Oct 11, 2020
An amazing course! The assignments and quizzes can be insanely difficult espceially towards the conclusion.. Requires textbook reading and relistening to lectures to gather the nuances.
Jan 29, 2018
very good course for PGM learning and concept for machine learning programming. Just some description for quiz of final exam is somehow unclear, which lead to a little bit confusing.
By Paul-Andre R
•Mar 18, 2021
It was a good class. I have been cruising through the 1st, 2nd and this third class of the specialization..... until the last week. The last assignment and the final exam were significantly more challenging for me that the previous ones. I had not budgeted enough time. It is fine to make the class hard..... however, I think it should have been uniformly hard..... not suddenly and unexpectedly harder at the very end, after I have invested many week-ends in this learning.
By Siwei Y
•Feb 3, 2017
上课的方式过于抽象艰涩, 即便是谈到实际应用例子也是说得云里雾里的. 而且练习跟课里的内容联系不紧密. 这样导致为了通过练习和最后考试, 很多时候 是利用考试策略或者说穷举排除法. 也就是说其实学生没有真正理解课里的概念. 还是那句话,我相信有人能上得比这个好的多. 有人说上此课需要有一定的背景知识,我想说, 那些有一定背景知识的人也不需要上这个课了. 最后真心感谢牛姐介绍了如此多有意思的东西. 感谢她们团队设计的PA . 这个东西确实不容易.
By Aph.d. L
•Nov 18, 2023
Cannot submit any assignments because of the bad code of submit.m And cannot get any help from course forum.
By Jiaxing L
•Feb 11, 2017
Managed to be get worse and worse