Sep 1, 2015
I thoroughly enjoyed this course and find that it encouragingly sets some directions, and of course, raises my excitement for further study into some of the different fields of philosophy. Thank you.
Jul 5, 2017
I found this course incredibly stimulating. A wonderfully structured introduction to European philosophy. All modules well presented. How lucky we are to have learning like this at our fingertips.
By Michelle E
•May 22, 2020
I spent an average of 2-3 hours on this course each week, enthralled by the lecturers and the fascinating topics to think about that were presented. Lectures were coherent and well-done, from my opinion. It was relatively easy if you paid attention and took your notes, but the opportunities to expand your mind were what made this course so fun! I loved Intro to Philo. A note to anyone considering taking it: They recommend participating in the discussions in the forums, and I do too. It makes it so much more fun and engaging! I regret not participating (actually responding) more, and the people in my life are a bit sick of hearing me talk about what I've been philosophizing about. So make sure you have enough time to peruse and engage in the forums on top of your coursework!
By cheng y
•Sep 20, 2016
It's a great introductory course to the seemingly difficult subject philosophy. After finishing this course, I find that philosophy is indeed a quite interesting and useful subject that relates with everyday life. People who have not studied philosophy yet are actually using them everyday; some of the topics philosophy regards are quite relative to our daily life, at least it is the case for me. I think it might be better if this course can have a better category of the topics taught in it, because sometimes I am confused with what this topic is actually a philosophical subject. If I can see clearly where this specific topic is in the huge subject philosophy, it would definitely benefit me a lot for my future study and research!
By Bishoy T
•Jun 4, 2022
I'd like to thank everyone for participating in this course from the bottom of my heart. I have already benefited from all of the topics that have provided insight into the nature and characteristics of the topics and theses presented by scientists and philosophy, their theories, deep thinking, questions and answers about the world and what is in it and beyond..., and regardless of the fact that this is my first time studying philosophy as a discipline, I have learned a lot. I wish everyone the best of luck and blessings. I'd like to thank the great University of Edinburgh, as well as all of the professors and course organizers, for giving me the opportunity to study and learn from and alongside them. God bless you all!
By Simon S S
•Sep 9, 2015
Excellent introduction to an incredibly broad field. I would highly recommend this course to anyone interested in, or vaguely familiar with philosophy. I would also recommend this course to people wanting to brush up on a few things, as it goes over matters at a reasonable pace and thus allows one to get into the themes. Lastly, I would like to say that it's great to see such a new topic (relative to most of the classical philosophical themes) as Testimony in an introduction course. It arguably belongs in the (somewhat) new sub field of Social Epistemology and new research in this area allows philosophers to see original contributions from Reid, Hume and others in a new and modern light.
By Yasmin A H A
•Apr 15, 2017
I've enjoyed this course greatly, and look forward to delve further into philosophy. I loved all of the talks by all the lecturers, and found their follow-up videos to be particularly helpful. Unfortunately, that also meant that there was no forum to access and discuss the questions posed by the lectures with other people taking the course, which I believe would have helped to hone my argumentative skills, which I believe is necessary to have (and further develop and enhance), when learning about philosophy.
Thank you very much for this amazing course. If you could introduce more philosophy courses (particularly ones that are more advanced and in depth), that would be great!
By Tarang B
•Jul 7, 2017
It is an enriching experience. This was my first ever attempt in understanding certain nuances of philosophy. The course got my mind blown as it changed my way of looking at things. Before taking this course, I had assumed certain things to be too obvious to be true. The array of examples and schools of different thoughts assimilated in the videos have made the whole learning experience more edifying. I don't know how much of this knowledge will I be able to retain. Initially, I had doubts over taking this course as I had no clue of what it will unfold but turns out that it was a correct decision. I would like to express my sincere gratitude to everyone behind this course.
By Wiktor S
•Jun 29, 2020
If you are going to study philosophy online , do google" Coursera " platform and pick up "Introduction to philosophy " course .As a senior teacher of humanistic subjects at one of the best lycees in Poland I have to express my gratitude and thanks to the lecturers and workers of University of Edinburgh for their thorough expertise , the high level of professionalism and total dedication. Studying at University of Edinburgh has been a delightful experience.I do hope I will continue to pick up postgraduate studies over there. So please , do not hesitate to pursue your education with the fantastic team of excellent philosophers inEdinburgh.
By Ed H
•Oct 24, 2019
Es un curso que pone retos para explicar el como suceden las cosas, para comprender que de alguna forma estamos predeterminados en algunas acciones y circunstancias y que, si tenemos libre alvedrio o si somos los que elegimos de acuerdo a nuestras condiciones personales, podemos ser o no moralmente responsables de nuestras acciones.
Gracias a los brillantes expositores -filósofos de alto nivel- que en la argumentación de sus clases, despiertan en uno como participante de este curso, la inquietud de seguir profundizando en la búsqueda de la verdad a través del estudio de la Filosofía
Mil felicitaciones y un millon de gracias....!
By Patricio H V
•Sep 16, 2022
El curso es ameno. Me sentí muy a gusto con las teorías y sus interesantes explicaciones por parte de los profesores y doctores.
A pesar que los artículos enciclopédicos estaban en inglés, utilizé el traductor del navegador y no tuve mayores problemas para leerlos en español. Fue un alivio que las clases en video estuvieran traducidas y transcritas a mi idioma.
La complejidad del curso es acorde a una introducción a la filosofía, con la virtud de que los tópicos tratados fueron más de lo que yo esperaba.
Un curso que recomendaría absolutamente por su calidad y profundidad.
Gracias al equipo de la Universidad de Edinburgo.
By Barbara M
•Feb 26, 2016
I have really enjoyed this course and it has motivated me to learn more. I particularly liked the course as it showed us philosophy itself rather than a reiterated history of philosophy which is usual. It gave us hands on experience of problems and questions being asked.
The accompanying book has also been of great value to me. It enabled me to read the lectures before listening to them and will be a useful handbook to keep me in touch with the issues covered. The questions and further reading at the end of each chapter is also of great value to me.
A big thank you to all the team. I have been totally absorbed by the course.
By Matthew S
•Aug 29, 2015
I found this course immensely mentally stimulating, and tailored well to those of us who are new to philosophy. I found the weeks that covered the philosophy of mind and the philosophy of time-travel to be particularly engaging and mind-expanding for me. I feel like this course has really opened the door to help me further explore in more depth the philosophical ideas that it provided me a guided introduction to. I would love to see other, more specialized philosophy courses offered on Coursera that cover the topics discussed in week 3, week 4, week 5, week 6 and week 7 individually in more depth in separate courses!
By Andrew B
•May 28, 2023
This student selected Introduction to Philosophy with the aim of learning a little more about branches of philosophy and various approaches, and the course has delivered a good high level introduction.
The supporting textbook, "Philosophy for Everyone", Matthew Chrisman, Duncan Pritchard, et al, Routledge, Second Edition, 2017 (as purchased by this student), was beneficial in bolstering the lectures and adding to the overall learning experience.
The lecturers and the supporting team/s combined have put in considerable effort to deliver a focused introductory course to philosophy available to everyone!
By Vern
•Aug 19, 2017
This course provides a good and solid foundation for understanding what philosophy is, how it works, why we should philosophise, and, some of the major questions that philosophy continues to analyse today.
My main interests in philosophy would be: the philosophy of Science and the philosophy of Religion. I'd like to learn why we believe what we believe.
I'd recommend this course to anyone that seeks to understand what is philosophy and how we do philosophy.
Thanks to The University of Edinburgh, to Coursera, the professors, and all those who made this course available free of charge.
By Kyel E
•Dec 13, 2021
Very factual, and intriguing course stuffed with information! I really learned a lot from this course, and will definitely be going through it again to really grasp the info because it is dense. From how it started, to real philosophical questions, it gets you thinking. I paid for the course to get the certificate for my work resume, and it really did pay off. I'm glad I took a leap of faith with coursera and decided to try out their courses. I'm enrolled in at least 4 others, and I can't wait to learn more. Definitely take this course with a notebook so you get all you can out of it.
By Irving M G
•Aug 22, 2020
By Maya S
•Jun 17, 2018
I took this course purely out of self-interest, because as a college student pursuing an engineering degree, my subjects tend to be more technical oriented, and a tab bit dry. This entire course, from start to finish, was nothing short of amazing. Each teacher taught their material with vigorous passion, and the topics covered were both interesting and educative. They were thoroughly explained but easy to understand, and overall, I would, with complete and utter certainty, do a course by this University again in a heartbeat. Thank you to all the teachers, for being so passionate.
By Rhitansu G
•May 6, 2017
I really needed answers to some questions about life about equality, justice, empathy, morality, etc. After finishing this course I still do not have the answers, but I feel I am in a better position to read and think more about these questions. These questions are not just for academic interest. I feel it is difficult to along in life without some answers about these fundamental aspects of our day to day life. Philosophy should be a part of our school curriculum. I really appreciate the way it has been taught in this course and the dedication of the teachers to their subject.
By Leyla G
•Nov 6, 2015
I thoroughly enjoyed taking part in this course. The modules covered a multitude of diverse branches of philosophy which helped me to broaden my knowledge of the subject overall and the lecturers were incredibly helpful in explaining simply, and with useful examples, new information. The course has further deepened my love for the subject and the platforms of assessment were challenging, but did not feel labourly. I would without a doubt recommend anybody, regardless of former experience of the subject, to partake in this course and I am highly glad to have had the experience.
By Surya N D
•Jul 2, 2020
I am a novice to philosophy and concepts of it but I was always intrigued by philosophy although I viewed it as something abstract, undefinable in definite terms unlike science and engineering that years of education and experience ingrained in me. This course has cleared many of my misgivings and gave a solid foundation of introduction to philosophy and has piqued my interest to pursue this further, now more as a subject of interest than a curious hobby. Thanks to the exceptional videos put together by a gifted faculty. Kudos to Coursera and the University of Edinburgh.
By Marly O B S
•Jun 30, 2020
My name is Marly Balderrama, I am a Licenciatura student of Letras-Portugues here in São Paulo. This was my first contact with PHILOSOPHY, I am delighted with the Course. I thought it was difficult for me, and it was. I had to read and warm my brain to understand, understand many teachings that our mind is not aware of the details of life. Only by studying Philosophy that, with this discipline and through its definitions, defined and indefinite, concrete or abstract, allowed me to enter this concept of really studying everything in this life. You know what, I loved it.
By Marius R
•Jun 16, 2020
It was my very first course in Philosophy. Although my background is on electromagnetism and its application to various computer-based designs this course strengthened my view on social life and changed my way of looking at things are not yet revealed by science. Navigating through the concepts of philosophy from notions related to epistemology to concepts related to mind and free will intrigued my curiosity and spirit of continuous learning, by projecting myself to the reality I always sensed it and experienced it but never consciously acknowledged its source.
By Pedro U
•Dec 3, 2020
The course was very interesting and the course material, books and papers extremely helpful. I have to point out that having taken a fair number of courses, this time the platform was disappointing. I had to repeat tests that I had approved with 100% success rate because it did not recognize them as completed. Finally I succeeded in repeating them and approving all of them. I also payed for a certificate and got a receipt for it, but i don't know how I am going to get the receipt. If you need me to send the receipt I can do that.Hoping to hear from you soon
By Yuki K S N
•Jul 15, 2020
I've always loved Philosophy and thinking how to think/thinking as a whole. On top of that, in my real-life university, I double major in something else, so I don't have enough credits to take Philosophy on as a minor or a major. I'm so glad I have a chance like this to take on such a broad range of topics. This module is very, very ideal for those new to Philosophy, especially since it essentially functions as an exposure mod as you enter Philo with a broad range of topics. You can essentially choose what you're interested in to go more in-depth with it.
By Alexandra C D
•Jan 28, 2016
A nice and flexible course, in which you can explore the wide range of possibilities from the minimum basic level of subject to studying all the additional material and problematics. Rather interesting functional approach to the structure of philosophical knowledge. For the foreigners (as I am) the English is quite understandable (It is subtitled, but the subtitles are not necessary if you are above B2 / IELTS 7.0 level) and at the same time sufficiently sophisticated to acquire also some useful listening practice for academic IELTS / PTE Academic tests.
By Mike
•Sep 2, 2015
Amazing introduction to the basics of philosophy - I wish I had such in university or at some other early point. It shows you breadth, scope and problems philosophy deals with. Course tries to maintain simplicity and clarity of explanations even for very complex things and this is exactly what you need for a subject which is normally deemed too complex for beginners or gives an explanations which for uninitiated do not add clarity and rather raise even more questions.
Loads of fun and topics which may make you think more and induce your curiosity.