Jan 4, 2024
It is an excellent course to apply statistic, probability and python methods in financial modelling. I would like that each section had resources to study statistics concepts related to the videos.
Mar 28, 2022
Very useful introductury course into both python and statistic analysis wich allows you to create a simple trading strategy. It serves as a great first step but there is a long way to go still.
By Jacky C
•Jul 7, 2019
Great fundamental course provided by Prof Xuhu WAN. After finishing the course, I am appreciated that he put lots of good efforts in the training materials. All concepts are delivered with clear examples! Highly recommend to take this course. Thank you very much.
•Jan 6, 2025
J'ai suivi avec succès ce cours. Et je le recommande vivement pour toute personne qui s'intéresse à la finance quantitative ; Statistique et Probabilité appliquée à la finance, trading algorithmique et la construction d'un modèle de trading à l'aide de Python.
By Nam P D
•Jul 21, 2020
The course provides great insight into how python can be used for statistical analysis. This has become extremely helpful in examining finance-related data. Professor Wan is really to understand and his explanations help ease the difficulties of concepts.
By Ho W T
•May 6, 2020
This is course is super-useful and practical that students would have lots of exercises to get an experience of applying Python to build some simple financial models for data analysis. I highly recommend this course to people who are interested in Python!
By Joyce M
•Mar 2, 2021
Gente, nunca tinha tido contato com o python e muito menos com a análise financeira foi muito gratificante esse curso, posso dizer que as avaliações não são tão facéis, vocês realmente precisam entender o conteúdo pra responder, me acrescentou bastante.
By Jiayi L
•Feb 28, 2023
The course is nicely taught. A good mix between statistics and real-life implications. One thing that could be improved in the future is more hold-hand walk-through of the code. I felt a bit struggling when reading and understanding the code myself.
•Feb 5, 2023
very helpful course to gain a basic understanding of Python, Statistic and some part of ML & AI, specially how to test and train your model for future prediction.
I like the visualization part using statistic in Python.
Great work, Thank you!
By Intentional_Error
•Feb 19, 2021
There is good information in this course and the python methods i=used in financial analysis can be adapted widely. Some of the syntax used is out of date, it is easy to ffind the current syntax if you are running the models in your own IDE
By Sayan P
•Sep 1, 2020
The course is just perfectly conceptualized. It is a very good course to start your journey into financial data analysis. The level is intermediate and I would suggest if the course can be made slightly lower paced with two extra added weeks.
By Tran H D
•Feb 16, 2021
Relevant and practical with insights to both programming using python and statistics for Financial Analysis.
This does not assume much knowledge and if you don't grasp a lof the concepts just push on and finish the quiz to complete the course
By Michael C
•Oct 2, 2023
Although the presentations can look a bit boring at first, I found the information presented very solid and it answers the questions that I have all the time. This is a good course for advanced python learners with solid financial knowledge
By Edward C
•Apr 28, 2020
extremely helpful. this class help summarized what i had learn before and make it to work for finance. once you are comfortable with the subject in this class, you should be able to explore more financial analysis with python on your own.
By William L S Z
•Jul 15, 2020
Excellent course, very complete, the explanations are clear, the instructor is in charge of making the course understandable, it is amazing the amount of information to summirize in the course, but they got by to do it in an awesome way.
By Ronnakrit N
•Nov 18, 2022
The content is really straightforward and useful. A lot of tools were covered and well-explained. Wish there were more time given to explain the codes since they can be confusing at times, but the course is generally on a good pace.
By Giancarlo G
•Jan 27, 2019
Overall, the course was good, but I felt that the course was a bit abrupt in its ending, as I would have wanted to learn about nonlinear regression models, making more trading strategies, and automatic the process using Python.
By Camilo R R
•Dec 31, 2020
Its a really great course to make a reinforcement of python programing , Statistics and Finance.
Highly recommended for professionals or students in finance because it introduces you to possible the usses in the financial world
By Sergio A G
•Dec 22, 2019
I'm a Finance student and given the current job market, programming knowleedge is more valuable than ever, you need to know how to code if you want to be in this sector, at first is a little bit difficult but then you catch on
By Lucas F
•Aug 20, 2020
If your major is Economics or Finance and you want to apply programming skills to economic data, this course will suit you. I am in my last year of BSc of Economics at Barcelona University and this course met my expectations!
By nadeer k
•Jan 31, 2022
it is a good course overall Great course! Very didatic explanations about financial and statistical concepts also with some interesting practical Python for Finance! Looking forward for new courses from same Univ. and prof.
By khuong t
•Aug 16, 2021
This is an interesting and efficient course, which provide a huge amount of knowledge about how statistic knowledge can be applied within Python, how Python help to the investor to generate the efficient trading strategy.
By Carlos V R
•Aug 7, 2020
It is a great course to learn the core concepts of statistics (or review them in case you already knew), apply linear regression models to stocks markets real data and to understand why and how we should apply all together.
By Asafe C
•Jan 17, 2022
An excellent introduction into Python aplied to Statistics and Finacial Analysis. It gives you many tools to run several Statistics and Finacial Analysis. Easy to understand with a lot of teorical and pratical examples.
By Jhonny S
•Jan 15, 2021
ha sido fantástico poder aprender por esta vía. agradecimiento total por dar esta posibilidad. el material muy bueno he interesante para mayor desarrollo, ya espero el siguiente curso mas avanzado. MUCHAS GRACIAS.
By Angelo V
•Aug 13, 2020
Apesar de estar um pouco defasado (utiliza recursos de Python 2 e alguns comandos obsoletos), o curso é excelente e serve como uma ótima introdução ao uso prático da linguagem e de análises no mercado de finanças.
By sari p
•Apr 29, 2023
This course is good for those of you who want a career in financial analysis, For starters it might be a little difficult and already have to understand her tools first. For the whole course process. Very good.