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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Fundamentals of Quantitative Modeling by University of Pennsylvania

9,090 ratings

About the Course

How can you put data to work for you? Specifically, how can numbers in a spreadsheet tell us about present and past business activities, and how can we use them to forecast the future? The answer is in building quantitative models, and this course is designed to help you understand the fundamentals of this critical, foundational, business skill. Through a series of short lectures, demonstrations, and assignments, you’ll learn the key ideas and process of quantitative modeling so that you can begin to create your own models for your own business or enterprise. By the end of this course, you will have seen a variety of practical commonly used quantitative models as well as the building blocks that will allow you to start structuring your own models. These building blocks will be put to use in the other courses in this Specialization....

Top reviews


Jul 30, 2019

Very nice course for beginner, the mathematic level is not high (around french baccalaureat) so available to everyone. I enjoyed a lot this course that show how simple math can be used in real life.


Nov 8, 2021

e​xcellent course teaches you basics in an easy to learn manner. Lots of good information for someone looking to transition into the world of financial analytics or as a refresher of basic concepts.

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1251 - 1275 of 1,713 Reviews for Fundamentals of Quantitative Modeling



Feb 1, 2019

The lecturer is awesome. The content and the assignment of the course is too easy. It will be better to add some details of these modeling approach. For example, more mathematic materials will be good.

By Chester L G


Aug 18, 2016

This is business and financial modeling. There were not enough examples of business related content. THis hindered my ability to comprehend function and modeling concepts as well as I would have liked.

By Steve K


Dec 3, 2020

Great course to brush up my knowledge on statistics and modeling. It would be nice to have an additional block that walks you through some basics on how to work with the models presented in Excel etc.

By bhavya g


Jun 15, 2020

A good course for all the beginners to analyze various aspects before starting any business. The course digs deep into the application of various economic aspects to help us forecast various things.

By Murugan M K


May 11, 2017

The Course was easy to understand and pretty demonstrative as well. Although if the mathematics behind the equations derived were squeezed into the course briefly, it would have been of great value.

By Justin R N


Jul 4, 2019

The material is very helpful to get you up to speed quickly. If there could be more emphasis on walking one through the calculations and giving more examples, the course would be a perfect 5 stars.

By Anthony J


Jul 7, 2017

Course was very interesting, However I wish there were easier ways to explain to details also the instruction , I would recommend to grab the students attention more to make it more understandable.

By Hrishikesh S S


Jun 13, 2022

The course helped me a lot in my business decision the business which is owned by my father and i am also a management student so i know the importance of quantitative modeling in business world.

By Pedro I G C


Jan 11, 2019

A good course to have an overview of the fundamentals for Financial Modeling, I think it is intended just to refresh your previous knowledge about these topics because there is no deeper content.

By Taenchiki S


Jan 18, 2021

This is an excellent overview. In my opinion it is suitable to people who have studied the concepts before (maybe a long time back in college) and need a refresher before diving into details.

By Ameya K


May 19, 2021

I found this course a great value add to my skillset. Not only did it help me understand the basics of Quantitative Modeling but it also helped me to revise my statistical concepts very well.

By Mdnazrul I


Jan 23, 2018

Just finished the course.Well designed and explained.The explanation of some equation could make it more understandable. I would have given it 5star if there was some exercise for practice.

By Vinayak S


Jun 7, 2020

Regression could be taken to a little more depth, for example explaining how to read regression output from excel. (Since it was suggested that regression is now done through spreadsheets)

By Anthony G


May 1, 2020

Good use of applicable examples. Strengthened my understanding of the mathematics behind the models without going to far in depth. Would be useful to see how to create the models in Excel.

By Lucas F


Mar 16, 2021

Helps giving you a clear overview over the process of understanding, and implementing the models. However, if fails (for me at least) to give me the tools to solve the equations by myself

By Sonal f


May 17, 2020

All in all course is fine, and i nam very thankful for the coursera for their support.

I would suggest to add some more examples of models and more real professsionally practiced models

By Xing L


May 5, 2018

It's a very light introductory course, which does not go into the fine details of the modeling. However it does give a good survey of the fundamentals for quantitative business modeling.

By Rishab B


Sep 4, 2024

It's a solid course in understanding the theory behind many financial models, but there aren't many practical examples of where to apply the information in a real model (i.e. in Excel).

By Francisco D


Jun 30, 2020

The course was very similar to a statistics class I had taken in school. Great explanations and examples by the instructor. My biggest suggestion would be to add more practice examples.

By Ramesh M


Mar 31, 2016

I am exactly looking for this course since 7-8 months recently i come across and immedietly registered .

I am going through the concepts covered here. Nice and elaborative. Thank you Dr

By Ansh P S


May 1, 2020

Pretty good explanations of the regression model. I had no knowledge about it. Had some basic prior knowledge of the other topics though. Enjoyed the course anyway. Needed to paitient.

By Dnyanesh M U


May 8, 2023

Proff. Richard Waterman Sir is simply great. I have never seen any professor with having so apt and subtle illustration skills before. Great course. Truly enhances my knowledge here.

By Zack C


Feb 15, 2022

More theoretical that I anticipated, without much of an opportunity to apply the concepts, but it does a really good job of establishing the theoretical underpinnings behind modeling.

By ha a


Jun 5, 2021

covers the basic concepts of quantitative modeling . very simple and basic . motivated to continue with the specialization to learn more in depth about the topics by implementing them

By Andrew R


Apr 5, 2018

Great course if you already have background and exposure to statistical modeling. I could be challenging to pick up material quickly if you lack sufficient stats or quant background.