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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Introduction to Marketing by University of Pennsylvania

13,112 ratings

About the Course

Taught by three of Wharton's top faculty in the marketing department, consistently ranked as the #1 marketing department in the world, this course covers three core topics in customer loyalty: branding, customer centricity, and practical, go-to-market strategies. You’ll learn key principles in - Branding: brand equity is one of the key elements of keeping customers in a dynamic world in which new startups are emerging constantly. - Customer centricity: not synonymous with customer service, customer centricity starts with customer focus and need-gathering. - Go-to-market strategies: understand the drivers that influence customers and see how these are implemented prior to making an investment. Complete this course as part of Wharton's Business Foundations Specialization, and you'll have the opportunity to take the Capstone Project and prepare a strategic analysis and proposed solution to a real business challenge from Wharton-governed companies like Shazam and SnapDeal or to a challenge faced by your own company or organization. Wharton-trained staff will evaluate the top submissions, and leadership teams at Shazam and SnapDeal will review the highest scoring projects prepared for their companies....

Top reviews


Mar 21, 2016

This course was excellent - the professors were incredible as well as the subject material. I felt I learned a comparable amount from this short MOOC vs what I learned in some of my MBA courses!Mike


Dec 5, 2015

I am really enjoying this course and the lessons are easy to follow. The instructor gives great examples to sum up each lesson and her explanations really hone in on what marketing actually entails.

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2476 - 2496 of 2,496 Reviews for Introduction to Marketing

By Jacky C

Mar 19, 2020

It is average.

By 张旭

Aug 11, 2016

no slides

By Santiago B

Mar 8, 2016

muy bueno

By แชมป์ น

Jul 14, 2020


By Груздева О А

Jan 6, 2017

Очень трудный курс для иностранца, для которого английский не является родным. Нет презентаций. Нет даже титров на русском, хотя для украинцев их сумели сделать... . Невозможно замедлить скорость показа. Задания трудные, т.к. мало связаны с материалами лекций.

Попробую еще побороться, преодолеть сопротивление материала, но все-таки, скорее, брошу.

На курс записалась, ориентируясь на хорошие отзывы в Интернете. Но разочарована... Отзывы, на мой взгляд, явно преувеличивают достоинства курса и ничего не говорят о трудностях...

By David

Oct 16, 2017

Difficult to find out mistakes during quizzes and no added exercises and scenarios to gain more practice. The forum was too disjointed to be able to get any adequate info out of it and finding a direct contact to work with was a problem. Have a single or two contacts with Chat hours like an actual TA would be very helpful, I was all and all very disappointed in the layout and ability to resolve questions.

By Doug E

May 19, 2020

A lot of techniques for psychological manipulations, without any discussion of ethics for balance. Thus, Harrah's casinos are praised for identifying techniques to manipulate the mental accounting of gamblers, in order to "extract more value" from them. In that sense, it's a good course to take to be aware of these techniques when they are used against you.

By Colin M

Apr 3, 2017

I thought that the content in this course was an inch deep and a mile wide. Students would benefit from a deeper dive in any of the areas covered in this course (e.g., branding, go-to-market, customer centricity) and from more involved case studies that cement the ideas taught in the lectures.

By Raquel O

Jan 23, 2024

Not great. Very outdated information. I'm disappointed in the content presented by Wharton so far. The accounting course in this specialization is even more poorly composed.

By Ray

Apr 10, 2016

Case study was useful. But the full course was cut short so it became too brief.

By Cynthia V

Jul 27, 2022


By vionake

Jun 7, 2017

The WORST course I have ever taken! Yet, it's the most expensive one! The course syllabus sounded interesting and it's from Wharton, that's why I signed up, but soon I discovered the course is not substantial, I finished this course in a week without gaining any stimulating Marketing knowledge that I have expected from Wharton. What a waste of money!!!

By Kamila I

Aug 16, 2016

I was dissapointed by the fact that I cannot attempt quizes before paying. I intended to pass the course and buy a certificate when I'd find a payed job. But when I do it, I'll have to watch all the videos once again to pass the quizes. Besides this, the lecturers spoke a bit fast and not all the structures they told about were visualized.

By Mohammed S

Apr 8, 2024

The content of the third week lacks cohesion, with a significant amount of disorganized information pertaining to microeconomics. To enhance its effectiveness, consider restructuring the material to ensure a more logical flow and focus on key concepts within microeconomics.

By Laila A

Jul 7, 2018

The recording quality is odd. As if the voices have been manipulated. Also one of the professors has an odd way in communicating.

By Isabella C

Jul 28, 2022

The teaching style doesnt match how I learn best and I was really struggling trying to figure out how to unenroll

By Deleted A

Sep 2, 2021

I don't like this course. I don't want to continue taking this course. I want a refund.

By abhijeet p

Feb 5, 2025

Presented in the most complicated way possible.

By Amal H

Jan 17, 2024


By Zhehui Y

Jul 21, 2019


By akshatha s

Jan 26, 2022