Jan 13, 2025
Some of the videos have very low volume. As such, the automatic transcript function did not pick up the sound and therefore, did not create a transcript. FYI.
Mar 7, 2025
Outstanding course for any business looking for improvements to all facets of their business.
By Amy B
•Jan 17, 2025
I withdrew from this course because it was so poorly constructed. It looks like the videos may have been edited down from longer lectures by an AI editor using an outline, so the videos are brief, choppy, and disjointed. Quizzes include questions that are not covered in either the videos or in the reference text. Some questions appear to be AI-generated nonsense with no correct answer. When you get an answer wrong on a quiz, there is no explanation to help you improve your understanding, and the Coursera AI assistant is not always able to explain either. (Some answers provided by the AI assistant also failed on the quiz.) Your exercise work is evaluated only by other learners, who are also unable (or unwilling to take the time) to explain what you might have gotten wrong. And then the course wastes your time by asking you to grade work by other learners. So: for exercises it's the blind leading the blind; for videos and quizzes the blind are being led by literalist robots who occasionally hallucinate. This course is not worth your time.
By Dalia A
•Dec 4, 2024
very poor content; the PowerPoint content do not match with the explanation