Dec 10, 2021
A fantastic overview for non-financial experts on currently on-going climate change finance. Most useful!
Sep 25, 2024
Great course which help me to have a better understanding of energy infrastructures transaction.
By Eliseo C
•Jul 5, 2022
The course is very superficial. I understand that there is a lot to talk about, but after a theretical concept a case study analysis is a must. With real scenarios cases, we can understand how we can apply the learned concepts. Unfortunately here is not happening.
By Miguel P L
•Sep 4, 2022
A good overview of the most important aspects of climate finance, but without any depth and without framing the individual lessons under any overarching narrative. This makes it harder to place each element in the landscape. Most of the readings are only marginally related to the lectures. Another way of saying it is that the lectures provide no guidance as to which readings can help you with which topic.
By David G
•Oct 31, 2022
Great and Excelent Course! I have reviewed many new concepts for me like Blendend Finance and Project Finance. I believe this course allow to you make to have a climate change perspective from the economics and financial system leveraging in the creative finance structure and global world organizations.
By Ka C C ( C
•Mar 22, 2022
The Finance of Climate Change hosted by EDHEC Business School has provided professional inslight regarding the finance of climate change, covering various aspect, such as the Financial Risks and Opportunities, Green securitties and specialized investors, Project for clean energy and Financial intermediatries and Climate change.
Concepts are clearly delievered through videos plus abundant references. It is a must-take course if you are interested in Climate Change and Sustainable Investment.
By Deep T
•Jan 8, 2022
The Finance of Climate Change course is a really good basic course involving climate change related financing and risk involved to financing institute, investors etc .Financial resources and sound investments are needed to address climate change, to both reduce emissions, promote adaptation to the impacts.
By Eleanor Y
•Nov 4, 2022
It is very good to finance beginners and a very structured moodle. Turns out the module leader is also a well-known researcher, which makes the course perfect for researchers as well.
By Vicky F K Y
•Nov 5, 2023
The course was well-structured and articulated. The attached materials are very useful, too. Good course!
By Rosa M R
•Dec 11, 2021
A fantastic overview for non-financial experts on currently on-going climate change finance. Most useful!
By Darío M
•Jun 5, 2022
It gives a broad overview about different methods and ways to finances actions against climate change.
By Joel A
•Sep 26, 2024
Great course which help me to have a better understanding of energy infrastructures transaction.
By Khushi J
•Jan 26, 2025
Excellent course for developing an in-depth understanding of finance of climate change
By Olena Z
•May 4, 2022
Nice one, highly recommended for beginners in the climate change field!
By Joshua, W T
•May 14, 2023
Good course, thorough and with lots of relevant readings/ resources.
By 李智翔
•May 10, 2023
This course actually features high quality. I like this so much.
By Tawanda G
•Sep 7, 2024
Clearly articulated course for beginners in climate financing
By saeed t
•Sep 25, 2023
it was one of the course that I have passed till now
By Aguil D
•Dec 5, 2024
Concepts were broken down in a helpful manner.
By Mukesh K
•Dec 20, 2023
Excellent...got to learn a lot
By Md L H
•Aug 28, 2024
It is a great learning for me
•Sep 22, 2023
Very professional course.
By Natalie_waller
•May 3, 2022
very complete- enjoyable
•Nov 8, 2021
thank you
By Tapanan R
•Aug 14, 2024
By Amir S
•Dec 25, 2024
•Apr 15, 2023
Prof could explain the ideas in a more converstional way, rather than directly reading from the texts. Otherwise all the contents are interesting topics that can trigger more depth research in the future.