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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Science of Exercise by University of Colorado Boulder

4,655 ratings

About the Course

Learners who complete Science of Exercise will have an improved physiological understanding of how your body responds to exercise, and will be able to identify behaviors, choices, and environments that impact your health and training. You will explore a number of significant adjustments required by your body in order to properly respond to the physical stress of exercise, including changes in carbohydrate, fat and protein metabolism, nutritional considerations, causes of muscle soreness & fatigue, and the effectiveness and dangers of performance enhancing drugs. Active learning assessments will challenge you to apply this new knowledge via nutrition logs, heart rate monitoring, calculations of your total daily caloric expenditure and body mass index (BMI). Finally, learners will examine the scientific evidence for the health benefits of exercise including the prevention and treatment of heart disease, diabetes, cancer, obesity (weight loss), depression, and dementia....

Top reviews


Oct 15, 2020

Totally enjoyed this course. It was informative and helped me to understand how my body works so that i can adapt my training and those in my family so we can live a much better life style. Thank you


Apr 14, 2020

Love everything about this course. Nice module. Professor is really nice. However, I need to learn further about weight training (Pros, cons , etc). Looking forward to attend in weight training class.

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151 - 175 of 1,534 Reviews for Science of Exercise

By Paul N


May 28, 2020

Dr Robert Mazzeo has created an exceptional course which is enhanced by his well structured and clear delivery of the content. the end of module quizzes and the final peer group review essay which further improved my understanding. I unhesitatingly recommend this course - and indeed already have done so - to anyone interesting in learning about the Science of Exercise. I hope you enjoy the course as much as I have. And thank you again to Dr Mazzeo.

By Felix D


Oct 14, 2019

The course surprised me positively. Although I already had a coherent knowledge, I could benefit extremely much. I would like to send a huge compliment to the course author. In addition to extreme expertise, I was enthusiastic about his way of communicating, his presentations and the understandable nature of his explanation, although my English knowledge is not too good, I could follow the course. This clearly speaks for the course in my view!

By Daria S


Apr 1, 2024

I absolutely loved the course. Especially, I appreciated how the professor explained the subject, provided great examples, and used visual charts to enhance understanding. This course significantly deepened my knowledge of the cardiorespiratory system, complementing my PT certification perfectly. I highly recommend this course to personal trainers and group fitness instructors! Great job, Boulder University and Dr. Robert S. Mazzeo !!!

By Edwin G


Apr 1, 2018

The course is a great intro to physiology with a heavy bent toward exercise. Four weeks is a nice intro and sets you up for some of the longer more in depth courses. The lectures are spot on without a wasted word. The outside readings support the lectures, but some readings require subscriptions to see - that said, you don't need to have all the readings. Heavy emphasis on the Fick Equation and endurance training for a better life.

By Martin J


Mar 17, 2021

The course Science of Exercise is very enriching for exercise enthusiasts. Include the basics of training adaptation principles. The knowledge is very actual and supplemented by appropriate scientific literature, some information could be more up to date. I have PhD. in Sports Educology and can recommend this course for everyone interesting in sport, exercise, basic training principles, especially in the field of endurance training.

By Borisova N Y


Apr 28, 2020

If you need further training, if you've wanted to learn something for a long time, or if you're just constantly in the process. Then you are in coursera! If quality learning is important for you, you are interested in learning from world-renowned universities. Then you in coursera! If you do not have the time or opportunity to attend courses offline, or just in your city you are not interested in courses. Then you in coursera!

By Renata R


Aug 19, 2020

Muito explicativo, dá diversos exemplos e nos disponibiliza diversas evidências científicas do que está sendo ensinado. É um curso realmente completo e que acrescentou. Sou estudante de nutrição e achei que não teria muita informação sobre minha área, mas realmente teve bastante (acho que poderia ter algo sobre micronutrientes também, assim estaria perfeito).

Agradeço muito a oportunidade de ter feito este curso tão bom!!!

By Ganapathy K P


Feb 16, 2021

A great course that explored different areas of exercise physiology and it's various components. The Course was delivered in an understandable systematic manner whereby basic science and research evidence was given. All different aspect of training was taught which is useful if you going into the field of sports. The course is quite capable and doable in terms of the time provided. Definitely would recommend to others.

By Eshwarya A


Apr 26, 2020

This was a great introductory course and greatly broadened my understanding of the physiological mechanisms of exercise, how training adaptations occur, how exercise can be used to prevent and treat many diseases and so on. It's not an overly lengthy course but it still manages to be comprehensive, with brilliant explanations by the course instructor. I would highly recommend this course to anyone who's interested.

By Alice Z


Nov 29, 2018

In truth I did not "do" the course but watched most of for the information I needed to update for personal health. I found the lectures well done. Explanations done in simple, factual body and chemicals allows this course to be of benefit to anyone desiring to improve endurance or strength while improving overall health. In addition myths are dispelled; evidence prevented when myths are not myths. Well done!

By Rohit K S


Aug 23, 2020

I cannot emphasize enough about how much I enjoyed this course. It was a life changing course for me. I have been a fitness conscious person throughout my life however could not continue exercising regularly enough. After this course not only I will try to do exercise everyday but also inspire my near and dear ones to do the same. A special Thanks to the Professor Mr Robert Mazzeo for designing this course!!

By Helena I S


Jul 26, 2023

I enjoyed this course as a resfresher toward my PT certification (ASCM). Due to my heavy work volume it was well worth the time, reading as well listening to an amazing professor. He is very throughl, as well I enjoyed the snippets of questions throughout the videos. I highly recommend this course and would love to see more courses offered from him, I would register for them again. Thank you so much!

By Howard P (


Mar 17, 2023

The first three weeks are very informative. With the learning material, I can understand the logic of some exercise recommendations online and in gyms. I can also rule out some junk and hypes around exercise methods and dieting. The week-4 material is disappointing. Everyone knows exercise is good for their body. I would like to know more about what specific exercise is good for a specific disease.

By Shivam A


May 17, 2020

This is an amazing course by The University. I am very grateful that i had attending this course. With the help of this course i am able to learn more and more in this covoid-19 by sitting at home . This course help me to know the body functions more accurately, when we doing the exercises our body perform different functions and by now i know more about that. thank you for this amazing course.

By Vianne K P


Apr 9, 2024

Hello! I was fascinated by this course, I'm a Senior High School student learning from this course, with the use of Coursera. I actually like the learning methods wherein it has various video lessons to watch and gain knowledge as well as modules. Having an exercise materials such as quizzes and assignment really does helped me to understand furthermore the lessons. I LOVE THIS COURSE!

By Kamal J


Jun 14, 2020

This time, I chose different course as from Professional development & Technology. It was really interesting, little bit hard for me. But now, i am really happy by gaining knowledge as for my own health. After an 4 week determination, It is also really great to see the certificate at the end of the course....

Thanks to Coursera & my organization to keep my learnings continue........

By Andrew S


Jun 9, 2020

This course was very informative and was taught in a well organized fashion. The instructor highlighted the main points at the end of the video through his summary. I would highly recommend that you take this course, even for the every day person. It can help you get in shape. It is also a great course to take if you are a athlete, whether a lifter or cross country runner like me.

By Wayne L F


Jan 27, 2018

This is a very good course. The course covers a lot of ground and 4 weeks is fine for those that can put in 30 minutes a day.

A background in biology is useful (but not essential). Those with a knowledge of biology will benefit by reading the supplemental material, which though a little old is still valid today.

The supplemental material will help with the peer reviewed assignment.

By Anna F


Apr 20, 2020

Lovely! Thanks a lot for this insight into how exercise affects the body. What I particularly enjoyed was the fact that Mr. Mazzeo chose to epmphasize which exact points he was going to focus on without sparing other points which might be interesting / tables, studies, etc. Many thanks and all the best from Germany, may you all stay healthy throughout these difficult times.

By indira s


Sep 23, 2020

Enjoyed the whole session of the course. Very interesting and had a great and an excellent experience and got to learn many unknown things and helped me to understand my body type even better,though i exercise on daily basis. The knowledge of exercise will help in daily life and so I would like to recommend this course to all students those who are reading this review .

By Gianluca C


May 5, 2022

I really enjoyed this course as it is highly focused on all the main points regarding the Science of Exercise, taking us to really have a broad picture of how exercise is important in the prevention and treatment of many diseases that place such high costs to citizens and governments. Costs that could have been prevented with regular exercise and a more active life.

By Charles R W


Dec 18, 2020

I found this course interesting and excellent. Having the option of downloading the lesson texts and halting the presentation to take notes helped me immensely with review of the lessons presented.

I wonder if any research has been done regarding physical performance under the influence of cannabis. If so, I think it would be informative to include that in the course.

By Exon G


Feb 11, 2020

Es un curso muy puntal pero muy completo, muchas cosas de las que se explican son sumamente interesantes e importantes tambien. No solo es leer, sino tambien ver y aprender. Graficos, temas y definiicones exactas pero de facil entender hace del curso un enorme y excelente material para reforzar concimientos o si se quiere para empezar en un ambito deportivo y de salud.

By Stephanie S


May 19, 2020

The instructor was very informative and in my opinion has a soothing voice so I did not lose interest. The material covered was interesting and I enjoyed doing the assignments to better understand the information. I would recommend taking this course. I learned something new in a matter of a few hours during the Covid-19 pandemic that I can apply to my everyday life.