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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Responsive Website Basics: Code with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript by University of London

6,117 ratings

About the Course

In this course you will learn three key website programming and design languages: HTML, CSS and JavaScript. You will create a web page using basic elements to control layout and style. Additionally, your web page will support interactivity. At the end of the course, you will be able to: 1. Define the purpose of HTML, CSS and JavaScript 2. Make a simple web page using HTML 3. Use CSS to control text styles and layout 4. Use CSS libraries such as Bootstrap to create responsive layouts 5. Use JavaScript variables and functions 6. Manipulate web page content using JavaScript 7. Respond to user input using JavaScript In this course, you will complete: 2 assignments writing HTML, CSS and JavaScript, each taking ~1 hour to complete 4 quizzes, each taking ~20 minutes to complete 1 programming exercise~30 minutes to complete multiple practice quizzes, each taking ~5 minutes to complete Participation in or completion of this online course will not confer academic credit for University of London programmes....

Top reviews


Feb 13, 2016

Bright instructors delivering succinct and interesting content, with quick-paced videos and quizzes make a great learning experience. I am really impressed! Thank you, University of London people!


Nov 10, 2020

A great introductory course in HTML, CSS, JavaScript, jQuery & Bootstrap. It doesn't goes very deep into each of these technologies but it gives you enough foundations for you to pursue further.

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101 - 125 of 1,636 Reviews for Responsive Website Basics: Code with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript

By Ahmed M S


Nov 11, 2015

many question in the quiz wasn't covered in the video lectures. I enrolled in this course looking for refreshing my info about the 3 subjects and hopefully gaining new in-depth info about them but the information presented during the course was very trivial and only covered few parts about the main 3 subjects

By Dipika J


Mar 8, 2017

Introduced too many tools in a single course. Javascript, CSS, JQuery is very vast and it is not possible to learn everything in one course. They should have been introduced one by one. It took a lot of time for me to capture what the video taught. I had to do a LOT of self learning

By James K


Nov 9, 2015

This course needs an overhaul. There are mistakes in some code examples and quiz questions are sometimes ambiguous. While I appreciate the work that has gone into making this MOOC, there are better courses available on Coursera to learn this material.



Nov 17, 2019

We should wait for weeks and weeks for people to review our courses which is not at all a good idea and what if someone is in need of the certificate and waiting for others to review even if it is not his/her fault. Kindly look into this

By Ana M E G


Mar 6, 2016

I think it the course goes extremely fast, I do not agree with its tittle of basic nor the instructors provide sufficient information to achieve the final quiz goal, I am not sure about completing the entire course. Thanks anyway.

By Rajat G


Dec 12, 2019

You will get basics knowledge about javascript and JQuery and nothing else in this course. But I learned a lot from this course which is so Unique and you found it very useful if you are a beginner in JavaScript.

By Bruno M


Oct 11, 2015

Only very very basics. They won't teach you make well formed HTML documents, complete CSS files or learn to program in JavaScript.

By Katerina L H


Nov 3, 2016

HTML and CSS classes were great, but JavaScript classes were very confusing and difficult to understand.

By Mark Y


Oct 10, 2020

The teaching skill and organization is not up to par. I expected more from a reputable college course.

By Michal J


Apr 25, 2020

it was ok, It's informative, not the best course I've taken, the explanations are boring.

By Mark G


Nov 7, 2015

There was a lot of questions on the tests that were never covered in the videos.

By Sidharth S


Feb 7, 2016

Leaves out so much of basic stuff. I think this course is for 4th graders.

By Bryan M


Apr 4, 2017

University of Michigan is the way to go, This course is very out of date

By Giannis P


May 16, 2016

It consists mostly of video lectures there is a lack of coding exercises

By Fazla R M


Dec 31, 2015

almost it a frustating after one week.not details.

By Lucio O J


Apr 12, 2017

Absolutely too perfunctory. Just a very slight notion of the subject.

By kexin w


Jan 25, 2016

really basic course. The second lecturer is disappointing.....

By Jairo J O


Oct 14, 2015

It can be better! However I learnt useful tips!

By Andrea L


Sep 18, 2015

Very easy. Not worth the money it requests.

By Ingrid H T H A


May 8, 2016

It can improve a lot.

By Antonio S J


Mar 2, 2019

Não gostei do curso por isso abandonei e continuam a me cobrar o valor de 43 Euros, ou seja paguei duas vezes por algo que nao gostei e que claramente nao uso mais, peço a gentileza que devolvam a ultima parcela indevidamente cobrada e que nao voltem mais a cobrar, pois mando varios emails e nao respondem em meu auxilio nesta questao. Obs: Este curso nao condiz com a grandeza desta Universidade de Londres e nem aos seus doutores, pois tem pedagogia fraca e metodo de estudo q deixa muito a desejar, onde os proprios estudantes iniciantes devem corrigir os trabalhos de outros iniciantes, lamentável. I want my money back , please! Stop sending this bill regarding course that i am not doing ! Antonio Sergio

By eli b n


Dec 30, 2015

Very low level , im sorry but this cant be even considered a good intro to HTML,CSS im going to stop wasting my time watching this.

no chllange in the assignments or questions , + more of an overview of the basics then the basics ..

By Assaf M


Aug 17, 2017

The course is very shallow both in terms of what it covers and its explanations. The organization is also poorly done. I ended up taking html, css and javascript for web developers which is much better in every single account.

By Mohamed R


May 1, 2016

It's really not good this course told us a very basic things never give us deep detail and in most of course it shows us the code and you should write like this but there is no deep understand what is it

By Deleted A


Dec 17, 2015

so i will give one star because the title is misleading. I was expecting a course about responsive UI for website. But is yet again a basic introduction to HTML, CSS and JavaScript.