May 11, 2020
before starting this course i have experience of R programming but this course gives me a lot of new function and how to build a function and a most useful function str,debugging and Rprof.Thank You!
May 11, 2020
Really interesting course. The interactive coding sessions with swirl are especially useful. Would be great, if you provided sample solutions for the programming assignments, in particular for week 4.
By Ali T
•Oct 31, 2020
I'm a data science student and have tried lots of courses, different slides, watched various videos and even started couple of self defined projects to learn R. But after all of these I can easily say this course was the most practical, clear and guided way for me to step in the R world and continue in it.
By Heath W
•Feb 28, 2016
Last assignment was pretty rough because there appears to be a lot of functions required that weren't covered in class but maybe it got lost in the amount of information thrown at you in the short time. Or perhaps researching how to use new functions is part of the point. Great class and learned a ton!!
By Quan T T J
•Nov 12, 2016
This courses is a great course to start learning and mastering R. One drawbacks, there are so many open source that contain the solutions to the assignments and people who want a certificate can easily get it without understand everything. But if you think a while, what can they do with that certificate?
By Gabriel R
•Feb 14, 2021
The explanations were great, the projects were fun and interesting, and I loved that the forums were full of suggestions and helpful people. In particular, I love that we had extra problems with hints and solutions (as in, we had immediate feedback on whether our extra problems were correct or not!)
By Ritu G
•Jan 4, 2021
The course was very comprehensive. I learned a lot. But, being a beginner, I found it really hard to solve the quizes . It would have been more wonderful if -
1. some of the similar examples were discussed before taking quiz.
2. functions were explained on RStudio insted of having it on slides.
By Danilo F S
•Dec 26, 2020
Thanks to Coursera for gave me this opportunity, sine I've learned lots of R code and data processing. I'm using R studio for 2 years, even if thanks this course I've had the opportunity to learn new R code, and enhance my knowloges in R studio packages. I'm highly reccomend to everyone this course!
By Shuwen Y
•May 23, 2016
Very good intro to R programming. Like the assignment project and swirl package to help on hands-on R programming exercise. Even I didn't pay for the specialization, I love the way assignment is organized and gives expected output/results to your code, so I get to know if my code is correct or not.
By Natasha
•Aug 21, 2017
Great course for someone who hasn't worked with R before. However, a previous programming knowledge in any language is helpful when you seal with the assignments. The course gives you a solid ground for basic R tasks but I wish there is one additional more advanced R course in the specialization.
By Javier N B
•Apr 25, 2017
Great course. I've now a better understanding of R language as the practices and assignments challenged me to think beyond the code. Of course, a lot of good information exists in Google, but the basics given in the course were the basics to understand all that information that is surrounding.
By Jenny L
•Mar 22, 2017
This was a pretty demanding course but in the end, it was so rewarding. I wish it was a little easier though. Also, it took me months to finish due to work and other engagements. I wish I could have stuck with it week over week. I believe that it would've taken less time if I had done that.
By Sri G A D R S M & C S
•Jul 6, 2020
A very good course on R programming. I would say if you are new to R and programing this is going to be very difficult and you need to spend a lot a time support material. The assignments are not jus the lecture session and need additional effort and reading. But I loved and enjoyed the course
By Allyson D d L
•Oct 5, 2021
This course was great but it could be better. Don't worry about the 57 hours of this course. It's because they think all Swirl activities would spend 3 hours to each one. There are 13. Most of them you can finish in 20 or 30 minutes and all of them are optional, but they are nice to practice.
By Debdutta R
•Oct 1, 2016
I liked the course very much because Mr Peng has given me very good grounding of the basics of R. I wish to keep learning more about R because this course has certainly motivated me enough to pursue the next course on R. Thanks team for having me as a participant. All the best to Mr Peng :-)
By Aaditya D
•Jun 23, 2020
The course is good!! The interactive swirl tutorials were helpful. Being a fresher in R programming the programming assignments in this course were considerably tough and I think you should provide some sort of hints or programming insights for the freshers to get help when they are stuck.
By Syed M Z H K
•Jul 29, 2017
It was an amazing course as it helped me in improving my concepts, especially through swirl exercises. they were just amazing. Thanks a lot Coursera for granting me this scholarship (fee waiver), as because of you guys I am able to learn such awesome skills which I cant afford to pay for.
By Marc T
•Dec 17, 2018
Although I did not take the course as part of a certificate program, I was able to learn a lot about R and to apply it to a project for my work. I see R as both a useful tool to automate routine data analysis as well as a terrific "what if" environment for doing on-the-fly data analysis.
By Anshu U
•Dec 7, 2020
Very challenging - you learn plenty from the lectures, but you may also need to do a whole lot of googling to solve the programming assignments. (This may be intentional? Learning how to use google, stackoverflow, etc. to search for help does seem to be a key component of programming...)
By David S
•Jul 5, 2019
I'd like to see more interactive in course videos, such as showing debug, functions demo in R studio. That will give better understandings. And for explaining functions such as Apply, tapply, better to use a small set of data, 3x3, 9x9 matrix would be easier to understand the concept.
By Bruno R S
•Jan 7, 2019
This course is quite difficult for someone starting on programming, however, the instructors provided a great deal of resources to help the students. So it is worth the challenge. Even the experienced in other programming languages may benefit. It is a true "From novice to professional".
By Margaret
•Oct 22, 2016
I learned so much in this course (especially considering the amount of time I put into it). I was really impressed with the quality and content of the course (SWIRL exercises, videos, and the week 4 programming assignment all went a long way toward growing my skills as a data scientist).
By Victor G F
•Jun 29, 2018
Wonderful experience! This is the first time that I enrolled in an online course. I'm very surprise with the quality of videos and the structure of the course. Congratulations to all members of the Johns Hopkins's team, I hope to complete the full program of Data Science specialization.
By Achuthan R V
•May 14, 2020
Fantastic course! I thoroughly enjoyed the assignments (which were of reasonable difficulty), but my most favourite takeaways were the fundamentals - variable scoping, subsetting and data types. I would have liked some modules on ggplot as well alongside the base graphics introduction.
By Jinyuan L
•Sep 2, 2019
R Programming is a really fascinating course where you can see award-winning lecturers from Johns Hopkins university teaching useful analytical tools and sophisticated models. I cannot imagine how much I've learned after the enrollment. Great School! Great Class! Recommend to everyone!
By Pedro R
•Nov 6, 2022
I think it's a great course, very well explained and teaches the basics of R. The swirl exercises were very helpful in teaching the concepts in hands-on lessons. The assignments were a bit more difficult than what was taught in the lessons. Overall, it was a great learning experience!
By Diogenes C
•Jan 6, 2020
Very good and structured introduction to R. The use of the swirl package is great for learnint. The assignments are more difficult than expected, but still in a tolerable level. You stomp into many things you didn't learn, but can easily look up for in Stack Overflow or another forum.