Jan 4, 2021
Such a helpful course; especially as we began a season of quarantine. I am thankful to have more strategies in order to grow towards my optimal well being. Thank you for offering this course online.
Aug 21, 2020
Amazing course and amazing instructor. The environment and vibes throughout were positive and helped me feel much happier and understand much more about looking at life through different perspectives.
By Laura D
•Mar 21, 2021
Class is valuable to high school/young college student & should be a HS grad requirement, since not everyone goes on to college, much less Yale
Teaches importance of thinkI,ng about others - feelings - not just the material.
Most emotionally stable adults will have learned everything in class through life and experiences. This class being the most popular in Yale history is a sad commentary on the fretful lives of adults. Also why self help books make best seller lists and certain religious leaders get rich by selling hope. Downside is the instructor's over use of the word stuff.
A serious downside is the importance of a peer review which chances are isn't going to be written by somebody who is actually a peer.
The class can be an invasion of privacy, a not so serious situation if everyone is a teenager who tend to blab about everything. However, you have to be cautious about what you post, because later on your words can be taken out of context and come back to haunt you. The peer review , in some cases, can be an exercise in superiority and getting a kick out of passing judgement and trashing another. Also taking assignments too literally.
By Eric J
•Jul 7, 2020
Information is mostly repetitive like the graphs and the data for example. Another thing is that the graphs are way too much and should be toned down and it is not interesting at all along with adding politics into the well being which makes no sense in my opinion respectively. Overall I give this course a 2 out of 5 and it could have been better with less information that is repetitive.
By Alejandra
•Apr 15, 2020
This is a class recorded, that is not online learning and the topic of this course demands more energy from the instructor. I've had better learning experiences regarding this theme.
By Jen M
•Jun 12, 2020
Do not purchase the certificate, the course is great but the certificate is a dud you print off yourself. For $70 I need a seal otherwise my son could’ve made me a better one.
By CMurt
•Jan 10, 2020
none of this advice applies for people with schizophrenia
By Steve F S
•Apr 19, 2019
A quality course everyone should take, especially after you've started your career or overloaded with school. It's like hitting the refresh button when living an over scheduled life hour-by-hour.
By Elena C
•Mar 26, 2020
Great information, excellent tools and terrific presentation of the work. Thank you for making this course available far and wide.
By Sandra R
•Jun 16, 2020
I took this course during the COVID-19 pandemic lockdown, together with a friend. We had a lot of fun discussing the concepts, etc.
I would like to add some suggestions for an update which I imagine will happen on occasion. Although this class is taught at Yale to a young student body the fact that it is on-line means that older people will also take the course.
Given that reality - add some other examples of what people think will make them happy. As people age it is not generally about good grades, getting married and having a good job. There may not be studies to quote as the non-student is not a captive audience that signs up for studies as part of course requirements, etc. And yet, there must be a way to broaden the knowledge base to include someone older than 22.
By Katherine A
•Mar 28, 2020
Almost everything about the course was fun and useable. I was able to learn and apply a lot, hence the 4 stars. However, the peer-grading seems altogether unnecessary. I believe, as adults, we are accountable to ourselves and having to judge someone else's journey felt wrong and antithetical to all parties having an authentic experience. It took the magic out of the course for me almost instantaneously and after learning that grades don't make you happy within the course, this grading and being graded aspect ruined it.
By Jacob M J R
•Apr 15, 2020
I don't think I like it when a professor says....'so this is like, uncool'
also her G.I. Joe Fallacy isn't really a fallacy.
Certainly there likely to be lots of people who will appreciate her casual approach but I was looking for something more academic and or scholarly.
By Noelle M
•Apr 30, 2022
OOF. A lot of blatantly incorrect information. I know that positive psychology is widely touted as scientific and evidence-based, but genuinely so many of these studies are HIGHLY flawed and limited. Many people have actual problems in their lives and know that, no, they do not react "better" to setbacks. Certainly if you are extremely privileged, like a number of people in these studies, certain setbacks might not be as devastating. I don't know anyone who reacts better to problems they assume will devastate them. Oftentimes people have to bry their pain and move on. It doesn't mean they are *happier* than they expect. So many bizarre assumptions were made in examples as well. Like how a bad grade won't harm you in the longterm because your friends will take you out and you'll feel better in no time. Huh? First of all, you have a supportive group of friends who I assume have the time and can afford to take you out to cheer you up. Second this grade is apparently not bad enough to bring down your average so badly that you can never recover. Nor does it make you lose a scholarship or have to drop out of school or start a cascade of events that affects your career. Nor does it apparently demoralize you as you try to overcome it. This is a fantasy world, but it's presented as scientific fact? I could not finish. I skimmed through to see if there were other ideas I might consider helpful to find a list of recommendations that I could find in any meditation app and in almost every "wellness" article. Frankly baffled as to why this course, which was recommened to me, is so extraordinarily popular.
By Connie k
•Jan 11, 2020
Very hard to maneuver and some links don't work
A group of us wanted to take but I'm discouraged.
Reset password several times.
Course interrupted by sales a lot
Couldn't get in to Character strengths at all
Couldn't get in to Character Strengths
By Isabelle H S
•Jun 30, 2020
I worked so hard and find it sad that I did all that work but there was no certificate to celebrate finishing?
By Suzanne m
•May 20, 2019
Best college course I ever took and I plan to review the lectures and materials as needed.
By Timothy S
•Apr 13, 2020
The course seems to plod along with a fair amount of self-aggrandizing and Yale-aggrandizing but none of the content is very weighty or coherent. The teacher uses no materials or exhibition tools to presents the course content.
By Jagannathan A
•Dec 23, 2020
I was into Positive Psychology for the last 2 years. I had read Positivity, Flourish, Thinking Fast and Slow,Insight, Emotional Intelligence, Happiness at Work etc. When the State and the Citizens of many countries ,including India(where I come from) started showing Gratitude to the HealthCare workers, Doctors, Sanitation workers, Police and the like, I started looking into State Gratitude to a community of service providers. In the process, I tumbled across this Program. That too from Yale! And Free! A God-send, I feel.
This program is an integration of different developments in Psychology at different points of time by different researchers and moulded into one of Well Being, for all the people. It gives the Modus Operandi to become Happier, much more than Wishing A Happy New Year or A Happy Married Life which are well meaning rituals.
There is a lot to learn from this program and lucky are those who learn them at a younger age. They can consciously lead a happy life. I am trying to spread the benefits of this program in my circle through Facebook, WhatsApp and email through a summary (article) I have made.
And, everybody in this world is craving for happiness : if only they know of this program, they will be better off.
By Anamika S
•Mar 23, 2020
Firstly, Laurie Santos kept us all engaging and enthralled throughout the whole course. I just loved her! Secondly i have never enjoyed peer interaction about the course and the peer viewing sessions were one of my favorite things! I have started to look at happiness through a different pair of lens and will continue to debate with my mind about the misconceptions and miswantings we all crave. This course is such a subtle and nice course where you can just listen to all the studies and the statistics just shocked me. My whole life no one has taught me the things we all are satisfied or content with. I learnt so much about HEDONIC ADAPTATION(which is my fav part) and lots of things which are eye-openers. I discussed about these psychological aspects with my friends and family and they loved the concepts as well! Thank you YALE! Thank you Ms. Santos! It was such a pleasure doing this course and knowing you. I have recommended to my friends and they will join in no time!
By C. B
•Mar 11, 2020
Cannot recommend this course highly enough! While it will force you to really evaluate yourself and get out of your comfort zone, you are so much better off for doing so. Objectively, I doubled my happiness in 10 weeks, which made dealing with everyday life so much easier.
You have nothing to lose by trying this class and its exercises out. At most, you're out a little bit of time, but if (and likely when) it works for you, you gain new perspective on yourself and the world around you.
By Cary M
•Mar 29, 2020
Thank you professor Santos. It was a great course and I learned so much and the extra readings are great. I just started my blog "Motivate Yourself Daily" to help others learn ways of changing their thoughts and living a happier and more success life.
If you offer any other courses in this subject topic, please let me know. I would take them all. Any other book suggestions are always welcomed.
Thank you again!
By Amey C
•Mar 17, 2020
Great course! I definitely will carry the learnings from this course in my daily life, and am looking forward to continuing with the rewirements.
Definitely recommend this to everyone who wants to learn (or re-learn) to be happy.
By Magdalena F
•Jun 19, 2020
Highly practical and applicable, you will be Doing, not just Listening. You'll have the opportunity to test your 'before' and 'after' levels of happiness - mine increased significantly.
By Szandra v H
•Mar 27, 2020
Wonderful course! Health begins with a healthy mind: a positive mind that sees the beauty in everyday life and in the people around us.
By Warren C
•Apr 15, 2018
A good practical review of some of the most interesting findings in positive psychology. Largely delivers well on what it promises. However, some of the studies covered are over-interpreted. For example, most studies in psychology suggest general trends across a group of people rather than sure-fire solutions that will work for everyone, but I would say that the latter claim is implied pretty often in this course. Also, the material related to Brian Wansink's research should be omitted, because his research has been called into serious question lately.
By Liron S
•Oct 2, 2019
Learned few interesting and useful things from the course, but found it to be somewhat boring. Also, in order to get a certificate there is a need to review a peer final work submission, the system didn't capture review that I did and now I have to come back and look for one to review since none exist now (improve the software Coursera and also create notification based on a queue).
By Jennifer P
•Jun 18, 2020
To me this course was very disappointing . The content of the course I feel was not worth the $50 I paid for and only received a printable certificate. Unfortunately I don't feel that the content put together really kept my interest. In my opinion there really was too much information with study results and not enough hands on with truly practicing well being and utilizing that in real life.