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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Non-Equilibrium Applications of Statistical Thermodynamics by University of Colorado Boulder

83 ratings

About the Course

Course 5 of Statistical Thermodynamics explores three different applications of non-equilibrium statistical thermodynamics. The first is the transport behavior of ideal gases, with some discussion of transport in dense gases and liquids. It starts with simple estimates of the transport properties of an ideas gas. It then introduces the Boltzmann Equation and describes the Chapman-Enskog solution of that equation in order to obtain the transport properties. It closes with a discussion of practical sources of transport properties. Spectroscopic methods have become increasingly common as a way of determining the thermodynamic state of a system. Here we present the underlying concepts of the subject and explores how spectroscopy can be used to determine thermodynamic and flow properties. Chemical kinetics are important in a variety of fluid/thermal applications including combustion, air quality, fuel cells and material processing. Here we cover the basics of chemical kinetics, with a particular focus on combustion. It starts with some definitions, including reaction rate and reaction rate constant. It then explores methods for determining reaction rate constants. Next, systems of reactions, or reaction mechanisms, are explored, including the oxidation of hydrogen and hydrocarbon fuels. Finally, computational tools for carrying out kinetic calculations are explored....
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1 - 11 of 11 Reviews for Non-Equilibrium Applications of Statistical Thermodynamics

By Ma Y


Jan 16, 2021

First of all, Kudo to Prof. John W. Daily for preparing so many slides and do the recording. I found the content quite useful to me as a PG chemical engineering student. However, the reason why I only give it 3-star is that its poor course organization. Compared to some other data science courses I took in Coursera, this course lacks TA to maintain it. Many quiz answers are simply wrong, and there is no guidance provided, which makes the practical part of this course extremely unfriendly. I believe in order to let our chemical engineer stay on track, much improvement is needed for the assessment part of this whole specialization.

By Johan E G P


Jul 5, 2020

units reqired for answers are wrong

By Pedro L C E


Sep 7, 2023

This is the final subject of a series of five courses on the subject of Statistical Thermodynamics.

It teaches the fundamentals of nonequilibrium transport, atomic and combustion processes (mass, momentum, thermal energy), spectroscopy, and physical kinetics, based on their practical use.

It is an excellent and challenging course for all kinds of majors.

Additionally, I consider it important to mention, that the problems and quizzes contain fundamental information, and help enormously to develop new skills and competencies in the mentioned subjects.

As the rest of the courses, it is of great pedagogical purpose, for example developing skills to use the Chapman - Enskog transport theory, showcasing the practical use of it.

I highly recommend "Non-Equilibrium Applications of Statistical Thermodynamics" and the other four courses of this specialization taught by Prof. John W. Daily from the University of Colorado at Boulder, and Coursera.

By Benjamin C C


Jul 11, 2020

I loved the speciality, it was very practical with good and advanced exercises. Great!

By Enrique A


Oct 3, 2020

Mil gracias Maestro Jonh-, Mil gracias Coursera.

By Odedo N B


Jul 4, 2020


By Sumit M


Jun 10, 2020


By Pranavkumar D


Mar 29, 2022


By Jovi K


Jul 31, 2020

The course is actually great, although I and as I understand from the Discussion Forum, many of the learning are having issues with QUIZES. Hope you huys fix those soon. The video sessions are great and Thanks for this course.

By Allan J G V


Apr 28, 2020

By far the best course in the Specialization program. I loved it, and hated it, quizzes are difficult, and that's cool, you need to learn.