Sep 1, 2015
I thoroughly enjoyed this course and find that it encouragingly sets some directions, and of course, raises my excitement for further study into some of the different fields of philosophy. Thank you.
Jul 5, 2017
I found this course incredibly stimulating. A wonderfully structured introduction to European philosophy. All modules well presented. How lucky we are to have learning like this at our fingertips.
By Shafiqul I
•Apr 7, 2021
Philosophy has remained a personal favorite of mine! I am really amazed, every time I revisit my studies of philosophy, I find new perspectives and vantage points. I think everyone needs to know the basics of philosophy, and that could have changed the world a lot; for the word ‘conviction’ would have lost all its strength! 😁
By Ramlal S
•Jan 27, 2019
This is a great introductory course to Philosophy. The course covers very important aspects of Philosophy in a succinct manner and sets the foundation to explore any topic in detail later. Overall great experience !! This is exactly how an introductory course should be. Thank you Coursera, thank you University of Edinburgh !!
By Paul F
•Jan 21, 2025
I found the range of topics and speakers to be enjoyable as well as educational. The course gives great insights into the foundations of philosophy and why it is important but also provides plenty of opportunity to consider current debates and facets of philosohpy. Certainly left me wanting to delve deeper into the subject.
By Carla A P M
•Oct 5, 2020
This course was a great way for me to understand the ways that philosophy has and its role in the construction of my understanding of the world overall. Although I’m Chilean, it was very easy for me to comprehend the lessons and the scheme of the course. I hope there’s more Philosophy courses from Edinburgh University ahead.
By Ankit D
•Jul 9, 2020
The course was really illuminating to me. It has really piqued my interest in philosophy and I would like to take a deeper dive into the subject. The most important thing about the course would be that the instructors were able to actually relate the sort of abstract ideas of philosophy to actual ground realities. Thank you!
By Clint
•Sep 18, 2016
A Philosophy Sampler
A wonderful introduction to philosophy. Seven outstanding teachers each providing a sample of their areas of specialization. Plenty of follow up material if you want to go deeper into any specialization. At the end of the course, there is even a chance to write your own 750 word philosophical submission.
By Jacob F
•Oct 14, 2017
As a theology graduate with little philosophical experience I found it an insightful introduction into many of philosophy's most pressing issues. Importantly, the clear and engaging lectures led to many thought-provoking moments. I would certainly recommend to anyone who is interested in learning more about philosophy.
By Hazel F
•Sep 1, 2023
A very enjoyable course which was well developed and designed. The topics and their analyses became progressively more sophisticated as the course went on.
The final section on Time Travel philosophy was fascinating and the flair with which it was presented was a highlight for me.
Thank you for the wonderful course.
By Folusho O
•Sep 6, 2015
This course is off the hook! (Literally). And my dear prospective student, all I advise you to do is to sit down and carefully listen to and digest all the thoughts and arguments the tutors will put forward. This is NOT for the sake of agreeing with all they say, but for AN EXPOSURE TO A PLETHORA OF IDEAS. Enjoy!
By Sigrid K
•Aug 23, 2023
Excellent Course! I recommend it to anyone who would like to challenge themselves. It was a great way for myself to expand my understanding of some behaviors and what those before me that were experts in there time believed about the different Philosophical theories. The Professors were really baulous as well!
By Indrajeet A S
•Jun 30, 2020
Very very interesting course. I always wanted to know what concepts are covered in Philosophy and this course quenched my curiosity. As the weeks went ahead, the topics got better and invoked good thoughts. Teachers explain stuff really well and the quizzes make you think. Totally recommend this to everyone.
By Hilary P
•Aug 31, 2022
The video lectures were clear, interesting and not too long. The material was well organised, and the lecturers were engaging. The content made me think. There were lots of ideas for further study, ranging from buying the course book, watching other philosophers on youtube or even suggested movies to watch!
By Meidi C
•Apr 17, 2020
Thank you for giving me the opportunity to rekindle my interest in a subject I love and for going through so many different topics. I now know what I would like to get a deeper understanding and knowledge of and I am looking forward to exploring the resources you have shared on this course.
All the best,
By Paola R R
•Nov 17, 2019
Aprecio infinitamente la oportunidad que se me brindò de ampliar mi conocimiento y mi capacidad de analisis ante la incertidumbre de la vida y la existencia, agradezco la nuevca perpectiva creada en mi a traves de el cuestionamiento del pensamiento humano y los eventos consecuentes de el. muchas gracias.
By Dr. A S
•Jul 19, 2021
This is an eyeopener course. I have had difficulties in understanding western philosophy. But this course which is so lucidly explained with the help of videos and handouts and open sources that reading , understanding and making people understand Western philosophy is rather cohesive for me. Thank you.
By Héctor M M
•Dec 2, 2020
Amazing course! I have an aficionado interest in philosophy and is great to see how there are several concepts that I can apply not only to my personal life but to my professional life as well. The lectures are really clear and the instructors make it easy to understand, is worth taking all the lessons.
By Gamal E H
•May 2, 2020
I really enjoy this journy, very good teachers with a very good and simple way to make you understand to the most important topic of philosophy.
I have to thank you all for let me be part of this journy.
Loves sincerely from Venezuelan, a science student really love the opotunity to learn with you all.
By Estelle
•Jan 21, 2016
This was a fantastic course! The content was very interesting, especially the section on time-travel, which I absolutely loved. I also liked that the course was perfectly manageable, unlike all the other MOOC's that I have attempted, where the time commitment turns out to be much bigger than expected.
By Sharalee L
•Jul 24, 2021
I enjoyed learning about the introduction to philosophy. It is something I had thought I might be interested in but had not explored. I think that it has broadened my understanding of the media and politics as I can see where the ideas have come from in many cases and the problems in their arguments.
By Yue Y
•Jan 22, 2021
Very easy to understand, a good introductory course leading us to the Philosophy world. I learn very basic and interesting philosophy theories. One improvement can be the subtitle, I believe the Mandarin version may have some compatible issues. It always has the same line showing on the screen twice.
By Jason H
•Jan 15, 2019
Great introduction, argument presentation, counter-argument consideration and supporting materials for simple yet intriguing philosophical topics. Faculty was engaging and well spoken and course was able to keep my interest. Excellent for those looking to get an insight into the world of philosophy.
By KaZ A
•Mar 14, 2018
Very enjoyable. Gave me a lot to think about regarding further pursuits in philosophy. Helped me to pinpoint the type of philosophy that I find most useful. Would love to have more exposure to Socrates, Buddha, Confucius, Nietzsche, Sartre, Brecht, science, humanist and existential philosophers.
By Sanduni W
•Jul 14, 2020
I really enjoyed taking this course and the content was very interesting. All the lectures were amazing. I loved the teaching style and the teachers made the content easy to understand and interesting. I would love to thank the university of Edinburgh and all lecturers for providing us this course.
By Pragash B
•May 21, 2020
The course hits the target and achieves in fulfilling its objectives. Simply it makes us think in different perspectives and ask questions pertaining the same. Thank You. The course is interesting, appealing (through good lecturers) and without a doubt, this learning is such a wonderful experience.
By Gauri B
•Sep 21, 2021
My interest in philosophy was handicapped by the fact that i had no academic background in this field and was at a loss on where to begin. Thanks immensely to all the educators who have put together this remarkable, comprehensible course that i now have confidence to pursue philosophy further.