May 11, 2022
I cannot believe that my happiness score has improved so much from these 10 weeks. The material was enjoyable and straightforward and I loved my weekly challenges. Thank you to Laurie & the team!
Nov 12, 2020
Awesome course. Many people suffer from depression and this course is great to understand and shift your state of mind. Can't solve a problem if you don't truly understand what's causing the problem.
By Jenny C
•Feb 10, 2021
I really enjoyed this course. I have been sharing many of the ideas with my friends and family. I think would be a great course for people of any age. I wish many of these ideas were taught in our SEL curriculum taught in our public schools. Start with these ideas at middle school or before. Thanks to Yale for the opportunity to take this class and to Laurie Santos for her expertise.
By Sarahy H
•Sep 8, 2020
Muy bueno y practico el curso. Muy bien explicado. Los conceptos son explicados con ejemplos diarios y el material complementario es muy informativo. Te ayuda no solo a adquirir conocimiento si no también a llevarlo como un proceso propio donde pones a prueba tus hábitos. ME gusto la seleccion de autores y colaboradores, entrevistas y videos. Ayuda mucho que esten subtitulados en español.
By Eric D N
•May 30, 2020
This was my first Coursera online class, and I have to say that it was probably the most helpful class I've taken. It's helped me realize what's really important in my life, given me the techniques and skills to make healthy changes, and provided me with a space to really implement these changes in a solid, habit-building way. I recommend this class to everyone. It's truly life changing.
By Edite C
•May 29, 2020
I am a happy person by nature, this course intrguied me because I often wondered is there science behind happiness or are you just born with it? I learned that there is some genetic involvement but I was happy to learn that happiness can be learned. The one thing I really took away was how to use the woop method to fulfill your goals! Thank You Laurie Santos...this was a great experience.
By Clare B S
•May 18, 2020
I loved this class. It was fortuitous to take during the first weeks of social isolation. It kept me from going down the rabbit hole. I think everyone can benefit from the information in this course. Happiness does not come from where we think it does! Its good to learn what is needed to find more happiness and it helps that there is science that backs it up. I highly recommend it!
By Connie P
•Oct 21, 2020
Excellent course. I learned a few interesting techniques that will help me with work-life balance. Specifically, I've learned the importance of savoring. Savoring allows me to practice being in the moment and truly appreciating that experience. it's a challenge as I've never been an expert at doing this, however I have new tools with which to practice.
Thank you,
Connie Pierce
By Aiswarya B P
•Aug 4, 2020
It was really an interesting course for anyone out there who want to maintain or increase their happiness in life. Happiness is merely more than a smile on face...its more of the habits and values that we have. Please do incorporate the things you learn here in your daily life or else the time and energy you spend on this course will not be justified . LET THE HAPPINESS IN YOU UNLOCK !!!
By Indira G
•Jul 5, 2020
Es un curso que deberia ser esencial en todas las carreras, aporta muchas cosas positivas y esclarece porque vivimos en la insatisfacción y ansiedad y no en el bienestar y alegría. Lo volvería a hacer y lo recomiendo al 100%, es una estrategia util para moldear nuestros pensamientos errados e incrementar nuestra felicidad. Gracias a Laurie y a la Universidad de Yale por esta oportunidad.
By Zoe W
•Jun 25, 2020
This Course has been truly life changing, I found it at just the right time after recovering from the psychological impact of covid 19 and being in lock down as well as never really feeling like I have a clear head or felt happiness after having my boys. I now am actively practising the new skills I have learnt about and have clarity of mind and have experienced the feeling of happiness.
By Lorena S
•Aug 11, 2021
It was a wonderful experience to me to take this course. Im a psychologist and Im very interested in Positive Psychology, so this course came as a complement to my studies in this area. Professor Laurie Santos did a great work with her clear explanations in the lectures. I just loved and change a lot things in my life for better! Thank you everyone for the presence in this great course.
By Nise 1
•Oct 11, 2020
Thanks for the help ... ive always internalized a lot of feelings and emotions and ive learned that I need to spend more time on myself FOR myself... need to grasp that 40% and lead my life. the course is REALLY worth doing it opened my eyes in a few different ways got some new perspectives on life very simple weekly classes good if you have some spare time on your hands during lockdown
By Tammy T
•Oct 5, 2020
I took this course because it sounded right up my ally with what I do as a fitness professional. I love empowering women and taking time to help others feel better about themselves. In the process of helping others you sometimes lose yourself. I was able to take this course to refuel me and learn new ways to help my well being. I loved the genuine instructor and her calming, kind voice.
By Mariyana N
•Aug 25, 2020
I loved it and learned a lot. Majority of the learning weeks were during the quarantine period. Although we don't have real quarantine, here in Sweden, I believe it helped me to stay ''sane'', to reflect and focus on the present. What I have now and why should I be thankful of my life.
I'm also grateful for the possibility to take it for free.
Thanks, Yale!
Kind Regards,
Mariyana Nikolova
By Ana W
•Aug 12, 2020
I loved this course. It explains how are minds are wired for un-happiness in a very easy and engaging way. It also offers simple techniques that you can implement to raise your own happiness levels. Mine raised dramatically, by over 1 point on a 1-5 point scale (from 2.8 to 3.96). I also picked two of the techniques to include in my daily life. I would recommend this course to everyone.
By Deleted A
•Aug 10, 2020
On Coursera there are some great courses that I'd like to recommend for the high quality, intelligent and interesting narrative, structure and knowledge level The professor is great and his lectures are a pleasure to watch! The course is very well structured from easy to complex matters and has got many interesting examples.
Highly recommend to everyone interested in how the world works.
By Sundar S
•Jul 5, 2020
I started the course with a bit of skepticism. I was already a believer in the rewirements suggested in the course and had been practicing many of them already. I wanted to see how much scientific evidence existed out there, and the instructor did not disappoint! Practically every point made in the course is supported with evidence, true to the name of the course. Enjoyed it very much!!
By Patricia M
•Jun 12, 2020
I had heard a lot about this course, so decided to take it. One of my challenges is dealing with others who are NOT happy, so I not only learned some new ways of thinking, and doing things myself, but also got some helpful information to help me deal more effectively with the unhappiness in others. Interesting, informative, and leaves you wanting more! Perfect combination. Thanks!!
By Jaime H
•Jun 4, 2020
This course is informative and provides the philosophy and tools for not only what happiness and well-being is and is not, but also how to implement these tools and philosophies in your daily life. Everyone has the right to happiness and sometimes we need to make that journey intentional. This course would be helpful to anyone in any walk of life in starting and continuing that journey.
By Chandan T
•Apr 5, 2021
There is a lot you can learn from this course, I would recommend it to anyone who is feeling lost or having some anxiety because of life or just curious about what this is. Make the most out of it by committing to yourself and putting the rewirement in practice every week. It's like solving a puzzle where the puzzle is you and these are tools to make sense of all the individual pieces.
By m l
•Nov 9, 2020
Best thing out there on the internet right now is this course! YOU WILL NOTICE A CHANGE AND IS TOTALLY WORTH IT. ENROL ENROL ENROL!!!! Dr. Laurie Santos is great in delivering her message in a way that is effective and easy to understand. You don't have to be a psych. student to understand the material in this course. I am so happy I took this course and recommend it to all my friends.
By Anubhuti B
•Sep 27, 2020
A truly essential course for everyone in our generation who was brought up with a definition of success far from the definition of happiness and well-being. Truly glad the Professor has chosen to work on an area of science so necessary for the well-being of us as a society. I hope to use the knowledge, insights, and habits formed during this course in many areas of my life. Thank you!
By Jillian W
•Aug 27, 2020
Loved this course. I qualified with a Bachelor of Counselling whilst completing this course and I found this training totally complemented and built on my existing knowledge and offered interesting intervention ideas for possible use with my future clients. I found the assessment was of great benefit to me personally and would recommend people put in the effort and take on this course.
By Debra G
•Apr 30, 2020
This course was something I decided to take during the stay at home orders from our governor due to covid-19. I am a Realtor and in the state of Pennsylvania I am considered non essential. So after 32 years in the business I became unemployed. I found the course uplifting and informative. I have developed some habits through the course that will last a lifetime.. Stay healthy all.
By Dorothea L
•Jul 11, 2023
Great course! I found the connection between science and well-being very helpful, and can absolutely suggest the course especially to people who are a little mind-heavy, who might want their data and their proof, before they accept that we can help ourselves and how we feel ;-)
Well presented by the professor, good video length and loads of interesting supplementing course reading.
By Horacio M
•Apr 21, 2021
Las herramientas que proporciona el curso son de mucha ayuda para mejorar el estado de ánimo. Me agradaron los ejemplos mostrados así como las estadísticas. A pocos días de empezar el curso comienzas a notar que puedes estar bien, sólo necesitas un cambio de rutina y llevar tus preocupaciones y concentración hacia lo que en verdad mejora tu felicidad y por lo tanto tu calidad de vida.