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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Introduction to Probability and Data with R by Duke University

5,730 ratings

About the Course

This course introduces you to sampling and exploring data, as well as basic probability theory and Bayes' rule. You will examine various types of sampling methods, and discuss how such methods can impact the scope of inference. A variety of exploratory data analysis techniques will be covered, including numeric summary statistics and basic data visualization. You will be guided through installing and using R and RStudio (free statistical software), and will use this software for lab exercises and a final project. The concepts and techniques in this course will serve as building blocks for the inference and modeling courses in the Specialization....

Top reviews


Feb 24, 2021

I always wanted to learn statistics from scratch, but I never had a good university teacher. Here I found a good teacher and also the opportunity to learn whenever I want ( and skipping parts I knew!)


Feb 7, 2021

After trying several courses to get me started with R programming, this one came to the rescue and had all the info I wanted. It also provides a great way to practice through labs and a final project!

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1251 - 1275 of 1,335 Reviews for Introduction to Probability and Data with R

By Ryan L K H


May 24, 2020

It does introduce students to probability very well. But the R learning was very limited to simply following instructions in a file, with little in the way of explaining R or what R commands do. Very limited bridge between the probability and stats part of the course and the R part.

By Michèle O


May 29, 2020

I think the first 4 weeks of the cours were quite easy, and the last week, week 5 was quite hard, and did not really match the first four weeks. It would be good if a little more information was given in the first four weeks about EDA's and other parts of the project.

By Ernest R


May 14, 2016

The course is OK, but in my opinion the price 69€ is higher for the material you learn.

Lower price probably more people take the course paying

Also is a pitty that people we do not want to pay, we could not have a final assignement.

By Juan C L L


Jun 28, 2024

I believe the statistics content is very good, but the R content is very poor, and in the labs where R is used, the explanation is just a text file; there is no person explaining while you are doing the lab

By Jerome T


May 20, 2019

The course is very basic, so it is good for an introduction. Quizzes are simple but the final project takes a lot of time. Why should we have to answer three research questions? Two would be sufficient.

By Jack L


Jan 31, 2022

Kind of ridiclous I cannot complete the class without getting my final project graded by another peer when this is a "work at your own pace" class and most discussion posts are at least 3 months old.

By Himanshu S


Aug 4, 2019

Could be improved by providing better tutorials to use R, provide guidelines to use Rstudio desktop as Rstudio Cloud is quite slow and crashes (it crashed 100s of times on loading brfssdata).

By Sarah W


Oct 20, 2017

well thought out and delivered course, but I would have preferred that it dig in more into the topics. Not necessarily more topics, but deeper treatment of the topics that were covered

By Georgina V


Dec 19, 2018

El temario es muy interesante, falta contenido que acompañe: hay varios saltos donde pasas de la introducción del tema a cuestiones complejas del mismo sin explicaciones en el medio.

By Adam S


Jan 20, 2021

It's more about explaining statistics than R programmng. Both are intertwined but the course could do with more programming sections and better explanations about how you do things.

By Alvaro G


Apr 29, 2020

Some parts of the course are given too superficially. R is required, but the instruction given is not at the level of the required project even though it is a class for beginners.

By Shanna J


Jul 9, 2021

Good review of stats but I wish more time would have been spent on R and videos on R. Less videos on stats. This is more of a stats class and less about R.

By L Y


Jul 28, 2017

video lectures were good but the final project at the end was too loosely structured, and depended on you to go learn many features of ggplot on your own

By Krzysztof P


Apr 22, 2018

Nice, but missing a lot of features for those who selected Audit Track. Due to missing excercises, the course without quizes is of very limited value.

By Guillermo C P


Jul 16, 2020

Final Lab project demands far more knowledge of R tool that was taught during the course, it will be really difficult for me to comply with it.

By Timon L


Jan 21, 2021

I expected more programming with R and less theory. Mainly because I already knew the theory and just wanted to learn how to apply this in R.

By Aw Z Y


Dec 11, 2020

The course is manageable apart from the final project which is significantly harder compared to the earlier assignments.

By Am T (


May 16, 2016

Nice course.

But the week 5 project is a little vague. It would be beter if we had a lab assignment instead.

By Khoi M T


Oct 19, 2018

I found using Datacamp for assignment is confusing. Instruction is not very clear

By Yarden B


Mar 2, 2020

Interesting course but I had a lot of difficulty with the final project.

By Isaac W


Feb 7, 2018

A good introduction to some basic stats, a mediocre introduction to R



Dec 1, 2018

The final project should have an instructional video.

By mark n


Jul 26, 2018

stats instruction is good but the R part is weak

By Rianne d B


Jun 26, 2017

I felt like I didn't have enough skills in R.

By Tanatswa M


Jan 20, 2025

The datasets were not easily accessible.