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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Science & Religion 101 by University of Alberta

164 ratings

About the Course

This course examines the nature of both science and religion and attempts to explore the possible relationships between them. The primary purpose is to dispel the popular myth that science and religion are entrenched in a never-ending conflict. As a result, this course argues that if the limits of both science and religion are respected, then their relationship can be complementary. Topics include: Science and Religion Categories and Foundational Principles, Definitions of Science and Religion, Science-Religion Models and Relationships, Intelligent Design and Natural Revelation, the Galileo Affair, Geology and Noah’s Flood, Evolution and Darwin’s Religious Beliefs, the Modern “Evolution” vs. “Creation” Debate, the Problem of Evil, and Interpretations of the Biblical Accounts of Origins in Genesis 1-11. The course employs a Constructive Teaching Style in order that students can develop their personal views on the relationship between science and religion and on each of the topics listed above. St. Joseph's College is a Catholic, undergraduate, liberal arts college on the University of Alberta campus. It is an independent institution that is affiliated with the University of Alberta. Denis O. Lamoureux is Professor of Science and Religion at St. Joseph's College in the University of Alberta. He is the author of Evolutionary Creation: A Christian Approach to Evolution (2008), Evolution: Scripture and Nature Say Yes! (2016), and The Bible & Ancient Science: Principles of Interpretation (2020). Lamoureux is a Research Associate in Paleontology and has contributed to a dozen scientific papers. He is cited in the Who’s Who of Theology and Science and has delivered over 600 lectures throughout the United States and Canada. Lamoureux holds three earned doctoral degrees—dentistry, theology, and biology....

Top reviews


Dec 10, 2017

A must-take course for anyone interested in the interface between science and religion. It provides useful foundations that would take a lot of time and reading to arrive at otherwise.


Nov 24, 2017

This course has many insights that can help one integrate one's faith and one's science. I recommend it highly. The teacher put in a massive amount of work in this project and it shows.

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26 - 50 of 58 Reviews for Science & Religion 101

By Shirley K

Jul 4, 2020

great course really makes you think

By Prashant S S

May 2, 2019

Very nice and informative course


Jul 31, 2020


By Rory W

May 17, 2021

I think this is a really good course for people struggling with their science and religious beliefs. It does have a bias toward Christianity, but the same principles can be applied to other religions and he mentions this. This bias should be understandable considering he is a Christian Theologian and Evolutionary Biologist. Definitely worth taking.

It is worth noting that the survey's in each week don't seem to work as of this review.

By Robert C

Dec 17, 2017

Though I disagree with the instructor on a number of his conclusions, I believe this is a good course.


Apr 17, 2023

Good effort on behalf of the Prof, however his theological conclusions are patently incorrect.

By Maureen S

Feb 18, 2023

I thoroughly enjoyed the lectures provided and opportunities for discussions. After reading the various arguments made by scientist about creation and creator actually strengthened my faith. So many instances they did not have an answer, but had to assume some being of superiority was probably the cause. The lectures were interesting and engaging. I didnt realize there were so many principles and foundations around science and religion.

I recommend this class to everyone. I'm sure you can only build on knowledge you already have. Professor L. has done a wonderful job delivering the lectures and questions to ponder.


By mubarak s

Apr 6, 2018

Dear Sir

With all due respect,I am writing to inform you unfortunately I couldn't complete this course, because on that time I was in Detention centre.i was not feeling good,I have been detained for more than 3 years that's why everyday I became more frustrated and hopeless.even I tried to continue this course but again whatever I read I couldn't get it.3 weeks ago I have been released from Detention I am able to continue this course.

Dear sir please help me to join again .


Mubarak shah.

By Ana V

Nov 8, 2024

Un excelente inicio en el camino del estudio de los puntos de vistar respecto al conflicto ciencia y religión. Creo que todo creyente debería conocer sobre esto, y cualquier científico cristiano debe ponerlo por prioridad

By Carol L M H

Nov 20, 2021

II really enjoyed this course. The instructor is very concise and understandable. I bought his book to go with the course, so it served as an excellent textbook.


Oct 24, 2022

This topic, science and religion, is very important, and by watching these videos, I got to know several opinions of philosophers.

By Georges A

Feb 9, 2024

Cours très bien fait. Il répond bien à beaucoup de questions que je me posais et permet une reconciliation avec la bible.

By Yap y k

Apr 6, 2022

insightful course that open my restricted view on evolution vs religion


Jan 18, 2022

Very Interesting and very useful. from both point of view

By Abel T

Jun 14, 2023

Amazing Course Ever! Thank You Dr. and Coursera

By C S D

Jul 28, 2023


By Winston A W

Nov 24, 2020

Excellent, thank you.

By Heather G

Jan 7, 2024

excellent insights.

By Theresa C

Nov 15, 2023

Interesting Class

By Albert S

May 2, 2023

Excellent course!

By Shirley M

May 23, 2021

Excellent course!

By techidan

May 2, 2018

very interesting


Aug 8, 2020

Very useful


Jan 21, 2021

very good

By Ranjan k

Mar 12, 2021
