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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Supply Chain Logistics by Rutgers the State University of New Jersey

11,157 ratings

About the Course

Have you ever wondered how goods get delivered to us so quickly as soon as we order them? One word: Logistics! In this introductory Supply Chain Logistics course, I will take you on a journey to this fascinating backbone of global trade. We cover the three major building blocks of logistics networks: transportation, warehousing, and inventory. After completing this course, you will be able to differentiate the advantages and disadvantages of different modes of transportation. You will understand what goes into designing and setting up a warehousing facility. Finally, you will be able to select the options that enable you to develop logistics networks, that minimize costs and deliver top customer service. This is an introductory course designed to provide you with a start on your learning journey in logistics. You do not need to have any background in logistics, but it would be beneficial if you had a basic understanding of business concepts. Join me and we will learn together about logistics! Interested in learning advanced supply chain topics? Check out the Supply Chain Excellence MasterTrack™ Certificate:

Top reviews


Feb 1, 2018

This course was well organized, provided necessary learning materials, and hands-on learning experiences. I would highly recommend this course to others interested in learning supply chain logistics.


Jan 26, 2021

This Course is very informative and the skills acquired are relevant to LogisticsI have learned a lot in terms supply Chain Logistics Logistics is a global operation which is common across the globe.

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2726 - 2750 of 2,840 Reviews for Supply Chain Logistics

By Tabitha G

Sep 1, 2023

While the information was good, it did not flow as some of the Cybersecurity courses that I had. The questions would pop up prior to the information being shared. Overall it was fine, but I was expecting someone of the same format that I was use to.


Oct 15, 2024

Terjemahan masih susah dimengerti sehingga saya mengalami kesulitan dalam memahami bahasa pada subtitle video, materi bahkan intruksi-intruksi pada tugas sehingga saya tidak bisa memberikan jawaban yang terbaik

By manuel s g

Mar 12, 2020

El curso son conocimientos muy básicos. Y un problema es que para que te califiquen los assesments otros compañeros tienes que buscarte la vida e ir mendigando en los foros `para que alguien te los revise.

By Sam T

Dec 17, 2022

The information was very basic. It provided a good introduction, but could have been much more informative. Also, many of the links are now broken or out of date. This needs to be reviewed and updated.

By Bernie B

May 26, 2020

I think the contents and assignments of the course were good, nevertheless the interaction with teachers and other fellow students could be improve and enhance the learning experience.

By Khalid A

Jan 7, 2021

Good job in constructing this course, but I have one comment, try not to limit the exercises to just inside the US, because you have students from various countries, and professions.

By david

Sep 10, 2022

The logistics program was so insightful and I learned a lot about the scale of the supply chain and how come the lositciscs can be transformed into a profitable business.


Jun 11, 2020

I think the course is more suitable for people from America. At least let us submit the assignments based on the logistic network present in our home countries.

By Åsa E

Jun 15, 2022

I think that the course was very informative but I had difficulties finding my way around on the screen to actually know where to start things and what to do.

By Rahul M

Jan 3, 2020

Good for broad-level understanding. Would have liked more details and case studies. Also actual video of a parcel from the start to the finish would be great.

By Aziz H

Dec 18, 2024

Some of references were very outdated and some of the links did not work. Furthermore, the course assigments were not proper and convenient via onle.

By Raiane d C S

May 25, 2018

Very basic approach of the concepts. Course should probably approach more deeply showing more real life examples. Overall it was quite interesting.

By Jesse T

Dec 28, 2016

It gives some good birds eye view of the topic, but I wish the course had more in-depth discussion of topics and more technical material.


Jul 13, 2020

More content could have been delivered and in network logistics calculation of time and distance could have been clearly explained.

By Charis C

Apr 16, 2020

Good course for a brief introduction on Logistics, could go deeper in the details and mechanisms of creating a logistics network.


Jan 15, 2021

This assignment was very informative about the warehouses and the tracks but there was no information about maritime deliveries.

By Yashraj M

Mar 7, 2017

This course is good only to give an overview of supply chain logistics, but it does not give little deep to in depth knowledge.

By Alberto O

Jun 4, 2018

A good class for having a general overview, but it is missing more detailed information about specific and important topics.

By Mohamed S

Jun 5, 2023

I think the assessments and assessments was not reasonable and without proper tools ! Other than that it is good knowledge

By Jeronimo S

Mar 5, 2021

Good basic learning tool, but it has partial views and makes affirmations that are not accurate. I recommend it anyway.

By Merhudin P

Nov 6, 2024

Grading the assiggnments of other learners is useless and the waist of time. Subjescts are good, teacher is excellent.

By kanat m

Nov 28, 2016

This course lacks much explanation even on the basic logistics concepts and halfheartedly explains whats left.

By Gonzalo N

Feb 3, 2024

No me gustó la parte de calificar a mis supuestos compañeres, es una perdida de tiempo y el tiempo es oro!


Nov 9, 2019

method of assignment to pass is no good for me.

More better is a quiz to pass

Need feedback from teacher

By Deepak B

Jun 14, 2020

yes for beginner it is good but as you give assignments to create Layouts it is more expectation