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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Systems Thinking In Public Health by Johns Hopkins University

923 ratings

About the Course

This course provides an introduction to systems thinking and systems models in public health. Problems in public health and health policy tend to be complex with many actors, institutions and risk factors involved. If an outcome depends on many interacting and adaptive parts and actors the outcome cannot be analyzed or predicted with traditional statistical methods. Systems thinking is a core skill in public health and helps health policymakers build programs and policies that are aware of and prepared for unintended consequences. An important part of systems thinking is the practice to integrate multiple perspectives and synthesize them into a framework or model that can describe and predict the various ways in which a system might react to policy change. Systems thinking and systems models devise strategies to account for real world complexities. This work was coordinated by the Alliance for Health Policy and Systems Research, the World Health Organization, with the aid of a grant from the International Development Research Centre, Ottawa, Canada. Additional support was provided by the Department for International Development (DFID) through a grant (PO5467) to Future Health Systems research consortium. © World Health Organization 2014 All rights reserved. The designations employed and the presentation of the material in this publication do not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of the World Health Organization concerning the legal status of any country, territory, city or area or of its authorities, or concerning the delimitation of its frontiers or boundaries. Dotted and dashed lines on maps represent approximate border lines for which there may not yet be full agreement. The mention of specific companies or of certain manufacturers’ products does not imply that they are endorsed or recommended by the World Health Organization in preference to others of a similar nature that are not mentioned. Errors and omissions excepted, the names of proprietary products are distinguished by initial capital letters. All reasonable precautions have been taken by the World Health Organization to verify the information contained in this publication. However, the published material is being distributed without warranty of any kind, either expressed or implied. The responsibility for the interpretation and use of the material lies with the reader. In no event shall the World Health Organization be liable for damages arising from its use. Johns Hopkins University Bloomberg School of Public Health has a non-exclusive license to use and reproduce the material....

Top reviews


Jun 7, 2019

This is an excellent-excellent course and provides a good primer even to somebody (like me) who has only a very limited exposure to public health and none to the concepts of systems thinking.


Mar 11, 2018

The course is one of the best that I've attended on Coursera. This will be highly useful in my current course "Healthcare Operations Management" that I am offering for MBA students in India.

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51 - 75 of 214 Reviews for Systems Thinking In Public Health

By Ellen v d S


Feb 3, 2021

I'm already working in a field where I have to apply systems thinking on a daily basis, but I'm pretty new to it, therefore I decided to follow the course.

This course is very interesting and covers all the basic principles. Can definitely recommend it for policy makers.

By Joseph W


May 28, 2016

A very useful course that gives one the opportunity to learn a practical and structured approach to analyzing problems within the health sector and coming up with appropriate solutions that involve the participation of all the relevant stakeholders.

By Naveen T


Jul 23, 2021

Excellent content! Good explanation of software tools used and how these tools are embedded in the larger picture. Just one thing: Prof. Bishai mentions the provision of a spreadsheet to go along with the Agent-based modeling; could not find it.

By Juan S


Jan 18, 2017

This is a very good introductory course into systems thinking. It provides the basics to understand this approach, with a right balance between being easy and deepening in the subject enough to be interesting.

By Basil M


Oct 4, 2022

A great course, highly educating and relevant to my field of work Public Health.

I will surely recommend my colleagues and friends to this course.

Finally, i appreciat my tutors for all the hard work.

By Zhao L


Jun 10, 2019

Thank you for this course! I have learnt about useful tools and ways of thinking in systematic way. It is very helpful for my work which requires exactly the skills. I'm happy to have taken this course!

By Nachiket M


Jun 8, 2019

This is an excellent-excellent course and provides a good primer even to somebody (like me) who has only a very limited exposure to public health and none to the concepts of systems thinking.

By S V


Mar 12, 2018

The course is one of the best that I've attended on Coursera. This will be highly useful in my current course "Healthcare Operations Management" that I am offering for MBA students in India.

By César D M


Feb 5, 2017

It was a great course tat not only teaches you the theory behind systems thinking but it also teaches you how to use some tools (software) to use systems thinking approach to solve problems.

By Dr H S


Oct 8, 2019

The course was excellent but Q7. And Q8 is a country perspective and thus my perception does not match with your thinking that is largely based on the model of developed countries.

By Elliott M


Nov 11, 2022

Nothing short of brilliant! Thank you so much for the knowledge, tools and inspiration to approach complex problems in a way that I can see making a real difference. Thank you!

By Ishani D


Jul 24, 2020

It gives a very deep perspective of a particular program along with developing personal skills and also the course develops understanding the needs and necessaties around.

By Rajal B S


Nov 8, 2019

This course is well structured and informative. The contents have been laid out in a clear and concise manner to help the learner gain and retain information with ease.

By Payel A


May 27, 2018

I learned a lot. Although the concepts were familiar to me, the tools were not. The instructors did a great job at introducing the Vensim and NetLogo. Thanks a bunch!

By Mandeep S


Apr 23, 2020

An extremely amazing course and the way the instructors have gone about explaining the things has been crystal clear. It gave me a lot of insight into this topic.



Apr 15, 2020

The course is very insightful. I learnt a lot of new concepts and I hope to spend more time to master the skill of using the great tools for creating models.

By Michael J


Aug 4, 2020

Coming from a lean background, this really helped drive a deeper understanding and showed me some things I can add to my own practice with more confidence.

By Gina D


Oct 3, 2020

Very worthwhile and challenging enough to know that I have learned more about the Systems Thinking concept in public health. Excellent course, thank you.

By Jose E M H


Oct 8, 2019

Very good course to understand the concept of systems thinking and the modelling technique of systems dynamics applied to problems in health care.

By Kporha D


Aug 29, 2024

This course has provided me with the foundation to understand the essentials of public health required for health policy planning and management.

By Gerald M M


Dec 26, 2024

This was an excellent course loaded with beneficial resources and tutored by experienced trainers who break down content well for synthesis!

By Syed R


Nov 25, 2020

I request to develop a specialization focusing on system thinking covering spatial system dynamics, machine learning and system dynamics.

By Sophia R D


Nov 19, 2020

This course really helps me in class. I'm a candidate for the Master of Healthcare Administration with a concentration in Informatics

By Mohaddese S


Nov 15, 2020

This course is a start for me to coursera and learning more and more... Thank you sooo much for all of things that presented here...