An enormous travel experience for several weeks. Only objection is that some of the material is a little "old". Not exactly outdated, but updates are really of importance in this fast moving area. There were some updates/add-on's here and there, though. Perhaps some links etc. for self study would be possible to get in place?
But, these are no critical objections - all in all more than worth while the spent time! Next course, please!!
By pavitra d
•Jul 1, 2020
It's a great course to do. It gives a new perpective to look at the world around you and especially the cosmos and the universe. After taking this course, it will give you new eyes and enthusiasm to look at the open sky. Along with that it also gives you an overview of the human history and earth's history and universe history. It was very exciting and interesting to go through the videos and the assignments. Had fun and learned lot.
By Leandro D M
•Oct 2, 2023
Muy buen y productivo curso que enriquece conocimientos en ciencias astronómicas con calidad cientÃfica en argumentación del temario de estudios, ejercicios, investigaciones y audiovisuales presentados en el contenido total una buena fusión en el reproductor de inteligencia del arte en ciencias astronómicas aplicadas y métodos de observación cientÃfica. de interrelación intrÃnseca con otras ciencias y con buenos materiales de apoyo.
By Jim M
•Sep 22, 2020
This introductory level course in astronomy was exactly what I was looking for. It was a wonderful survey course touching on every subject that I was interested in. Having said that, the suggested times for completing each part of a week's course work were silly. I spent hours reading the textbook and watching the videos, and I was happy to do it. I was seeking knowledge and understanding, not a quick way to get a certificate.
By Thamizhanbu E
•Aug 22, 2020
This course is must for one's who are really interested in Astronomy and space science. It's a whole package which starts from the history of science to Black Holes till Drake equation and ends with a question are we in a simulation. Including videos and songs related to the topic is so good and holds me to the video. I thank Dr. Chrish Impey, who have inspired me through his delivery of details and by his level of knowledge.
By Kanchi P
•Jul 12, 2021
This course is phenomenal. I was so sad when I submitted my last quiz. One of the best online courses. Love the online textbook (wish it would work more often). Prof. Impey is a brilliant human and he just explains everything so perfectly. I wish this course was longer. I had a great time learning and the material was so easy to follow and nicely explained. Thank you Prof. Impey, you taught me the cosmos and changed my mind.