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Learner Reviews & Feedback for The Science of Well-Being by Yale University

38,930 ratings

About the Course

NEW TEEN VERSION AVAILABLE HERE: In this course you will engage in a series of challenges designed to increase your own happiness and build more productive habits. As preparation for these tasks, Professor Laurie Santos reveals misconceptions about happiness, annoying features of the mind that lead us to think the way we do, and the research that can help us change. You will ultimately be prepared to successfully incorporate a specific wellness activity into your life. THE SCIENCE OF WELL BEING WAS PRODUCED IN PART DUE TO THE GENEROUS FUNDING OF THE DAVID F. SWENSEN FUND FOR INNOVATION IN TEACHING....

Top reviews


May 17, 2020

This course is well worth the time and commitment and came out of this course with some valuable information and tools. I feel the more people that take the course, the better we can be as a society.


Jun 2, 2019

I have taken a dozen courses online. This is the most challenging and fulfilling course I have taken so far. And I believe that the course shall be beneficial to all people in different walks of life.

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701 - 725 of 10,000 Reviews for The Science of Well-Being

By Marcela C

Jul 6, 2020

me gustó mucho este curso, porque tiene estrategias que ayudan a construir la emoción de la felicidad, o alegría o el amor, o el bienestar. estuve construyendo los habitos y empecé por el que necesitaba, "woop" después estoy terminando los 21 dias de meditación con Deekpak Chopra. Normalmente hago ejercicio, caminata durante 30 minutos con mi perra, aunque apenas emece el día de hoy. lo que si le puedo decir Dra. Santos, con estas estrategias se me ha quitado la depresión, o rencor etc...... Gracias por todo!!!

By Kevin K

Jun 6, 2020

This course was the best thing to happen to me in years! It has opened my mind to make the changes in my life on a daily basis without a ton of effort to improve my outlook on life. Enjoy life on lifes terms, be happy and appreciate what I have. My daily rewirements are definitely making a big improvements on my daily life. I do have goals I want to reach, but I'm also ready for setbacks and how to handle them. My overall Happiness is better than it ever has & for that I'm extremely happy beyond words!!!






By Herrero S

Feb 22, 2023

It has been a complete discovery for me.

I was not friend of this kind of issues, but I am completely satisfied with the concepts learned.

How different are the things when you realize about the background of them. Identifying easy aspects which help you to manage better your concerns, thoughts and wishes.

You are able to put aside those annoying things that make you loose your direction.

I really recommend this course to everyone. This is, somehow, a basic knoledge everyone shall know to enjoy more their lifes.

By Kelly K H

May 12, 2022

I recommend this course for anyone interested in well-being, whether you are completely new to the practice of well-being or you have been practicing for years. If you are new, you will learn much. If you have been practicing for a while, you may learn a few new insights, but mostly you'll get a sense of reassurance and validation that you are making the right choices for your own personal well-being. The course is also a great opportunity to recharge any well-being habits that may have fallen by the wayside.

By Muhammad E B B

Sep 4, 2020

It was an amazing Course. It has a potential to practical enhance the happiness in ones life and also for others around. The course instructor was really knowledgeable and she taught it in a very engaging manner. She presented things in such a simple and practicable way that most of the taught rewirements become routines in daily life. It really gives boost to happiness in real life beyond the course. Love It. Looking forward to have some more detailed similarly life changing course from the same instructor.

By Martin P

May 19, 2021

I've always considered myself to be (a little too much) down-to-earth and found it difficult to relate to the more 'soft' approaches like 'be grateful' and 'savor the moment'. In the back of my mind I always had an idea that the ancient philosophies must have had some value, simply because they have survived the ages. I'm so glad to live in an age where science is now able to empirically prove these old wisdoms to be true! It will help me for myself and to help others to be happier (and better) in life! 😋👍

By Meike S

Oct 1, 2020

Thank you so much, Professor Santos, for this amazing journey throughout taking this course. Even though participating from overseas (Germany) it was a pleasure watching the videos and learning about the science of well-being. The certificate will definitely be hung up at a special place so it will always remind me of my rewirement - the meditation - and of how to be even happier in life. Wishing you many more happy students and all the best to you on a private note. Stay safe and healthy. Greetings to Yale.

By Elisabeth V

Jun 29, 2020

When I signed in for this course, I didn't know what to expect. I have to say that after a few lessons I was kind of curious about the whole "Well-Being" thing. I'm glad I finished the course. Although this course cemented some of the things I lived my life by, I also learned a few things that definitely I will incorporated in my life. I'm also trying to help my husband to savor his moments in life a little more. Professor Laurie Santos made this course very easy to understand and follow. Big thanks to her.

By Giulia I

Jun 7, 2020

I loved this course. It has immensely helped change my mindset on what should matter in life.

I have learned a lot and the 4 week challenge at the end was what kickstarted a permanent change in habits in my life. I will never stop recommending this course.

The only MINOR improvement I'd suggest is the final assessment. I am not a woman of many words but even I found it difficult to give articulate answers in so few sentences so I ended up writing a bit more than required.

Aside from that really recommend it.

By Man L C

Apr 22, 2020

I highly recommend—one of the most enjoyable classes I have ever taken. I have forwarded this to many friends. I hope everyone will be blessed by it. Remember, all the things that bring you joy in life are not things but experience and engagement with people and pursue excellence in things you are good at and is aligning your value. Setting your heart right to something truly worth it, be grateful, pray, don't compare, love others, serve others well with your resources, and your inner joy will root in you.

By Mireille l

Nov 5, 2020

Incredible professor and course. Very relevant, straight forward, practical and inspiring. The course has given me a founded view on well-being and practical tools to work with daily. It didn't make me 'happier' but it did change my view on happiness, which has made me realise I'm happier than I thought. It shines a light on whats proven to enhance well-being and with that focus, your world truely changes. You become more aware of the daily things you may already do and really observe and internalise them.

By Frances S G

Aug 19, 2020

An excellent online course! I read an article about the popularity of this course a year or two ago, and was thrilled to see it on Coursera. The professor is engaging in her insightful lectures and the studies supporting them. Dr. Santos has a passion and energy which is contagious. Her empathy is evident as she shares her own struggle to complete the rewirement challenge in discussions with students. I highly recommend this course for everyone. It should be a requirement for all incoming college students!

By Adam W

Jul 14, 2020

This course demonstrates scientifically-backed strategies for how to improve well-being, health, and happiness. This was a life-altering course for me, and helped me go from a place where I felt like I was struggling and that life was a grind day in and day out to one where I truly enjoy what I'm doing. And what I do every day hasn't really changed - my outlook, expectations, and focus have. Thank you for putting this course together. My wish is that everyone takes this course and gets something out of it!

By Calla T

Nov 16, 2022

Thank you! I got so much out of this course. I loved how there was so much science to back up the claims about what truly makes us happy in life. I was forced to really examine my habits and which were serving me vs which were holding me back. This course lead me to leave a relationship that wasn't serving me, be alcohol free for 30 days (and counting), begin a meditation ritual, incorporate new hobbies into my life, and so much more. My happiness score went way up and I'm so grafeful for this boost!

By Anna V

Jun 20, 2020

This course, including the rewirements, should be mandatory for everybody. It gives a holistic overview of the science of well-being, and presents various methods and practices once can implement in their everyday lives to feel better. Prior to this course, I have done a lot of reading about happiness, depression, anxiety, etc., but this course just gathers and presents everything that you need to know about general well-being and how to change your thoughts. So I would suggest to start your journey here.

By Sergio L V

Jun 15, 2020

I'm a skeptykal person and I really don't like books and courses about motivation because I feel the don't have a complete view of people and context, but I liked this course very much because is practical and it shows you with scientific theories and tests how the brain and emotions work, in the good and the bad ways. I enjoyed it and I'm sure must of the things I've learn will help me in my life, feels good to flow. Thanks to all, specialy to Laurie, for been such a good company in this Covid season.!!

By Michelle S

Jun 24, 2020

This course was timely as most of us scrambled to contain our emotions in the face of the coronavirus, Quite honesty I was always more concerned about my mental health as I am prone to anxiety. Yale professor Laurie Santos might have been the perfect fit for this class as her demeanor was calm and confident and she was easy to listen to. The reading assignments and Youtube videos were all interesting and helpful. The core strengths and happiness scores were also very useful. Highly recommend! Thank you!

By Gina R

Jun 17, 2020

An incredible and insightful course! No better time than a pandemic to explore behavior changes and habits to drive positive results and emotions across all areas of your life. Great professor, amazing content and practical application for assignments. Enjoyed the mix of reading & video, discussions and collaborative opportunities with other students. Highly recommend this class for anybody looking for some direction and meaning in their lives. It's surprising how much a person can grow from this course!

By Guylaine C

Jun 17, 2020

Great class! Mind blowing stats around the tools and activities that can be done to improve our well-being. Practical tools and ideas to implement that end up providing major shift and changes within. I am thankful for this class and the way the content was delivered. I highly recommend this class; Laurie Santos is great and in addition to her amazing class she now has a free podcast (The Happiness Lab) that reinforces our learnings and provide great insights on mindfulness and being a happy human being.

By Shiuan L

Jun 1, 2020

Really excellent course that is packed with information but doesn't feel like it; there are multiple levels you can go into for more reading and more discovery, if you like, but for those who just want to get to feeling happier, there is the quick route as well. The course is also well paced and doesn't ever feel like it's giving too much at any one time. This is a big plus for a busy professional who otherwise has trouble finishing other online courses. Everyone should take this course and feel happier!

By Alan I

May 30, 2020

This was an excellent course, and marked my first online college course since graduating from Brandeis twenty-plus years ago! It was a great introduction to the ways in which we can actually work to find authentic happiness, and revealing some of the false notions we've gained over years of societal influence and conditioning. It had very practical applications, and if you put in the work and effort, the results were tangible. It has provided techniques and skills which I intend to utilize in daily life.

By Jessica V H

May 28, 2020


That was one of the best decisions I took so far. Learning about the myths of happiness and how to rewire your thoughts and habits to feel significantly better in your daily life is a SUPERPOWER no one should miss to aquire!

The course is really thought out and brings you into action which is a learning experience you really feel in the end - when your life proves you the positive effects of the course! I will recommend it unconditionally to everyone I know.

By Dinh D P

Aug 6, 2021

I really love the course since it gives you an in-depth analysis about the science of well-being. Every information presented in the course is science-backed and informative. The lecturer is knowledgeable and inspiring, so I gain a lot of knowledge from her and I am motivated to practice the healthy practices. The course will show you what true happiness means in a straightforward way with clear proves. I am able to lead a happier life now, thanks for the course. Best wishes for you and happy learning.

By Richelle R

Jun 21, 2020

I've done a significant amount of personal work, and while I knew some of the information delivered in the course (for example miswanting, or how meditation and sleep affect your mood/outlook) it was very interesting to solidify my acquired personal knowledge by understand the science behind it all. I also like how the course doesn't just provide knowledge, but really motivates you to putting your knowledge into action with step by step support. Great course, with actionable insight. Time well spent!

By Stacey V

Jun 14, 2020

The title says it all: get ready to learn the scientific underpinnings of achieving that elusive sense of wellbeing that we're all longing for in life but can't quite seem to achieve. The science, research, data, and findings of studies done by some of the top positive psychologists and minds of the neuroscientific community added weight to this course, taking it from being a fluffy pop psychology lecture to an intensive 10-week reworking of habits. I found The Science of Well-Being to be life-changing.