May 11, 2022
I cannot believe that my happiness score has improved so much from these 10 weeks. The material was enjoyable and straightforward and I loved my weekly challenges. Thank you to Laurie & the team!
Nov 12, 2020
Awesome course. Many people suffer from depression and this course is great to understand and shift your state of mind. Can't solve a problem if you don't truly understand what's causing the problem.
By Camila P
•Feb 22, 2021
I really enjoyed the experience as a whole. I was always looking forward the classes and I was surprised to see all the data involved in the Well-Being/Hapiness research. That part was really important to see – in numbers – the impact of a change of behaviour in our well-being.
Especially during this pandemic, having learnt these little things really helped me go through the lockdown.
By Stephanie H
•Jan 3, 2021
I absolutely loved this course! This is broken down in to manageable segments. Prof. Laurie Santos does a great job walking you through this course. I liked her style and way of explaining the concepts. The studies she incorporated were very supportive of the concepts. I found them very interesting and it was an overall enjoyable experience. I would highly recommend this for everyone!
By Diana B
•Jul 12, 2020
Thanks to Professor Laurie and her colleagues, it was a very enriching experience from a personal and professional point of view. I learned new concepts and changed some paradigms, I also discovered that I can make changes in my life and in my way of being, which contribute a lot to my sense of happiness and well-being.
There were 10 special weeks that I will always keep in my memory.
By Alyssa T
•Jun 15, 2020
This is an amazing course and you will walk away with a new perspective on life! I really enjoyed the lectures and the reading materials provided. I am so excited to take the techniques I've learned and continue applying them to my life. I also feel like I have the ability to talk to others about the science of well-being and spread the word about how rewirement works. Thanks so much!
•Jun 13, 2020
"This course changed my life!"
Thank you Prof. Santos for creating this material. I am one of the many people all around the world who is greatly impacted on the ideas and notions discussed. Truly a life-changing virtual encounter and will definitely share this good news to my family, friends and co-workers.
Wishing you all the best of luck on your life endeavor.
Real Prado, Philippines
By Janeth B
•Apr 9, 2020
My dear teacher, I am so happy, It's amazing to find answers for my questions about my life, I am finding a way , a light, Thank' s so much. I live in Colombia, my country is marvellous but here I hadn't found anything for all my questions.
I think that the reason for being here in this world is being happy, to find the happiness, I am knowing the way, It is amazing for me. Thank you.
By Blue L
•Apr 30, 2021
I am amazed to learn new traps of the mind. I thought I knew how to be happy, but after taking this course, I learned I need to learn a lot about especially about the annoying features of the mind. Ms. Santoz, your lectures were engaging, and I never get bored and learned a lot. I made notes, and I will review them when I need them. Thank you for teaching this course. It means a lot.
By Farzeen M
•Jul 21, 2020
This course was so insightful and it was a thoroughly enriching experience. In times like these where depression has peaked all around the world, this course is an eye-opener and really compels us to focus on the little things and to value and savor them. Having recommended this course to everyone, I owe all the credit of a significant increment in my happiness levels to this course!
By Madhu E
•Jun 1, 2020
The combination of learning about the scientific results and applying them into my everyday life changed my perception of happiness and through the rewirement it did change my life. This might now sound quite 'big' yet it's true. I've struggled with mental and physical health problems and the course helped me change my views and it gave me a hands on structure for changing my habits.
By Lisa F
•Jun 8, 2019
I really love this course! It has my highest recommendation to anyone who’s interested in completing it. It made a big difference in my overall happiness and I love Dr. Santos! She is so well spoken and I really loved listening to her lectures. If you do the course the way it’s intended I believe you will truly benefit. You will definitely get out of it what you put into it and more!
By Wakana H
•Dec 2, 2022
Loved this course! So informative and empathizing the importance of practice of the happiness based on the science of happiness -positive psychology- Thanks to this course along with my personal counselor plus another psychologist's online program, I started feeling happy by practicing gratitude, kindness, and mindfulness. Highly recommended to anyone wanting to live a good life.
By Gayathri S
•Jul 21, 2020
This course has changed me. I have understood myself better, and the nature of wellbeing better. I found this course at an important time in my life and it has helped me heal more efficiently than if I had been on my own. I am forever indebted to the professor, Yale, and anyone else responsible for this course, for making my life 1000% better. I will never be the same, Thank You :)
By Agnes B
•Jul 1, 2020
Wow for Dr Santos
So many times we talk about life changing events - but this was the one for me. And it will impact my life.
Her amount of additional material to study and watch was so helpful. I felt convinced about every claim she was making. I do not know how the express my thanks for being a part of my life in this difficult Covid time. But it was sure a ray of sunshine for me.
By Kimberly W
•Nov 22, 2019
This was a great course. I learned so much about myself and by implementing the strategies taught here I have changed my life plan and life goals. I am taking more counseling classes and started a career change at almost 50 years old for a career I can feel good about and to one that benefits the lives of others! Thank you so much for this course! It literally changed my life!!
By Ruth P
•Apr 25, 2021
I highly recommend the course. I knew some of the things of the course but seen the evidence and science behind them, it's a plus. Also the miswanting concept and biases of our brain, it's so important to know them! I thank Laurie for putting this course together, she's a very good communicator and her work is making a big impact to make this place a better world. Congratulations!
By Sierra R
•Aug 5, 2020
Take this course. Even just listening to positive content each week has made such an impact on my day to day life. I learned so much about myself and my mindset towards happiness. I learned different activities to try and mindset switches to really point myself in the direction of a "Happy Life." If you are on the fence about taking this class, just go for it. This is a good one.
By Neveska H
•Jul 21, 2020
Excelente formación, incentiva los valores universales de convivencia en comunidad que son tan necesarias en estos momentos para la humanidad. Aprovecho para solicitar información de como obtener el certificado, para incentivar a otros a tomar el curso. Habida cuenta de que mi rendimiento fue del 100% y en la fecha prevista, espero ser beneficiada con este reconocimiento. Saludos.
By Lonnie H
•Jul 6, 2020
This course has been somewhat like polishing my favorite old shoe to make it brand new again. I feel empowered with the science of living my life supported and continously being documented with the experience of everyday people like you and myself. It is not enough to know this science it must be implemented and thank you for making me accountable for my own well-being. I loved IT
By Anuradha K I
•Jun 6, 2020
I absolutely loved the course and now that I have completed it, I am already missing it! Certain things you already know, but you need it coming from a third party to really make lifestyle changes. The research backed explanation is working with me and i feel all charged up to go ahead with an attitudinal change.
Thank you Laurie Santos for introducing me to this wonderful course!
By Julio L
•Oct 24, 2024
Confesso que no inicio torci o nariz para o curso, porém, ao decorrer da experiencia, acreditei nos metodos e começei a pratica-los. Foi a melhor escolha que fiz, de alguma forma me senti relizado e menos ansioso, focando no presente, hoje sou um profissional organizado e eficiente, ainda não estou aonde realmente quero, porém, sinto que evolui, muito obrigado pela oportunidade!
By Františka O
•Mar 23, 2023
This course is amazing, I highly recommend, it’s really for everybody, great, nice and friendly professor, Laurie is great , she is kind and human, she will get you the information how I mind work and you will learn about different ways how to become happier so you can choose what seem appropriate to you, and you and only you can decide to become happier by choosing this course.
By Victoria L
•May 3, 2021
A fantastic, comprehensive course that goes into great detail about the science behind how our brains work and how we can add simple habits into our day and the fact that they are scientifically proven to increase your happiness. Everyone I know who has completed this course had specified how much this has actually increased their happiness so I cannot recommend it highly enough!
By Sílvia T H
•Sep 23, 2020
I loved this course because I always kind of lived on what the course preaches (giving up a better job, or city, or anything that doesn´t make me happy), but I was never able to explain to my peers why I thought differently and, so, for me, this course is the perfect "I told you so" moment for me. This will save me so much hardship in my family, so thank you! Thank you very much!
By Lisa A
•Sep 1, 2020
I am so delighted to come across this course. I recommend this to everyone. The most interesting thing for me, personally, was that every topic discussed here are well documented and scientifically proven. And last but not the least, we all need to be mindful of our thoughts which will reflect in our actions and will help to become compassionate human beings.
Thank you
By Victoria J
•Aug 9, 2020
This course is clearly laid out and easy to follow. Professor Santos has an easy, well-informed and highly personable manner in presenting the material which is evidence-based and - yes - really works if you practice and apply it! My own happiness scores increased significantly between starting and completing this course. I'm already recommending it to anyone who will listen!!