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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Sensory Science: Conducting Tests by University of California, Davis

17 ratings

About the Course

This course will introduce the sensory evaluation laboratory and will teach you best practices for testing and documentation. We'll explore how various factors, especially the testing environment, can influence sensory experiments. Our main focus will be on two specific sensory tests: duo-trio discrimination and 3-product consumer testing. Through case studies, we’ll examine how these tests can address product challenges. For both test types, we’ll dive into how to develop an appropriate hypothesis, select products, execute a sensory test, decode collected data, and interpret the test results. Additionally, you’ll learn how to identify and select core and opportunity target groups of consumers. Each module in this course builds towards your final project where you will design a sensory test to conduct your own research experiment....
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1 - 1 of 1 Reviews for Sensory Science: Conducting Tests

By Shelim I

Dec 2, 2023

Great course! Perhaps could benefit from a clearer restructuring of the specialised and technical language being used for novices who are not well-versed in the subject matter :)