Feb 26, 2016
Really good course.Helped me understand the importance of interviews in making a productHelped me come up with many ideas for a single problemgave me a 260 degree view of user experience
Jul 15, 2020
Great moments with the professor and really candid, inspiring coursework! I definitely learned what I needed on prototyping but there's extra breadcrumbs everywhere to go the extra mile.
By Nicolas D G N
•Jul 18, 2017
By Brian L
•Sep 13, 2016
•May 5, 2020
By Mariana G
•Feb 18, 2019
By Stephanie B
•Apr 2, 2018
This course covers A LOT of important concepts very quickly. It's a great introduction to stakeholder maps, conducting field research, ideation, personas, and journeymaps. But the lectures touch on each of these concepts so briefly that I found myself needing to supplement the course material with additional independent research most of the time, especially for the assignments.
The stakeholder map, persona, and journeymap prompts did not provide enough examples. For instance, 2 of the 3 journeymap examples provided were either not legible or not in English. The one that was legible was not a good example because it did not include most of the things we were supposed to show on ours.
Still, the course introduced me to concepts that I needed to learn going into UX that I wouldn't have otherwise known about. Overall the course is quite good, but there is room to expand a bit on the current material and make it even better.
By Philipp U
•Mar 31, 2016
Highlight of the course was the interview with the IDEO researcher. It's great that you have actual people from the industry bringing their knowledge to the table, I really liked that.
On the other hand, I think the course was in general too easy compared to the academic level of the previous courses of the specialization. Especially the assignments were not requiring the same amount of work / proof. For example conducting interviews would just require some written summary while previous courses required actually to record a full interview to soundcloud. I think the course was especially missing the assignment on prototyping, which would be really important. It was kindof just skipped and we students were not asked to actually build prototypes. I think the course should be harder and request more effort from the students.
By Nina F
•Dec 17, 2022
I have come to the end of the course and yet it says that I am 84% done. I now see that none of my peer graded assignments have been graded and so I am stuck. The course cannot be completed without the grades. is this due to lack of enrollment? Is there a back-up plan? How long do I have to wait before it says completed? Will I hear back from you? I will appreciate a response. I enjoyed the course and I have done all the work so now, how do I get to "completed" when the factor holding me back is out of my control. Thanks.
By Lisa P K
•Feb 5, 2022
Great modules and videos. The optional learning experience was probably phenomenal but the general class could have been more structured to facilitate learning. It seems there were a lot of lists to shorten the teaching time. There were readings to help but they did not coordinate well with the lists so there is an opportunity for more idea development and deeper understanding for the next version of this class.
By Ngo T D L
•Sep 7, 2016
I enjoyed the lecture of Ms. Gerber. She has a very clear-cut way of explanation that truly draws me in. However, some of the concept in this lecture is taught without complete examples, so often time I find myself a little puzzled doing the assignment. Also, I would appreciate more chance to do more assignments to fully master the topic, though I understand the limit of a MOOC. Nevertheless, nice course!
By Maria K
•Jun 24, 2018
Good techniques on research. I've taken off one point as while doing your assignments you need to put in mind all the question you need to give an answer to. They are not written while you're entering your answers, only in previous descriptions. It is, thus, easy to forget you need to tell what you might have done differently next time. And if you have forgotten this, a point will be taken.
By Neha J
•Sep 15, 2020
The course was nice overall. Informative. The videos couldve been more interactive and a same context should've been used for different technique to better understand everything. I felt that there were times when the assignment and the lessons weren't connected and I had to teach myself everything.
The assignment were great and helped in learning.
By Felix
•Jun 4, 2023
Hands-on user experience course. You have to read the instructions carefully then you are good to go. Each grading of my assignment took a bit more than a week. Unfortunately, at least one grading criterion was confusing. Therefore, others can interpret these criteria differently than you did.
By Jannet O
•Jul 18, 2019
One of the most challenging course I have ever study with. It was tough and not easy for beginners like me in the field of User Experience: Research & Prototyping. However, It given me more information on the background on being a UX designer and I love it.
By Xin P
•Feb 5, 2016
This is a basic and introduction course to user experience and prototyping. The projects every week are pretty interesting and useful for you to think like designers. I hope there will be more detailed examples of design techniques in the video.
By Aqeel A
•Nov 2, 2017
Nice Course, highly recommended. But not happy with the review process as some people are not giving correct or serious, feedback which cause unnecessary effort on the submissions. Other than that nice course. Good Luck :)
By Joseph K
•Jan 4, 2018
This course has helped me understand the methods and techniques used to capture user behaviour, pain points and provide solutions based on the observations. Thanks Elizabeth & Scott for such a wonderful course.
By Elena M
•Sep 15, 2016
Excellent practical course. I consider assignments to be more valuable than any lectures, though maybe in this particular course I could welcome a bit more theory and even better — more user case details.
By Jazmín E V
•Sep 25, 2020
Quite complete. My only critique is to give a great finale to the course. The quiz was good but I think it could be better. Spite of that, I really enjoyed the course and learned a lot!
By Jared B
•Jan 12, 2016
Very good course, as a standalone course, some sections are slightly too short, but the information is great, very useful, nicely presented and works when put into practice. Thanks!
By Shirley W
•Jul 4, 2020
This course is more hands-on. I wish more interaction (feedbacks from peer, guidance from mentor) could be added to make the learning experience more fruitful.
By celina o
•Apr 7, 2016
Very clear course with many exercices and a good combo with the other courses of this specialisation with the introduction of a different teacher
By Jeffrey K
•May 31, 2021
As per usual, it takes at least twice as long to complete the assignments than the info. you're given. Peer marking takes a long time too.
By Jaime F V
•Dec 10, 2016
I liked a lot when examples are given but I missed going into some deeper thoughts on what are the ways and tools we can and should use.
By Luciana V M
•Dec 9, 2018
A primeira semana achei meio fraca, mas aos poucos o conteúdo foi ficando cada vez mais interessante e os exercícios também!
By Stephen B
•Sep 20, 2017
Good and engaging. I enjoyed this course and the felt the assignments afforded me the opportunity to internalize the ideas.