Oct 11, 2021
The classes are very good, everything is well-explained. I learned a lot from this course. The experience was that good I will continue at finishing UCI online courses. UCI got my heart from now on.
Sep 11, 2021
I had been having a great time during this course. It was quite challenging especially the last two weeks of the course! But I've seen significant improvement in my English grammar, thank you
•Jun 15, 2021
By Dr. V K M
•Jun 4, 2021
By Artem M
•Nov 7, 2019
By Eri L
•May 10, 2017
By Bernardita B
•Sep 8, 2023
Escribo en español, ya que piden mi opinión en español.
Es un buen curso, pero a mi juicio se genera una distorsión que no sé si se genera por el lenguaje utilizado en el curso o no deja el espacio al criterio.
Tomé el curso para mantener el idioma. Aprendí inglés británico, por lo que para mi la palabras son favourite o neigbhour. Lo importante es poder comunicarse de manera oral o escrita y aunque conozco que hay diferencias ortográficas, lo obvio es que tengo que optar por una forma que transforme el uso del inglés en algo automático, como sucede con la lengua materna, y no tener que estar pensando. Al mismo tiempo ser capaz de entender, pero no necesariamente utilizar las mismas palabras. Eso también sucede con el propio idioma. Una cosa es distinguir entre el lenguaje coloquial y el formal o las diferencias en el uso del idioma entre paises en que se habla el mismo idioma y otra distinta es tener que tener que manejar las particularidades de un idioma según un país. Esto sucede en idiomas como el francés o el español.
Sugiero revisar las instrucciones de las tareas y las rúbricas.
By Heshan D
•Oct 24, 2020
This Course seems too simple. But actually I learned so many new things from this course. This is a very interesting course. Even though there are some troubles I want to mention. Any of the assignment haven't been reviewed by the staff members. Also there is a method called '' peer assignment". I have faced so many troubles because of that.
In peer assignments, our answers are reviewed by our classmates. It is not a good method. Because how can we count on other classmates' knowledge?. There are different kind of people with different kind of knowledge. When answering to the Some peer assignments I had answered in correct verb form but some of class mates reviewed them as wrong. So I answered them again an again. It had better change those messy things.
However I would like to say that this course is a good and interesting course .Also I recommend this to others.
By Deane L
•May 16, 2019
Hi, there!
Congratulation! This is a very really good course! I really commended it!
On the other hand, if you don't mind, I would like to tell you that I am a little disapointed about one thing:
We write sentences, paragraphs and so on, but our teachers don't give us any comments, I mean any feedback is provided .
Our partners, well, they are learning English too, so I don't think their comments are sufficient or properly all the time. It's a good method but I am not sure it is enough.
Teachers’ feedback has been found to influence their relationships with students and students’ outcomes, including their academic engagement and aspects of their self-perceptions (Dobbs & Arnold, 2009.)
This is something you should think about it. It will be great. Certainly, students we feel much more supported!
Finally, all the exercices are very good!
your devoted student,
Deane Lianna Oliveira
By Laura C F M
•May 10, 2020
El Perfect Tense fue un tema con el que siempre tuve dificultad ya que no entendía bien en que contexto utilizarlo, con este curso pude comprenderlo mejor y saber en que momento se necesita y en cual es innecesario.
The Perfect Tense was a subject with which I always had difficulty since I didn't understand well how to and in what what context to use it, with this course I was able to understand it better and know when it is needed and when it is unnecessary.
By Firdavs M
•Nov 14, 2016
The course is informative and entertaining, but sometimes things are explained in a way people might have hard time to understand. Things could've been made and explained easier. Audio in some of the videos are of poor quality, not something you expect from a course that teaches you a language. I shall give a feedback in the course page itself once I have gone through all material. Overall, the course is worth taking. Good luck to everyone.
By Hermes J D R P
•Feb 28, 2020
A great resource to review the grammar rules relating to perfect tenses and modal verbs. There are several positive aspects of this course: quality content, amazing instructors and active assessment tasks. However, I don't give 5 stars to this course because some of the exams and activities were too easy and simple for me. Therefore, It's something that could be improved.
By César Q
•May 11, 2021
I entered to the "Audit Course Mode" and it's good, but they don't allow you to do some excersices and some exams, they don't show you if you're right with your questions or if you're wrong, but well, the course it's kind of boring but actually it's good, thanks from México.
•Jun 26, 2020
Such an excellent course that give me a complete basic understanding in Tense. If you are a not native speaker, you must participate in this course. Finally, I would like to thank all of the mentors who has been really excellent.
By Alejandro G G
•Apr 1, 2017
This course is simple but focus on the knowledge you must learn about the most important parts of Perfect Tenses and Modals in English grammar. The course offers enjoyable and useful videos and a lot of examples. I recomend it.
By Karla A C R
•Sep 30, 2020
Very good.
A recommendation, when students grade the tasks, that are more objective at the time of giving the grade and selecting the rubrics, they should give a comment on what are the errors in the work sent.
By Daniela R
•Apr 21, 2021
Muy buen curso, claro y bien explicado. Solo considero que la revisión entre pares falla un poco ya que muchas veces uno no domina lo suficiente la gramatica como para dar una buena retroalimentación
By m i
•Aug 6, 2019
This course was more fruitful than I expected, athought I had thought that I had already understood most of grammar about perfect tense and modals. I've learned lots of things. Thank you.
By Mark W
•Sep 29, 2016
I noticed, what I believed were errors, but there was no where to post comments - I couldn't find a Discussion Forum.
Nor were the presenters still members of staff at the Uni.
By Kosalla l
•Aug 2, 2020
Easy and basic course for beginner. Easy to understand and always excited by doing this course. Thanks for having this course and having opportunity taking this course.
By Carlos S A
•Sep 21, 2020
Muy bien en lineas generales! pongo 4 estrellas porque siempre hay algo que mejorar, ¿quizas un poco de más énfasis en temas de pronunciación? bueno lo recomiendo !!!
By Robyn J
•Oct 31, 2021
I found the course helpful, the teachers friendly and the approach relaxed. Although this is a class for ESL, I believe any student would find value in it.
By Labiba F
•Jun 11, 2020
This was a great learning experience but I wish the quality of the videos were better. The content was great and the instructors seem very sweet!
By Julio R
•Nov 26, 2018
Videos, training material and information are excellent, but I' not sure if the four weeks training were out of the time frame proposed
By Daniel j o b
•Jul 2, 2020
Some of students donˋt have knowledges for checking the tasks. I think it´d be better if a professional teacher checks the tasks.
•Jun 29, 2020
Absolutely loved the explanation of Modals. Also, the course was very well-paced. Thank you teachers and thank you Coursera!
•Aug 25, 2020
I've been going through such a great experience easy and concentrate knowledge I appreciate all teachers efforts thank you.