Aug 20, 2023
This course is rich, engaging and thought provoking. It is a solid foundation for a career in data science. I now feel more confident that I can excel in this field. Thank you IBM! Thank you Coursera!
Jan 15, 2022
I throughly enjoyed the course and the fact that everything was explained thoroughly. I always enjoyed Dr. White's personal experience with Data Science as well as other Data Scientists point of view.
By Gabriela P M
•Jun 11, 2020
It is a great introductory course. It opened my mind and spirit to the possibilities of data science and it excited me to pursue a career as data scientist in the public health domain.
By Giorgio M
•Apr 16, 2020
It is an all round presentation of what a Data Scientist does and the personal and technical skills he/she needs to excel. It is all presented in a structured and clear way. Thank you.
By Michela R
•Apr 13, 2020
In my opinion this course provides a good introduction to Data Science. It is suitable for non-experts, thanks to interesting videos and readings. I found it stimulating and well done.
By B N B
•Feb 23, 2020
itData scientists help companies interpret and manage data and solve complex problems using expertise in a variety of data niches. They generally have a foundation in computer science,
By Ralph R F
•Jan 1, 2020
Simple and informative. Quick to learn videos and explanations makes a great start in understanding basic overview of data science those with non-programming background such as myself.
By Felipe G A
•Dec 27, 2019
Aprendi lo suficiente en este curso para decidir realmente que quiero hacer con mi vida , ayudo demasiado a alimentar mi curiosidad por la ciencia de los datos y la importancia tienen.
By Rahul K T
•Dec 20, 2019
i would like to say thanks to all faculties who taught me. it was really great journey. i learnt a lot from here. and at last i would like to tanks IBM for giving me this opportunity.
By Brad A
•Nov 21, 2019
This was a great introduction to data science and what data science is. As someone who was slightly intimidated by taking on the subject, I found it to be a fun and informative course.
•Jul 30, 2019
it was just awsome learning data science from the course platform. it has really been a great opportunity to have the great learning with the best faculties in the course era platform.
By Venkata M M
•Dec 11, 2024
feels like I'm learning new things day by day by this course .So happy and curious for learning this course and waiting for the day of my work in real time project through this course
By luuis v
•Aug 4, 2024
Excelente para principiantes, sientan muy bien las bases, son clases muy buenas de la mano de profesionales donde las charlas son muy interesantes y aprendes poco a poco sin saturarte
By Tahsine K S
•Jul 26, 2024
C'était très bien de commencer par parler et bien détaillé ce que c'est que la science donnés. Ailleurs, ils commencent juste avec quelques phrases et ensuite c'est du code qui suit.
•Feb 23, 2024
Love all the lessons divided into segments of 3-10 minutes. Flexible time/schedule at my own pace. Good quizzes which can be taken online and provides feedback right after an attempt.
By Ajay P
•Dec 31, 2023
This course on data science introduction is excellent. It provides a clear and comprehensive understanding of data science, helping to clarify and enhance your knowledge in the field.
By Yeredith G M M
•Jul 29, 2023
Excelente curso para comprender los aspectos básicos de la ciencia de datos y como se aplican en la vida real mediante la experiencia de personas expertas y especializadas en el tema.
By paulo p
•Apr 18, 2023
Neste curso aprendi como a ciencia de dados e importante.Percebi como é vital para o entendimento da programacao e dos dados.Engloba varias areas da programação e e muito estimulante.
By Orkhan S
•Oct 17, 2021
A good one to start wandering around what is the background of data science. It ensures you make up your mind about the field so you won't think again of you are a good fit for this.
•Mar 23, 2021
Great training course. It gave me a very clear understanding of the benefits of transforming data into information and the many ways that data can be used to make strategic decisions.
By Jady C
•Jul 6, 2020
É um bom curso introdutório, mas para quem está fazendo os cursos separadamente sem seguir o cronograma, é um curso que pode pular se você já tiver noção do que se trata Data Science.
By Tete K
•May 3, 2020
I loved this course! When I started I had what Data Science was, but now I have a detailed idea. It is more than what I expected.
I definitely recommend this to beginners and everyone.
By dibyaranjan s
•Apr 27, 2020
An Awsome course for those who want to get into data science.It gives proper motivation about pursuing a career in data science.It also gives what it takes to be a good data scientist
By Buriro E
•Mar 20, 2020
I can say you're doing what it is called the best as offer this course freely. And so now it opens the door for those who can't afford to pay the required amount. Thank you in advance
By Jordan J T
•Feb 24, 2020
Easy to understand with examples and testimonials from those in the field of Data Science. A once complicated and foreign subject has become much more clear to me through this course.
By Mlibazisi N
•Oct 31, 2019
A very easy to fall introduction to data science. I particularly like that it is presented from the point of view of people who are already active in the field in diverse backgrounds.
By Guilherme M
•Apr 26, 2019
Excellent! I can clearly say I have understood what is Data Science and gave my first step on deepen my knowledge.
Videos were greatly structure, the whole course was properly mounted.