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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Think Again I: How to Understand Arguments by Duke University

2,988 ratings

About the Course

In this course, you will learn what an argument is. The definition of argument will enable you to identify when speakers are giving arguments and when they are not. Next, you will learn how to break an argument into its essential parts, how to put them in order to reveal their connections, and how to fill in gaps in an argument by adding suppressed premises. By the end of this course, you will be better able to understand and appreciate arguments that you and other people present. Suggested Readings: Students who want more detailed explanations or additional exercises or who want to explore these topics in more depth should consult Understanding Arguments: An Introduction to Informal Logic, Ninth Edition, Concise, Chapters 1-5, by Walter Sinnott-Armstrong and Robert Fogelin. Course Format: Each week will be divided into multiple video segments that can be viewed separately or in groups. There will be short ungraded quizzes after each segment (to check comprehension) and a longer graded quiz at the end of the course....

Top reviews


Jun 10, 2020

I found this course very challenging as I find critical thinking very difficult. However this course was extremely rewarding and I will be taking the other three modules in the Think Again series.


Jul 5, 2018

I found this course very challenging as I find critical thinking very difficult. However this course was extremely rewarding and I will be taking the other three modules in the Think Again series.

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751 - 775 of 786 Reviews for Think Again I: How to Understand Arguments

By Ana I R M

Apr 26, 2020

Se ofrece el curso traducido a varios idiomas pero sólo los videos están traducidos. Los cuestionarios y las preguntas emergentes no están traducidas.

By Joanna C

Apr 19, 2020

There should be more written resources available given the volume of content covered. It was a little hard to retain it all by watching the videos.

By Chandana P

Sep 26, 2020

It was interesting but later i found it boring .But it was a good experience.

Walton sir you were very good.Thank you for giving this class.

By Kseniia L

Mar 6, 2018

First part is quite intresting, but then lectures are too long and repetitive. I suppose previous course was much better.

By Charles E D

Feb 16, 2018

One of the questions I got wrong on the final quiz suggest all birds fly as a correct answer, wrong ALL BIRDS do not fly.

By Regina C

Aug 5, 2020

This course was a struggle for me. The quizzes were sometimes hard to follow when it came to breaking down arguments

By Aijaz A

Jun 22, 2020

The course is overly theoretical with little real world application. This is the reason I lost interest.

By Claudia M T

May 3, 2022

Nice topic and great talks and exercises. I just would like more feedback with our own arguments!!!

By KatieD

Oct 24, 2017

Videos cut off before the end and would instantly start replaying from the beginning

By Gloria L

Aug 6, 2020

I am not too fond of the examples used

By Marilyn M

May 27, 2020

A lot of "okays?' Interesting class

By Charmaine

Aug 4, 2020

A bit boring, sometimes confusing.


May 22, 2023

Me calificaron mal mi ultimo quiz

By Roger K

Jul 9, 2020

Pretty heavy on the linguistics

By Emil

Jul 11, 2020

This was a strange course.

By Nicole R

May 22, 2018

Somewhat outdated videos.

By Ricardo S

Jul 13, 2020

No es lo que esperaba

By Deepali

May 17, 2020


By Thomas P M

Feb 3, 2025

I enrolled in Introduction to Logic and Critical Thinking expecting a structured, practical approach to argumentation, logical reasoning, and fallacy detection. What I got instead was a tedious, obsessive deep dive into minute linguistic distinctions and an over-intellectualized approach that frequently lost sight of the course's supposed goal: helping students think more critically. An Exercise in Pedantic Nitpicking One of the most frustrating aspects of this course was its insistence on dissecting arguments down to an almost microscopic level, often at the expense of broader understanding. The fixation on labeling individual words (e.g., guarding, assuring, discounting) in a way that felt closer to an obsessive-compulsive sorting exercise than an actual tool for developing critical thought was mind-numbing. Assignments felt less like lessons in logical reasoning and more like parsing legal contracts with a magnifying glass while someone whispers, “Did you spot the premise marker?” in your ear. Rather than teaching students how to recognize flawed arguments in real-world discourse, the course buried its lessons under layers of abstract categorization that served little purpose outside an insular academic setting. The practice of meticulously labeling words and phrases in a passage with multiple-choice guesswork felt less like logic and more like linguistic taxonomy gone mad. The Redundancy of It All Many concepts could have been taught efficiently, yet the course dragged them out unnecessarily, often covering the same ideas with slight variations across multiple modules. Instead of reinforcing ideas through practical application, the course seemed to revel in beating a dead horse with semantic analysis. It’s as if the instructor believed that logic and critical thinking could only be taught through an endurance test of patience, not through engaging exercises or real-world examples. The peer-reviewed assignments were another disaster. When assignments are dependent on other students to be graded, the quality of feedback is inconsistent at best and outright useless at worst. Meanwhile, completing peer reviews of other students' work felt like another exercise in busywork, forcing participants to engage with the same inane exercises multiple times. Final Thoughts: An Exercise in Tedium Disguised as Intellectual Rigor This course could have been a practical and engaging introduction to logic and argumentation, but instead, it became an exercise in pointless minutiae. The obsessive focus on categorization, excessive parsing of sentences, and lack of real-world application made it feel more like an AI-driven task generator than a meaningful learning experience. If you enjoy analyzing sentences to the point where you question your own sanity, then this course is for you. If, however, you actually want to learn how to think critically, detect fallacies, and construct strong arguments, you’d be better off reading Thinking, Fast and Slow by Daniel Kahneman or literally anything written by a philosopher who doesn’t mistake OCD-level parsing for actual logic. Final rating: 2/5 – Logic should be about clarity, not convoluted word sorting exercises.

By Stella O

Sep 15, 2020

I learned a lot about arguments. However, I feel that it was at times very confusing and difficult to understand. There was not enough practice to learn how to apply the theories and concepts of arguments. It was as difficult as taking a Math course without tools for practicing the problems of the concepts and theories. Also, the instructors should refer to other Cousera MOOCs that make learning material easy to recall and fun such as Mindshift (from McMaster University) ; Learning How to Learn (from several partners); Positive Psychology: Resilience Skills (from the University of Pennsylvania); Psychological First Aid (from Johns Hopkins University); and the Science of Success (from the University of Michigan). The professors who teach these courses make it so easy to understand the material and remember it. I have even gone back to review these courses and recommended them to my family members. I will not recommend this course. This MOOC was the first MOOC that I had problems with. I had to take the final quiz more than once in other to pass it. The presentation of the material needs to be improved. This explains why lots of people are not taking the course.

By Eric D

Aug 18, 2020

Not what I was expecting at all... Rather than being called "How to understand arguments" this should be called "How to understand what IS an argument and what parts it is made of. This "course is very theoretical and doesn't really explain how to spot fallacies, shortcuts etc, or how to construct a good, clear argument, which is what I expected from this course. So maybe I just took the wrong class, but to be honest I am disappointed with the time spent and what I've actually learnt.

By Laura E

Nov 22, 2024

Interesting course with good material but the webpage is unreliable. It locks me out and acts like I'm not enrolled and prevents me from accessing content that others with the same enrollment specs can access (and I had access to previously). This is what lowers my rating. The frustration with the Upgrade to Specialization prompts and intermittent blocking of content.

By Seva B

Feb 1, 2024

one of the worst courses I took. The information which is for the most part is an array of classifications has hardly any use in real life.


Feb 5, 2021


By Rocio d M T

Feb 19, 2021

Not what I'm looking for. The instructor chose a way of teaching that is not to my entire satisfaction with lots of joke-like prompts and too many details that make a simple explanation too long in my view. No wonder he extended the courses in four parts. I do not agree in making things unnecesary long in order to achieve more. I am dissapointed and I'm therefore unenrolling from this. Good luck.