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Learner Reviews & Feedback for The Science of Well-Being by Yale University

38,930 ratings

About the Course

NEW TEEN VERSION AVAILABLE HERE: In this course you will engage in a series of challenges designed to increase your own happiness and build more productive habits. As preparation for these tasks, Professor Laurie Santos reveals misconceptions about happiness, annoying features of the mind that lead us to think the way we do, and the research that can help us change. You will ultimately be prepared to successfully incorporate a specific wellness activity into your life. THE SCIENCE OF WELL BEING WAS PRODUCED IN PART DUE TO THE GENEROUS FUNDING OF THE DAVID F. SWENSEN FUND FOR INNOVATION IN TEACHING....

Top reviews


May 17, 2020

This course is well worth the time and commitment and came out of this course with some valuable information and tools. I feel the more people that take the course, the better we can be as a society.


Jun 2, 2019

I have taken a dozen courses online. This is the most challenging and fulfilling course I have taken so far. And I believe that the course shall be beneficial to all people in different walks of life.

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776 - 800 of 10,000 Reviews for The Science of Well-Being

By Yves B

May 21, 2020

I really enjoy taking this course. It changed my view about Well-Being and Happiness. It was an opportunity to rewire, to commit myself to new eating habits such as adopting a plan-based diet for a long and healthy life. It revealed my top character strengths which I should use daily in order to become a better and happy person. I will share my wisdom with others and encourage them to take this course for their well-being. Thank you Professor Laurie and Yale for giving this free course.

By Laura C L

Oct 17, 2019

El curso es excelente, está muy bien planteado, la profesora tiene una gran habilidad para exponer de forma sintética todos los contenidos científicos, se evidencia la revisión de las investigaciones y el dominio de los temas expuestos. Los videos son interesantes y completos. La articulación semanal con las actividades prácticas y el reto final hacen que el curso sea fácil de incorporar a la vida diaria. Me encantó, me sirvió mucho y espero que se animen a realizarlo miles de personas.

By Rachel H

Jun 17, 2018

This is a great course that will help rewire your brain through useful tips. The extended course has better prompts and convenient video reminders which help the adult learn maintain social involvement and motivation needed to complete the course. Dr. Santos delivers relevant lectures with great visual examples and beneficial interviews with guest speakers. The supplementary reading and videos will provide you with a greater understanding of this course . I highly recommend this course.

By Mansi L

May 12, 2020

I have been majorly interested in the science of happiness and have read a ton of material on it. I also took a course in my senior year in college at Northeastern that covers most of the content covered in this course and it is truly a very well-designed course for someone who is interested in learning about incorporating positive and happiness in life. The course teaches you simple little changes you can bring to your life in order to make your daily life experience a wholesome one.


Dec 13, 2020

This is the best online course I have taken! Dr. Laurie Santos is a fantastic professor and teaches the topics presented with such a relatable style to all those who are listening. I love how it didn't seem like she was reading verbatim off of a teleprompter, which loses the interest of most audiences and authenticity. Clearly, judging by the enrollment for this course it is highly recommended and is quite simply a life skill that should be practised daily and that proves beneficial.

By Marisa D

Jun 8, 2020

This course is accessible to everyone. I am a psychotherapist and so had been familiar with much of the positive psychology lectures, the benefits of meditation, gratitude and savoring. It is always helpful to have actual reminders. I especially liked the rewirement around setting goals.

The professor engages easily. I'm glad I registered for the course and although I use these techniques already with clients I plan to more formally implement some of what was presented in this course.

By Donna E

Sep 9, 2019

So far, this course has been informational, enlightening and personally helpful. I have used the content (research, activities, and references) both in my personal life (with goal setting, re-framing, and in teaching clients various techniques to better enhance their lives).

It is current, well-paced and extremely practical. Can't thank you enough.

Challenge has been to block time out to fully immerse and absorb the and life does pose a challenge. WOOP is coming!

By Регина Б

Nov 13, 2023

I am delighted with this course, thank you very much to the lecturer for all the recommendations and advice. I am writing a review half a year after training with a pleasant feeling. And I remember with pleasure this time when I just started taking the course. Many thanks to the creators of the platform and the lecturer. This is a really useful course, it will help you understand how to use your strengths and how to gradually change your bad habits to useful ones, etc.! Thank you :)

By Johann M

Jun 10, 2020

I have learnt so much on this course. It has helped me understand a lot about myself and that I can make a few simple changes in my life to have a positive effect on my happiness and well-being. I love learning and this has been a very positive experience for me. The course content was set out well and I enjoyed listening to the video's each week. They helped motivate me and keep me on track with my learning. I feel that I now have the tools I need to live a happier life. Thank you.

By Emma B

Jun 5, 2020

While taking part in this course, I wanted to tell everyone about it. I kept thinking "gosh, I wish I could've taken this in high school!" I truly believe that it has the potential to positively impact the lives of so many people. It's empowering and eye-opening to learn the scientific research behind well-being and happiness. I'm grateful to have this course to look back on and utilize for information and inspiration. I would highly recommend The Science of Well-Being to anyone! 🙂

By Sarah-Louise H

Apr 21, 2020

This has been fantastic for me. At a time when I truly needed it with all of the uncertainty that this pandemic and lockdown has brought as well as still overcoming the effects of natural disasters, terrorist attacks, and my own chronic mental and physical illness, this course has truly changed my life for the better and got me through. Thank you so much for putting this out there for the general public. I'm sure I'm not the only one who has found this to be a literal life saver.

By Mateus G M

Sep 13, 2020

This course helped me to understand with strong scientific background why the misconceptions of happiness are wrong, learning new psychology concepts that allow me to see the roots of certain suffering and unhappiness in life while also developing new strategies to back me up in the search for better life quality. Thank you professor Laurie Santos and all the researchers responsible for such an important knowledge for everyone in this course! May you keep helping the lives of many!

By Zappa Z

Aug 20, 2020

Exceptional program at a crucial and pivotal time in my life and the world. This became my anchor in a chaotic situation.

It has given me a positive oulet and outlook in one of the most challenging times in my life.

Thank you to the staff and professor involved in giving a grounding construct for making the best out of a

Challenging situation.

Keep this course going. There will be infinite reasons why this will likely become an anchor and beacon

Of hope for many other students to come.

By Christina M K

Jul 25, 2020

The Science of Well-Being Course is a fascinating look at the psychology of happiness. Professor Laurie Santos does an amazing job of making the content accessible and engaging. Learning about the science of happiness by studying positive psychology and its research is both interesting and enlightening. I thoroughly enjoyed this class, and more importantly gained some tools to practically apply the concepts to my life and increase my happiness. I highly recommend this course!!!


Jun 12, 2020

I have been able over the course weeks to introduce or reintroduce many healthy habits.

My journal is still on going and each day I record 3 gratitudes, 1 random act of kindness and what exercise I did that day. This is a daily journal record.

The importance of meditation was something I had never learned and is life changing.

I signed on to this course because of Covid 19 and it has given me many tools to use during this pandemic.

Grateful for "The Science of Well-Being". Thank you.

By Diana M H

Jun 1, 2020

I loved this course! It could not have come at a better time for me. I am a social worker, working from home during Covid-19 stay home orders in our state. Very stressful for myself and my clients calling - lonely isolated seniors. The course material was well put together, the guest speakers were interesting, the professor was extremely knowledgeable about what she is teaching! I would take it again and will recommend it to others. Thank you for making this course available. Diana

By Markus K

Aug 10, 2023

Even I did not follow the "rules" this course changed the way of thinking about the obstacles to achieve a better well being. Instead of asking myself how can I become as happy as others, trying to adopt to their routines, I rather ask myself now: What is missing that might increase your level of well being. And I had to admit that acutally I don't need anything. Live is brilliant for me right now and I don't need more or even something else.

Therefore the perfect course for me :-)

By Hannah J

Jun 30, 2020

This course was thorough, engaging, and has greatly impacted my own happiness and well-being. I supplemented the weekly lectures and readings with Dr. Laurie Santos' "The Happiness Lab" podcast, which does cover some of the same material, but adds a richness from real stories and science from other researchers. I highly recommend that everyone take this course from Coursera, and I hope that all receive the same amount of positive improvement in their lives as I have. Thank you!

By Jennifer D L S

Apr 27, 2022

A MUST!! The Science of Well-Being is a great evidence-based course for everyone on a personal and professional level. This course has helped me identify aspects of my well-being that I want to improve upon to lead a fulfilling and purposeful life. The journey we embark on starts with learning about what we think makes us happy and what actually makes us happy and culminates with a challenge to rewire our way of thinking and behaviors to create lifelong habits toward well-being.

By Stephen O

Aug 25, 2020

This course was AWESOME! The best part of the course was the science. I don't think the information, recommendations, or tools would have been as credible without the science. Dr. Santos is engaging and relatable. She has a clear understanding of the science of well-being and presents it in a way that is easy to understand. I strongly recommend this course to anyone who wants to be happier, more fulfilled and improve their sense of well-being. This course is a 10 out of 10.

By Rajeev C

Jul 19, 2020

Finding happiness has been the greatest ask of human beings since time immemorial. Some look up to religion, some turn to spirituality but i am glad I chose Science to answer this. Science experiments and data in the course does indicate that simple things like kindheartedness, healthy lifestyle and a bit of discipline can indeed make you happier. Explained by Laurie i a very simple language and a very easy going pace, this is a highly recommended course, for anyone and everyone.

By April C

Jun 7, 2020

If you want to learn how to be happier, bang your mouse onto the ENROL button and strap yourself in for the education ride of a lifetime. Absolutely 110% recommend this course to EVERYONE. It's accessible, practical, engaging, totally do-able around a full-time job, and it's FUN! You'll feel a genuine sense of achievement, and you'll come out the other end a happier person, almost guaranteed. Thanks to Laurie and the team. You guys rock for making this content accessible to all.

By Alenka R

Dec 6, 2022

Excellent material! I took this course during the corona period - it was a bad time for me. I had to close down my business and I didn't know if I would recover financially. information in this course helped me through the tough times. And even after it helped me maintain my focus. This is way more than "just stay positive" - it is solid information and advice on how small adjustments can lead to big improvements. I made improvements in my business as well as in my family life.

By Kelly C

Jun 6, 2023

I really enjoyed this course! Professor Santos successfully manages to deliver clear, useful, and interesting information throughout the course. The methodologies used and all the research findings are great resources to make the course more impactful. I took the course because it called my attention and actually found myself motivated enough to complete it and practice a lot of the tools acquired through the lectures. I am grateful for this course and definitely recommend it.

By Corinna E

Oct 15, 2020

I think it's a really practical course for everyone. The examples/studies/readings featured may be dated, but it doesn't lessen the value of the course for people; it's a classic reminder of appreciating, realizing, and living the basics. Much like what we're experiencing during this pandemic, it a good measure in reminding you to be grounded and that happiness and worth aren't always tied to money and status (they do help in being/staying comfortable, no argument about that).