Apr 12, 2020
Course material was very helpful and beneficial. The instructor brings enthusiasm to the course and transmits the message very smoothly. I learnt a lot from this course! Thank you for everything.
Aug 29, 2020
Understanding and application of Personal Branding with the fundamental skills to build leadership skills in the personal branding success in business is very important in today's E-network business.
By Sofia A
•Jan 15, 2021
This course is of a great value. It is a life lesson, which highlights important things regarding ourselves, and how we present us to other people. It handles things most of us tend to forget or not giving them the time and the attendance they deserve such us self reputation management, self branding, social media representation.
In my opinion the most important in this course is that it helps you figuring out who you really want to be, defining what your values and beliefs and and how you need to give them form in order to have a good impact to community. It is a personal trip to self knowledge you will like a lot!
*Assignments were easy to pass for those who hate exams ;0)
By Yousaf A
•Apr 23, 2020
I always used to take personal branding or self promotion as a negative act but this course helped me to understand the real and basic meaning of Personal branding. It taught the importance of Personal Branding in a very positive way. The Instructor Kimberley R. Barker is just amazing and her way of teaching is very lovely. To all those people who are criticizing about the content of this course should understand that this was meant to understand the idea of Personal Branding and how you carry it. It was not meant to teach digital marketing or advertisement everyone should understand this. I simply loved this course.
By David L
•Feb 26, 2019
This course gave me exactly what I wanted to learn, and exactly what I expected. There were some lessons that took a deeper dive into theory, which fit perfectly into the flow of the lessons, while other lessons took a more practical approach, and covered how each of the social media platforms fit into a personal branding plan. I plan to use what I learned to fine-tune my personal social media presence, and to help develop a branding plan for my urban neighborhood. The course work is not heavy, and 5 weeks is a generous amount of time to complete the course.
By Arif B
•Jun 3, 2019
It was a great experience for me to have a course of Introduction to Personal Branding. Truly, I didn't know about anything about personal branding. I was a bit of nurvous after enrolled in that course. But Kimberley Madam make it very easy for me. The way she taught us it wasn't seems that kind of difficult during the course. Now, I'm eager to do some more course from coursera. And last of I want to the coursera admins to give me financial aid to take this course without payment. Otherwise, It wasn't possible for me to take that kind of valuable course.
By Liau C Z
•Jun 7, 2020
This is my second time taking a course from University of Virginia. Both times, the courses were enjoyable (I took New Business Models in Society previously). This course about Personal Branding was interesting thanks to the lecturer. She delivered content in a "Youtuber"-style, which made the content feel more "personal", fitting in nicely with Personal Branding. However, I believe that too much time was dedicated to dissecting the benefits of Twitter - a platform not very popular for businesses and professionals in Asia (where I come from).
By Hồ H N
•Sep 16, 2020
The teacher is really outstanding. She has rich experience of life skill and personal brand. The style of teaching is absolutely attractive. I used to learn from other courses but those all have bad way of delivering their knowledge, which is hugely boring to me, I have to admit that. But everything come to change when I learn this course form her. She has a brilliant talent of facial expression. It really stand out in my mind when any one asks me about what the best course on coursera to me. Thanks for delivering this lesson to me.
By Lahia G
•Jul 12, 2020
Really loved Kimberley as an instructor. Engaging, attention grabbing while being short, sweet and to the point. Really great resources were provided and now a fan of the Reply All podcast which I had never head about before. Easy to follow layout of the course, and despite not having the heaviness you'd think you'd need to learn a lot, I'm truly surprised how much has resonated with me, the touch points I see in everyday life now (personal and work), and being able to apply everything I learn immediately. Thank you Kimberley!
By Esmeralda F
•Feb 11, 2021
This course, was one of my favourites! Not only because all the things I learned were really interesting, but also because Kimberley (our teacher) was really great! It was like I had live conversations with her! Her videos were beautiful & she gave as a lot of articles to read. I also liked a lot, that if you were more interested in some themes, in each article you could find more links & extra infos to read about, which was great! Kimberley's world "hello learners" will remain in my heart. Thanks a lot for everything*
By Renjie L
•Mar 30, 2021
Really good course, learned a lot. Thank you.
1. The 80/20 rule - post 80% of the contents which are useful or adding value to the reader, and leave the 20% for personal brand promoting
2. for monitoring personal branding and images online.
3. Find 3 words for yourself, and revisit them at least once a year.
4. Find your Myers-Briggs Type Indicator
5. When you are finding the board members, find some one you admire and respect, find some one would support and care deeply about you. No yesman.
By Iman A
•Aug 26, 2017
It's a great course, very introductory and easy to finish. If it's your first attempt to learn about personal branding and you are looking for a course that gives you general information about the topic, so this is it. It's not for someone who searches for deep, in-detail instruction. Plus, the instructor is so nice and I enjoyed her style of passing experience through, though I am sure she has more to give. Thank you very much Kimberly. Now I am going to watch the videos again because I feel like I want to!
By Vanessa C
•Oct 2, 2016
This course was useful and exciting. I often feel that I am the sole millennial born without social media skills. Now, I feel that I have the tools to succeed in the social media world. Thank you Kimberley Barker! Your course was well crafted and your videos were great! All of the assignments brought forth new insights. I appreciate the personality you brought in to the class, including the Hobbit references and Star Trek paraphernalia in the background! Live long and prosper. The road goes ever on and on:P
By Elizaveta R O
•Mar 27, 2018
I can say that this online course is gorgeous! G-O-R-G-E-O-U-S!
Because there is nothing superfluous and useless in it. Each part is saturated with new information that Kimberly Barker presents to us in a new light and with a new awareness of importance. I got a real pleasure from the course, and I think that there is nothing to change in it. Only maybe add some information, because I wanted to know something more new (but it isn't necessarily)!
Thank you very much for such a useful course. I am delighted!
By Shirley F B
•May 20, 2018
The information presented is definitely helpful for a social media newbie. I've never wanted to be on any social media site, and feel that my life has been complete without the hassle of social media. However, I'm now forced to think seriously about how an internet presence will help me as I enter the next phase (retirement) of my life. The lectures were fun, but on the mark. The readings were pertinent, though some were frightening for a person already skeptical about "getting my name out there."
By Aedrian A
•Jan 18, 2021
I deeply appreciate the practicality of the course and the friendly demeanor of the instructor. This course is particularly useful for people like me who are admittedly weak in social/soft skills who have yet to take the issues surrounding personal branding seriously. Nevertheless, take note that this course is not the definitive material for developing your personal branding - hence the "Introduction" - and should drive your interest to read more and take further courses on the subject.
By Dr S N S
•Apr 30, 2020
Thanks for the opportunity to take up this Course.
This course is simple yet very Straight forward, Does not overwhelm you with course Material.
This Course provided me an opportunity to pick up few vital or key Information in building my personal Brand.
I wish all of us get to aware of Personal Branding, so that we can make our life unique opportunity to exchange our gifts, have fulfilling and prosperous life.
Thanks to the Course Instructor and Coursera for the opportunity provided.
By Alena P
•Mar 25, 2020
Хочу оставить этот отзыв на русском, чтобы мои русские коллеги поняли, насколько этот курс хороший. Несмотря на то, что по описанию курс может показаться очень базовым, в нем есть пару интересных features ,которые точно вас удивят. Так же хочу сказать, что задания были не сложными, поэтому их вполне можно выполнить за раз, не нужно растягивать весь курс. В завершении хочу сказать, что мне безумно понравилось как преподает Кимберли и ее манера речи. Цепляет)
By Rania S A
•Jul 1, 2020
This course is very helpful and gives a lot of insights. The teacher is very cheerful and makes me want to learn more about the topic. You will get understanding about what personal branding means and what it means to be a brand, define a brand mission statement for their personal brand, build a board of directors, become familiar with the basics of digital security and reputation management, and create a routine for on-going brand maintenance
By Natalia P
•Sep 6, 2020
It was an absolutely necessary course! Firstly, because I support the basic ideas of the course, secondly - because I am aware of my personal promotion in the digital environment and thirdly - but not least - the course has suggested multiple ideas about my subsequent activity, on my Facebook and Instagram pages. Thank you! It is a kind of awakening to reality and the acceptance of rules that we simply have to follow!
By Alejandra B P
•Nov 7, 2018
It's an awesome course and the teacher has the expertise and experience. It's really good to start but I think this exercise goes a little beyond an jntroductory thing. My only suggestion would be regarding the name because if I want to have this certificate in LinkedIn, for exampl6, the word introduction it's not very good... But thanks, it's really awesome, and the teaching is very good, fresh and unique.
By Jessica L
•May 6, 2017
Nice introduction to this concept that is not very covered where I live, in France. I think this is the first step to build something great, not only in business, but also in al the field in where we are engaged, associatives, personal life. The study materials are very interesting and the teacher is very funny. I learned as much as I laughed in font of my laptop :) Thanks to her to give all these good advices !
By Martin M
•Jan 30, 2019
Do you wonder why you have more talent when compared to others but are never recognized for it?There are many smart and talented people in the world, yet only a few get the recognition they deserve.
Personal branding is the key to unlock all this.... Thanks to Kimberley R Barker for enriching me with these skills and Coursera too.
Read more at:
By Sarah
•Jun 6, 2021
Wonderful and informative course. No much focus on peer-review stuffs which usually wastes our time. However, I didn't like the google password security suggestion included in the course as my password got copromised due to their negligence. My instagram got hacked immediately due to google data breach. Google made life so stressed after data breach so I shifted to ddg, Mozilla, tutanota or Ecosia completely.
By Trixy L
•Jan 30, 2018
I really loved this course. The instructor, Kimberley, was engaging and just all around fun. I wanna hang out with her at her favorite building or under her favorite tree and just drink tea and chit chat. She loves what she does, loves helping others, loves to watch you succeed. I suppose I'm assuming all of this but I just feel it to be truth. The course is fun, easy, and you leave feeling like you got this.
By Gautier D
•Sep 26, 2016
This is one of the most refreshing MOOCs I have ever done. Be careful, you are not enrolling for a classic course, where you have people with formal postures standing in front of a green screen and weird slides. You are enrolling for Kimberley R's course. It is her way of teaching. And basically, she is really engaging and decicated to her "learners". Great course! Thanks University of Virginia :)
By Minal M
•Jul 19, 2020
Loved this course. I myself am engaged in blogging and have a personal brand, but I did not know that it takes so much efforts and behind the scene works apart from the content that I put to engage the audience. This Course definitely gave me more insight on how to keep my audience engaged and how to not loose the main essence of my brand. Thank you so much for the raw and informative lectures.