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Learner Reviews & Feedback for The Cycle: Management of Successful Arts and Cultural Organizations by University of Maryland, College Park

715 ratings

About the Course

What makes a successful arts and cultural organization? Led by DeVos Institute Chairman Michael M. Kaiser and President Brett Egan, this course will introduce you to a management theory called the Cycle which supports thriving arts and cultural organizations. Learning from our work with managers from over 80 countries around the world, the DeVos Institute developed the Cycle as a simple, but powerful tool to assist managers in their effort to respond to an increasingly complex environment and propel their institutions to excellence. The Cycle explains how great art and strong marketing can create a family of supporters, who in turn help the organization produce the revenue required to support even more great art the next year. The Institute has seen the Cycle work in performing and presenting organizations, as well as museums, arts schools, and other nonprofit endeavors like service organizations, historical societies, public libraries, university programs, advocacy organizations, botanical gardens, and zoos. By taking this course, you will learn: • the importance of bold, exciting, and mission-driven programming in an organization; • how long-term artistic planning can help an organization produce this work; • how an organization can aggressively market that programming and the institution behind it to develop a family of supporters - including ticket buyers, board members, donors, trustees and volunteers; • how an organization can cultivate and steward this family to build a healthy base of earned and contributed income; and • how an organization can reinvest that income into increasingly ambitious programming year after year. All course material is available upon enrollment for self-paced learners. New scheduled sessions begin each month. For more information about the DeVos Institute's work, visit

Top reviews


May 19, 2018

The Cycle was an eye-opener in many ways. I always thought Arts Management required more artistic intuition than management knowledge, but this framework gave me a whole new perspective.


Sep 1, 2018

This course is really useful for people related to Art and Culture Management fields, it provides with useful techniques and ideas, particularly regarding marketing and fundraising.

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51 - 75 of 171 Reviews for The Cycle: Management of Successful Arts and Cultural Organizations

By Asya B

Dec 30, 2017

The couse is useful. A fresh look on arts management. Some case studies were slightly repeating each other or were too vague. Liked concrete examples. The course leaders articulate materials in a great passionate way

By Penélope A

Jul 9, 2021

Excelente curso, una visión de la gerencia cultural diferente a lo que se maneja en algunos países latinos. Un método más directo y práctico. Agradezco mucho la oportunidad de haber podido cursar estos contenidos.

By Martin P

Jan 23, 2017

Great course with a lot of hands on and practical information. I would not mind going into bigger detail. It will be a big effort to implement it in the company, but it will be worth it. Thanks for the course!

By Nathalie H

Oct 14, 2022

This was one of the most helpful courses I have ever experienced about arts management. It was so easy to visualize how to use it day to day and for long range planning. Interesting and highly recommended.


Apr 27, 2020

Excelente, fue un muy buena forma de obtener una metodología integral y funcional a cerca de como podemos administrar nuestras organizaciones colocando nuestros objetivos de forma clara y organizadamente.

By Caterina I

Apr 12, 2021

Great course on arts and cultural management. I found the readings (the blog posts and the Kaiser's ten rules) particularly interesting.

I gained specific knowledge in fundraising and cultural marketing.

By Pascale C

Jul 9, 2023

I learned so much more than I expected to in this course. Michael's "The Cycle" methodology is extremely well explained and the videos share it in practice. I was very stimulated by all the information.

By Erell G

Dec 23, 2020

What a wonderful class ! Amazing in all its aspects, and build hope and consideration about the future of art and cultural organizations (especially in these pandemic-related hard times).


Aug 31, 2020

Agradezco la manera practica de abordar el curso ya que usualmente suelen ser teóricos.

Me va a ser muy útil en la gestión Cultural de la institución en la que trabajo.

By Oyindamola F

Jul 5, 2020

I cant believe Ive gone this long in arts management without taking a course like this.

Im looking forward to implimenting all the strategies I learnt on the course.

By Lana S

Apr 17, 2021

Must do course! Very well explained, interesting, provides many insights and keys for those who already in the arts management and just making new steps into it

By Mary-Jo O

Jan 17, 2021

This course has really changed the way I look at arts organization management. I feel much more confident and eager to try the methodology taught in The Cycle.

By Jimena G

Aug 6, 2017

This is a very useful tool to boost the performance of an art institution, very clear, practical and easy to follow. I am very happy and ready to take action!

By Jherson A C B

Dec 21, 2021

Toda la información fue clara y precisa, la metodología fue didáctica y los libros utilizados en las clases son muy importantes para practicar lo aprendido.

By Kelly C

Apr 6, 2017

Truly enjoyed this class and the topics covered. Being an Arts Administrator I found it extremely interesting to read and learn about other organizations.

By Reanna L

Jan 3, 2021

A fabulous course that provides a smart and easy framework for arts managers, cultural leaders, and boards to successfully plan and grow their programs.

By Meredeth S

Apr 16, 2018

Excellent. We are a small but mighty museum that needs long range planning. We are going to use the Cycle as the foundation. Thank you, thank you.

By Joseph H

Apr 17, 2017

Excellent course for small to large arts organizations. The planning of the Cycle in your family will be an extra bonus to your sustainability!

By Hasmik M

Apr 1, 2017

A wonderful Course! I learnt a lot and I will implement all the elements into my organisation's strategy.

Hasmik Movsisian, Music of Armenia.

By Lamuelle V D

Dec 2, 2020

I was able to clearly understand what lacking in the art organization I am handling in my area right now. Kudos and thank you so much!

By Mariana A A G

Jul 25, 2020

I'd like to recommend this course not only to art managers, but to everyone who works at an art organization. This is simply the best.

By Breanne O

Apr 20, 2020

This course has taught me how important the Cycle is and how beneficial it is to implement into your organization. Amazing course !

By Belen

Mar 31, 2020

Muchas gracias, me sirvio mucho para poder iniciar con mi proceso de estudios en Managments of arts and cultural organizations

By Boglárka I

Nov 10, 2019

I found this course highly thought-provoking, motivating and extremely interesting. I'm glad to have the opportunity to do it.