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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Positive Psychology: Martin E. P. Seligman’s Visionary Science by University of Pennsylvania

6,118 ratings

About the Course

Dr. Martin E.P. Seligman—renowned worldwide as the “father of Positive Psychology”—has led visionary leaps in the scientific research, empirical data and personal understandings of human flourishing. This course explores the past, present and future of positive psychology as a journey through the key scientific leaps led by Dr. Seligman and his colleagues at the University of Pennsylvania's Positive Psychology Center and Master of Applied Positive Psychology program. There are no prerequisites....

Top reviews


Dec 8, 2017

Very self-enhancing. Activities are fun and at the same time a good avenue for learning experiences. Very positive and student engaging. Thank you for giving me the chance to be part of this course =)


Sep 3, 2022

Positive Psychology is a good way to tackle the government around the world to change from unjust policies like capitalist to fair and justice policies in order the help the needy and poorer citizen.

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1951 - 1975 of 2,056 Reviews for Positive Psychology: Martin E. P. Seligman’s Visionary Science

By Bianka R

Jul 28, 2019

Very inspiring course. I learned lots. I definitely have a new perspective on things. One of the negatives is how the scientific background of some skills is a bit vague.

By Amarilis O

Apr 21, 2020

Thank you Dr. Seligman for letting other (overseas) learn from your work and experiences with a humble yet professional attitude.

Loved the Constructive Journalism topic!

By Julia B

Jun 2, 2017

This was my first online learning experience and I found the presentation easy and insightful and will definitely continue to explore other learnings through Coursera

By Anand R

Oct 17, 2021

The pace and amount of content was just about right for a course like this. I felt sometimes that the readings were a bit superfluous, but the videos were great.

By Abraham H

May 3, 2021

Enjoyable introduction but it seems to be just the tip of the iceberg to Positive Psychology. I'm looking into learning more to for the knowledge and skills gain.

By Claudio F

Jun 21, 2017

Really interesting course about how positive emotions can have a powerful impact on mind and body. The lecture propose some exercise throughout the course as well.

By Adán Q A

Oct 26, 2022

Es un excelente curso que te permite conocerte internamente y te enseña nuevas estrategías para afrontar de forma positiva las diversas dimensiones de problemas.

By Holly T

Dec 18, 2020

great course! Nice to see Marty lecture. The assessments were pretty poorly written though—could really use an editor and someone trained in assessment writing.

By Murilo M

Aug 19, 2017

Excellent course highly reccommended for everyone who wants to grow the well being. I would only reduce a little bit the DATA part, apart from that, GREAT!!!

By Laura R

Aug 7, 2021

Lots of great content split up into manageable chunks. It was good to be able to alter the speed of the videos. I find using the notes feature difficult.

By Mariana B

Mar 7, 2018

Houveram alguns erros técnicos da plataforma em solicitar atividades práticas, e até mesmo em perguntas avaliativas. Mas o curso em si é maravilhoso!!!

By Angela E M

Apr 14, 2020

Es un buen curso para el crecimiento personal, ayuda a mejorar aspectos internos de cada individuo. En conclusión ayuda a crear cultura y sociedad.

By Cynthia W A V

Feb 12, 2025

Muy interesante. Brinda otra perspectiva de lo que todos aceptamos como cierto en psicología. Ojala pueda estar al alcance de otras personas.

By Dr. T B

Jun 29, 2022

It is very good course, just the subjects needs to be continous, I mean to have a link that is more obvious between one model and the other.

By Ethan M

Jul 23, 2023

I understand that this was just introductory, but I would have preferred another short essay assignment like the one at the end of week 2.

By Sarah P

Aug 8, 2022

I loved almost all the information but zoned out a bit on the Big Data part. But that's just my own lack of interest in that kind of topic

By Arun B

Aug 10, 2020

I found the course very informative and a huge addition to my knowledge base. I am certain that it shall also impact the person that I am.

By Justin P

Jan 30, 2018

Fascinating and whetted my appetite for more. I'm not convinced by the rigour of the assessments but I'm willing to be proven wrong ...

By Anamika A

Nov 22, 2019

It was a really different than the courses I normally take but i enjoyed it completely, looking forward to similar courses, thank you.

By Jean M K

Jul 23, 2020

A little dry In spots, but overall an enlightening four weeks. I appreciated the variety of Instruction and the breadth of material.

By Anisha R

Feb 15, 2019

Its a great course and exposes you to your thinking. It often makes you introspect how you feel and how you perceive information.

By Jorge

May 3, 2021

Amazing! a bit too much with how Positive psychology is expanded at the end with big data and others, but amazing! Thank you!!!!

By Maria C H

Apr 8, 2020

I found the course EXCELLENT!!!

However I think you should review it, since some subjects are repetitive in different modules.

By Shariq K

Aug 18, 2021

Marty and Johannes were very engaging. The other speakers need to spruce up their delivery to be a little more passionate.

By Yanhua X

Apr 17, 2017

Exciting introductory course to the field of positive psychology from some of the most prominent figures within the area.