Jul 10, 2021
Excellent course and highly recommended for anyone who enjoys space. Easily explained, although some lectures can be very abstract. Chris Impey does a brilliant job and is an outstanding lecturer.
Jun 26, 2019
Amazing introductory course and covers wide variety of topics ranging from history, to astronomy to astrobiology. Really great of amateur astronomers and for anyone who is remotely interested in it.
By MarÃa M B
•Jan 6, 2022
Intenté inscribirme en el curso y en el proceso me liaron para darme de alta en Coursera Plus, supuestamente 7 dÃas gratis. Me encuentro ahora con que he podido recuperar el dinero de la inscripción a un curso que querÃa hacer y no puedo recuperar el de una suscripción que no querÃa. Para hacer este curso en condiciones tendré que pagar 3 meses de coursera Plus o comprar de nuevo el curso.
Puntuo una estrella por no poder poner 0. Además, no hay forma de poner qjejas o enviar consultas. Muy disgustada. Me voy a EDX.
By Judy A
•Feb 26, 2024
I was expecting some explanation but slapping me with 140 slides of random gibberish and 30 minutes of reading a chapter from a textbook that looks like its from my underfunded high-school... not for me...
By Mohamed m E
•Nov 14, 2020
I write financel aid and i can't purshase the certificate and i need it😓 then i succeed in the exam and i want certificate plz
By Laura D S
•Dec 13, 2024
péssimo. Falaram que eu ia receber um certificado e no final tive que pagar. horrivel.
By Robert C
•Jul 8, 2022
bad. can't unenroll plus the test is either glitchy or impossible to pass
By Pramish B
•Nov 9, 2021
i didnt get certificate although i completed the course
By Gabriel A P
•Sep 14, 2017
The mayor problem is "peer graded activities"...
By Ebru
•Feb 27, 2021
kursu bitirdim fakat sertifika vermedi.
By Radhika T
•Nov 3, 2023
this course is not good.
By Tanmay
•Nov 30, 2015
By Pankaj K
•Oct 24, 2021