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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Solar Energy Basics by The State University of New York

2,508 ratings

About the Course

This course gives you an introduction to the fundamentals of solar power as it applies to solar panel system installations. You will learn to compare solar energy to other energy resources and explain how solar panels, or photovoltaics (PV for short), convert sunlight to electricity. You will be able to identify the key components needed in a basic photovoltaic (solar panel) system, such as is found on a house or building, and explain the function of each component in the system. You will also learn how to calculate the electrical demand of a building, how to reduce the overall demand, and then how to design a solar panel system that can meet that annual demand at a given location. You will also compare the different types of pricing models that are being used and key regulatory considerations for grid tied systems (where a house or building is connected to the electrical grid and also generates electricity from solar panels). A capstone design project that entails both the simple audit of a building to determine demand, and a selection of components to design a solar panel system to meet that demand....

Top reviews


Oct 4, 2020

Aprendi mucho en este curso. Los videos explicativos del profesor hacen que todo sea de facil entendimiento. El conocimiento adquirido he podido aplicarlo en mi actual area de trabajo. Muy recomendado


Oct 4, 2020

Its very informative course about SOLAR Energy & Fundamentals of PV system Designing .It will surly help in future for advance PV System designing .Also I wish to work in Renewable Energy Sector.

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76 - 100 of 825 Reviews for Solar Energy Basics

By Dorji


Nov 29, 2021

Clear introduction to the basics of solar photovoltaics. Just the right amount of basic math for those allergic to calculus.

World stats on solar installation and electricity production need to be updated (in 2020, it was already twice a much as in the original course, about 700 GW installed).

By Kumar, G


May 8, 2022

Course is designed to provide basic information about the Solar Technology with related theory and calculations. Assigned time frame is perfect and contents are very much designed in the way to receive to the attendees in easy manner. I would like to attend more courses.

By Judith M C A


Sep 9, 2021

Me encanta la metodología, que usa el docente para explicar este tipo de energía renovable, lamentablemente no me permite seguirlo, porque me pide que compre el curso y al tratar de pagar no me acepta, no se a que se debe este problema. Motivo por el cual estoy atrasada.

By aman r


May 22, 2022

It was a very interesting course which taught us about the solar energy and ways of harnessing it using PV modules and converting the solar enery to electrical energy. This course also helped me in estimating the consumption of electricity using solar panelled cells.

By Stephanie M A


Nov 4, 2020

For a first year college student, this course is well-versed and is very easy to understand! I didn't find it difficult to study this. I have learned a lot in this course and developed my interest solar as renewable energy source. I might pursue this in the future!

By Gökhan S


Jun 26, 2022

I feel pretty appreciated to be finishing this course. I wanna thank the Professor Neal Abrahams for giving us this outstanding course which will be very useful for electrical engineers like us. I hope this course will give a start in my career of solar energy.

By Robert D


May 3, 2023

This is an incredible course that will take someone from Novice to Advanced in solar technology and understanding in a few short weeks. For those wishing to make a career in this space or just understanding the market this is a must "first step" in my opinion.

By Joel H


May 11, 2020

es un muy buen curso con muchos datos técnicos y casos reales que ayudan a comprender mejor el sistema, yo trabajo diseñando sistemas solares y este curso esta genial para principiantes y para los que ya conocen el tema pero quieren reforzar sus conocimientos.

By Mariló R J


Apr 23, 2021

Un curso muy completo y muy bien explicado acerca del funcionamiento de la energía solar fotovoltaica. Con ejercicios relativamente sencillos pero que te ayudan a entender mejor cómo se diseña una instalación y cómo se determina el recurso solar en cada zona.

By Mwansa C


Sep 18, 2024

This course was great and the well explained videos with real-life examples from Dr. Neil Abrahams made it even better and more informative. I recommend this course to anyone out there in various fields looking for some basic knowledge on Solar Energy.



Oct 19, 2020

Well designed course which keeps hold of the students' interest & attention throughout the course. All the assignments were easy and relevant. The final project too was well designed to cover all the aspects of the course in a practical manner.

By Ebenezer A


Oct 18, 2022

A great course on the introduction to Solar Energy.

I will recommend this course to all and sundry, as you are not required to be a renewable energy guru, but one with desire to learn and dive into the beutiful realms of Solar Energy Systems



Oct 12, 2022

An excellent instructor was provided with this course and I belive that every one who is thinking to start their carrer in solar fied most opt this course and there finanacial aid really helped me to complete the course without any burden.

By Daniel T


Dec 22, 2020

Excellent course to understand the fundamentals of the renewable energy, photovoltaics and how the design a solar array system. Ideal for those interested in a career in solar energy and for those who are just starting out their careers.

By Vagner T


Apr 14, 2021

This course brings me an awesome experience. It made me improve my knowledges and come back more recognized on job market again. The content is great and also the professor! Thanks to coursera and SUNY for this perfect course.

By Craig P


Mar 1, 2021

This course did what is said it would. I had little to no experience with Solar and this course gave me the basic knowledge I was looking for in determining if this was a subject I wanted to learn more about, which indeed I do!

By Kalpeshkumar C


Mar 28, 2022

This course is very useful for electrical professionals and all intersteed candidates who learn solar energy basics. Course take you from basic to size calculation and covers all related aspects of PV system size calcualtions.

By Michael m


May 22, 2022

it xasnywasn't an east ecoeeidbcdexperience all along but the coirsecourse idis wwoeth ecerytgubgeverything... It leansmeans a lot to me. ImI'm happy iI finisjedfinished... ImI'm lookibhlooking forwards fof yhfthe next obfone

By Carlos P A


Nov 11, 2024

Me pareció muy interesante y aprendí muchas cosas que desconocia sobre la energía solar. Sugiero que para el proyecto final permitan adjuntar archivos en pdf donde se visualice adecuadamente los cálculos que se pidan

By Daniele V


Jul 14, 2022

July 2022 review

Excellent course. Thanks to Prof.Neal Abrahams and the State University of New York, this has been a great introduction to the Solar Energy and Photovoltaic world. Highly recommended.



By Gabrielle M


Dec 19, 2021

I LOVED IT!!! Really taught me a lot about how to size a PV system for my home!!! It helped to take classroom Physics from my degree into a simulated "real world" scenario! Throughly Enjoyed the Capstone Project.

By Mateo G A


Sep 11, 2021

Excellent course, the perfect balance between videos and practical excersice. Prof. Neal Abrams is a great lecturer. I really encourage people who want to take a inshight of the topic to enroll in this course.

By Mohammad O


Jan 8, 2023

It was a new beginning and an enjoyable experience. You learn the principles and basics of solar energy. I thank the supervisors and those in charge of this course with valuable content, and I thank Coursera.

By Vadaparthi S P


Jan 22, 2023

well intersting about the course .Ihave completed on it. Itwas very interesting while I was watching .the capsteone project and other assessment are very typical as of course.well I was very happy on this

By Vishwaa P


Sep 2, 2021

Great course, got many practical and commercial aspects of Solar System, curriculum is easy to follow. The thing, how to identify whether it is mono or poly crystalline is really nice and easy to follow.