Dec 10, 2022
The course is so well structured, covering all the concepts of javascript basics . Will indulge you in learning and make it fun to learn new concepts.Some errors need to fix in the assignment part.
Dec 15, 2022
Overall best course and the way instructors teach or engaged us is literally well and good every single concept is clear from basic, and assignments are also good for practice. Quality course.
By Chakresh S
•Jan 1, 2024
while the course topics are really diverse.. in my opinion more attention was needed on topics related to modules, testing, classes and methods, event listeners which were just skimmed very quickly as opposed to declaring variable, loops and conditional statements etc. which are easier to grasp .
By Renish M
•Jun 16, 2023
It has lot of good stuff but unfortunately it's not in video format! I can easily view on any other website to read the same content. Also, there should be more programming labs. Lot of quiz have incorrect answers as well. It's a good entry-level course but could be better.
By Amrah a L B
•Nov 15, 2023
I found tis to be very challenging and I often dreaded that fact that I hadnt anyone to inquire and seek understanding from. Im definitely will have to study more in my personal time to feel super confindent in this language.
By Sameen R
•Feb 23, 2024
It includes more theory and less coding. we need more coding so that we understand more easily. Besides this, some topics are not in much detail. Weeks 1, 2, and 3 are good but weeks 4, and 5 need some more detailed content
By Niels H
•Feb 7, 2024
Good coverage of topics, but explanations lack depth and many topics are covered a bit hastily and superficial. There is one assignment where the auto grader seems broken, which is very frustrating.
By Preachypeach
•Jun 15, 2023
Tests' and other instructions are hard to understand especially the extra jargons. I wish instructors were to use further simplified english for participants who are new to coding .
By Lidiia B
•Nov 13, 2023
Good for start, but mostly a lot of bla-bla and less practice. The course will give you some knowledge but again without practice you forget a half of what you have just watched
By Weyden C
•Dec 6, 2023
Too many new concepts for such a short time. I do not think it is possible to someone with no previous experience in programming to complete the course within the alloted time.
By John F
•Oct 3, 2023
Boring. Really weird definitions of "functional" programming. A lot of useless content that doesn't really add any value to those interested in learning FE.
By Ahmad S
•Dec 13, 2023
Sometimes they do not explain the thing clearly and I was really confused when I had to write a test. This course is good but still need improvement
By Beatrice O
•Jun 11, 2023
Can be overwhelming and hard to understand as a beginner, you might find Youtube and other resources helpful alongside.
By Clarisse M
•Sep 12, 2023
The evaluations of the projects are awful, I've been trying to pass many times and yet I don't know where's the error.
By Mohamed S
•Jul 15, 2024
more in depth explanation for testing, nodejs, npm and better assignment system would make it a lot better
By Nicole M
•Nov 17, 2023
I thought this was a really difficult section. They threw a lot of information in especially in week 3.
By Gilbert J
•Sep 3, 2024
This course is very much less about javascript itself and it provides less high level javascript.
By Paul H
•Nov 25, 2023
The course covered useful introductory material but the quizzes and labs were so full of errors!
By Khalid
•Aug 9, 2023
The "Arrays and Object Iteration" assignment was too finicky and the feedback for it was bad.
By Florian S
•May 27, 2024
For absolute beginners to programming in general ok. Programming assignments are very easy.
By Srilekha P
•Jul 21, 2024
Could have thought a little more advance topics like call, apply and bind menthods.
By Nkosinathi N
•Jun 7, 2023
The course will be too difficult for beginners with no programming experience
By Aaron B
•Apr 9, 2024
Poorly worded test questions and the hands-on lab is clunky.
By Ahmed A K
•Jun 24, 2023
Good course, but things are not explained in depth.
By Abdul H
•Mar 29, 2024
course is diffucult to follow for begineers
By Pranoy A
•Jan 28, 2024
good ...but too fast paced for a beginner
By Ste V
•Oct 4, 2024
errors in description and tests